Man Flees Naked From Home After Finding Spider In Bed


Well-Known Member
Hahhaahahahhaha thats awesome, spiders are little fucks though. Story time

Once me and my friend were driving to this girls house to go swimming, this girl Ive been friends with forever and had her cousin with her who was absolutely bangin and I was trying to impress(this never worked lol), well, we were almost there, in her neighborhood when this fucking DEMON FLYING SPIDER MINIATURE DRAGON THING flies in through my window at us. We were both very baked and Im pretty sure dxm was involved(it had to have been). Well my friend starts screaming just like a little girl.. And hes a big guy, Ive never seen him so terrified.. The thing is standing its ground breathing fire and what not, my friends in my lap screaming about to cry, we're both basically just freaking out like pussies.. Screaming. Loudly. I was operating a car too.This truck in front of us I almost hit like 7 times.. We needed to escape. So when we got there her and her cousin were outside already, my door was locked, powerlocks broken, so my buddy just thrusts out of my window, I follow. We are still screaming, just.. Whoa.. Then we didnt use my car again til the next day.. God dammit that was one of our greatestmemories lol I have to call him up


Well-Known Member
Aww I love praying mantises, they are awesome and are the only ones who truly know how to be a spouse!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
oh. My. Goodness. I just had a moment. I reached to adjust the cushion on my Throne of Posting, and I felt something on it that squirmed. Yaagh! spake I and flung my hand away. I saw something run quickly away on the carpet. So I took a pic for my friends here.
View attachment 2212194

I am SO pleased that I did not injure it. It was PISSED as you can see. It was almost to my shoulder by the time I got it to the back porch and (literally) blew it off. It lives to eat garden pests another day! cn
Ahhh.. I love those little guys. :)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
oh. My. Goodness. I just had a moment. I reached to adjust the cushion on my Throne of Posting, and I felt something on it that squirmed. Yaagh! spake I and flung my hand away. I saw something run quickly away on the carpet. So I took a pic for my friends here.
View attachment 2212194

I am SO pleased that I did not injure it. It was PISSED as you can see. It was almost to my shoulder by the time I got it to the back porch and (literally) blew it off. It lives to eat garden pests another day! cn
Be still my heart! Is that.... Miles Davis in your... window?


Ursus marijanus
Be still my heart! Is that.... Miles Davis in your... window?
Yes! ... and some glorious native baskets that are a fossil from my xgf. cn

I should show you the blanket i bought 3 years ago. It's from the '20s and I've tentatively identified the patten as Two Gray Hils. cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yes! ... and some glorious native baskets that are a fossil from my xgf. cn

I should show you the blanket i bought 3 years ago. It's from the '20s and I've tentatively identified the patten as Two Gray Hils. cn
Please please please. I come from a trading post background. Two Grey Hills is the standard by which all rugs are judged. :)

Not many people know this but the rugs usually symbolize the twelve teachings of the Diné in the weaving.


Well-Known Member
Puta madre guys the OP made me laugh. running through a glass door because something with eight hairy legs touched it.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Puta madre guys the OP made me laugh. running through a glass door because something with eight hairy legs touched it.

I think any naked guy in bed would run through a glass door just to get away from TWO hairy legs, let alone eight.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I can think of some guys who'd be entranced by the prospect of eight other hairy legs in their bed. cn
Only if they're expected.

back to rug (I'm not going to get any sleep tonight).

You realize that (depending on the shape it's in and size) you could have rug worth 5,000 - 10,000 dollars on your hands? Take into account that if it's a famous weaver it will be even higher. In the 1920's, Two Grey Hills style was fully developed and they were still using natural vegetable dyes. You can't find a two grey hills outside of a museum from that period. :D

When I was in college, me and several friends stayed at a cabin in Vallecito. The cabin floor was covered with vintage navajo rugs. I cried. It was a travesty. People wiping their feet on Two Grey Hills, Shiprock Yei's, Ganado style, EVEN CHIEF RUGS!!! I wanted to strangle that whole damn family. LOL


Ursus marijanus
I will warn you, Carne, this rug is not spectacular at all (compared to Google Image examples), and it's also in fairly poor shape ... edges frayed, weave made uneven by apparent exposure, some pretty noticeable motheaten areas. But yes; it was the use of natural dyes and the obvious pure heart of the pattern (compared to some of the garish later andor more Southerly examples, perhaps Chimayo?) that made me peel out the bux three years ago. I bought it at a shop in Oakdale. Cheezy exterior, but the goods were clearly real, premium and selected with knowledge and love.
I think it folded in the meantime. But I had a long talk with the proprietor (he asked me if I was interested in buying the business!) and he must have been a major player: each year's prospecting trip, he'd buy a new extra-long panel van, drive it down to tribal lands, and horsetrade with the merchants. I believe the van ended up as part of the deal. But your uncle has likely met and dealt with him.

Holy shit am i high. Sampling new bubble run tonight. Heeeeeewack. cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I will warn you, Carne, this rug is not spectacular at all (compared to Google Image examples), and it's also in fairly poor shape ... edges frayed, weave made uneven by apparent exposure, some pretty noticeable motheaten areas. But yes; it was the use of natural dyes and the obvious pure heart of the pattern (compared to some of the garish later andor more Southerly examples, perhaps Chimayo?) that made me peel out the bux three years ago. I bought it at a shop in Oakdale. Cheezy exterior, but the goods were clearly real, premium and selected with knowledge and love.
I think it folded in the meantime. But I had a long talk with the proprietor (he asked me if I was interested in buying the business!) and he must have been a major player: each year's prospecting trip, he'd buy a new extra-long panel van, drive it down to tribal lands, and horsetrade with the merchants. I believe the van ended up as part of the deal. But your uncle has likely met and dealt with him.

Holy shit am i high. Sampling new bubble run tonight. Heeeeeewack. cn
You need to frame it. I love old tattered rugs in a frame. I still would love to see it. Between my dad and my uncle they should be able to find out who the weaver was (or which family it came from). That should give you some background on the rug. ::crossing fingers::

I may even get a chance to photograph some of our rugs and put them up here. We have butt loads of them.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Please please please. I come from a trading post background. Two Grey Hills is the standard by which all rugs are judged. :)

Not many people know this but the rugs usually symbolize the twelve teachings of the Diné in the weaving.
I don't want to miss this one either. I have a couple of rugs from the Wyoming area. They are from the 50's or 60's. Don't expect them to worth a dime I just think they are beautiful. One is a saddle blanket.


Well-Known Member
I'm also scared of spiders...the small ones...I don't care for the big ones, the ones I can see. Somehow when I kill one, which I try not to, cause I'm scared other spiders might assemble and attack me vengefully hehe :-(


Ursus marijanus
You need to frame it. I love old tattered rugs in a frame. I still would love to see it. Between my dad and my uncle they should be able to find out who the weaver was (or which family it came from). That should give you some background on the rug. ::crossing fingers::

I may even get a chance to photograph some of our rugs and put them up here. We have butt loads of them.
Good morning
Here it is. It's 36"x72", and I have it hanging. I "stitched" its upper edge onto a strip of lath with many holes in it, then hung the lath. I'd love to know how (and of what) to make a proper frame for it.
1) (Almost) entire rug. Colors are quite subtle from apparent use.
camdump 12jun14 001.jpg
2) Detail of leftedge with laegeish flaw, perhaps from storgae.
camdump 12jun14 002.jpg
3) Detail of worn frayed lower edge.
camdump 12jun14 004.jpg
4) Some stains.
camdump 12jun14 005.jpg