Seedlings Not Growing


Rough picture, seedlings haven't gone in 5 days.
Soil is 75% light warrior, 25 Perlite
Water with distilled grocery store water
Two exfaust fans at the top of the box
Two passive intake at the bottom
Could this be happening if the lights are old?
They are cowering from to much light!! Move those back to leave 6-8" between plant and light.................your scaring them into shock..slow down enjoy the grow don't force just nurture and help out....don't over power back off the light's way too much way too soon!!!!2 week old under T5's.jpg
Forget what ppl tell you about cfls when it comes to seedlings...back the lights off a few inches. Mature plants can take 2-3", but seedlings cannot.
All of what these people have just told you about seedlings and CFLs is bullshit. I have my lights about an inch and a half away from all of my newly sprouted seedlings and they are growing fine.

Check the water you are using it may have salt added to it, Sparklets got in trouble for this about a year ago. Anyways unless your seedlings are little pussy bitches then they should be growing fine with the lighting you have on them.

You can take a seedling and put it in direct sunlight and as long as you dont let the soil dry up it wont wilt up and die...


That is about 8000 lumens 1.5 inches above those little sprouts heads.
The Mylar Survival blanket that is surrounding it makes it about 11100 lumens (according to my light meter)
I have a fan at the bottom on the other side blowing air in and it escapes out 2 holes in the top and 1 in the bottom.
it stays about 78-72 degrees in there from day to night.
I burned up 7 seedlings by having them too close to similar bulbs (55w PLL) so your call of bullshit is turned back on you. Stretching a seedling can be overcome but stunting them with too much light is likely permanent.
I burned up 7 seedlings by having them too close to similar bulbs (55w PLL) so your call of bullshit is turned back on you. Stretching a seedling can be overcome but stunting them with too much light is likely permanent.

Thats probably because A. didnt give it enough water B. it was way to hot or C. you had them way too close.
please remember that when anybody starts off with "all of what anybody else tells you is bullshit" that you have a choice between helpful and hateful. spread the love and knowledge.
Hmm...I want to say overwatering because you see how their little leaves are laid over like gulls wings? They are over don't water til the little pot is feather light and I bet they will stand back up...and I seriously doubt a few CFLs can put out too much light for a plant...not going to happen...and the lights being too close will cause the leaves to fold upwards towards the middle, not downwards back toward the my experience...
thats not a plant, its a baby. take a newborn and put it out in direct sun at one day old and see if it likes it. cfls will produce a bit amount of heat and yes your lights are too close. back them off about 6". can u measure temp before you do(at plant level) because with 4 of tbose cfls going it has to be warm there. other option is just unscrew 2 of them for a few days.
Hmm...I want to say overwatering because you see how their little leaves are laid over like gulls wings? They are over don't water til the little pot is feather light and I bet they will stand back up...and I seriously doubt a few CFLs can put out too much light for a plant...not going to happen...and the lights being too close will cause the leaves to fold upwards towards the middle, not downwards back toward the my experience...

damn, I was just about to say it was probably over watering. like missnu said, wait until the pot feels light as a feather, like it's filled with styro-foam instead of soil. weight is a great way to tell when your plants need water.
Isn't this what we've been talking about?!?

Well under an inch is too close. 1.5 inches, LIKE I SAID HOW I HAVE IT! is perfect.

And when i say what people are saying is bullshit, I mean they are saying stuff that they may have witnessed in their life, but what they dont know is it could have been a multitude of different problems. I am telling you, from what I have read and what I have experienced, if you do everything perfect, then you can keep your CFL lights anywhere around 1.5-3 inches away with no problems at all.

OP, hard to tell, but what color are your leaves?

If your referring to me, sprouts leaves are usually either green or emerald green (World of Warcraft Emerald green, if you know what I am saying ahahaha)
thats not a plant, its a baby. take a newborn and put it out in direct sun at one day old and see if it likes it. cfls will produce a bit amount of heat and yes your lights are too close. back them off about 6".

I fail to see how putting a new born plant in direct sunlight is going to kill it. These plants naturally are exposed to sunlight from the moment they poke their heads out of the soil unless they are luck enough to pop up in shade. You are trying to tell me that all mj plants planted in direct sunlight are going to die or grow super slow?

Comparing cfl and natural sunlight is like comparing an oreo to a fresh batch of warm brownies.

Here is a basic rule of thumb for cfl. Put your hand on the part of your plant closest to the light palm up towards the light. Move the light as close to your hand as you can before it becomes uncomfortable to have it there for a few seconds. That's about as close as you should have cfl's to your plant.
hahaha this thread is funny.....anyone who said your lights cant be 2 inches away like that is just plain wrong because thats what ive ALWAYS done with great results..nice short bushy plants 4-6 inches from seed and already with branches..compact flouros are also not hot whoever said that..maybe a little can put your hand 2 inches away and never feel your hand get is NOT your problem
^^ 7 seedlings, 2-3" from top. All turned yellow and brown and then did not grow any more after that. I raised the lights a few inches and have not had the problem again, and have not changed much since.
i fail to see how putting a new born plant in direct sunlight is going to kill it. These plants naturally are exposed to sunlight from the moment they poke their heads out of the soil unless they are luck enough to pop up in shade. You are trying to tell me that all mj plants planted in direct sunlight are going to die or grow super slow?

Comparing cfl and natural sunlight is like comparing an oreo to a fresh batch of warm brownies.

Here is a basic rule of thumb for cfl. Put your hand on the part of your plant closest to the light palm up towards the light. Move the light as close to your hand as you can before it becomes uncomfortable to have it there for a few seconds. That's about as close as you should have cfl's to your plant.

hahaha this thread is funny.....anyone who said your lights cant be 2 inches away like that is just plain wrong because thats what ive always done with great results..nice short bushy plants 4-6 inches from seed and already with branches..compact flouros are also not hot whoever said that..maybe a little can put your hand 2 inches away and never feel your hand get is not your problem

thank you very much!

^^ 7 seedlings, 2-3" from top. All turned yellow and brown and then did not grow any more after that. I raised the lights a few inches and have not had the problem again, and have not changed much since.

They probably would of been fine either way. Usually when seedlings pop out yellow it is because their is little to no nutrients in the soil and the plant was forced to use all of its energy on growing its roots out.

What I have heard people say is that plants dont need nutrients until they are 12 inches tall, they can naturally grow on their own nutrients. Hearing someone say this made me laugh and question it, so I tried growing a seedling in perlite and clean nutrient free soil. The plant died when it hit its fourth set of leaves. It also stretched like a mother.
hahaha this thread is funny.....anyone who said your lights cant be 2 inches away like that is just plain wrong because thats what ive ALWAYS done with great results..nice short bushy plants 4-6 inches from seed and already with branches..compact flouros are also not hot whoever said that..maybe a little can put your hand 2 inches away and never feel your hand get is NOT your problem

See bolded...2 inches then 4-6 inches...?
idk what your problem is tho but thats one ghetto as may just not have the green thumb man...ill give you an outline and you can find what you messed up....seedlings in dirt KEEP DIRT MOIST until seedling is about 3 inches then start the routine of watering and allowing the soil to dry on the top couple inches before watering again..lights should always be about 2-6 inches from plants so as to stop stretching...continue this without doing anything else until the plant is about 6-8 inches which you can then start training or top if you about 8-10 inches you will need to start feeding...use something like technaflora recipe for success or the go box from general organics as both of these come with a cant f it up feeding feed once a week watering possibly twice or so depending on pot size and heat which will determine how fast your dirt dries...after the plant is of a good size 2ft or so you switch to 12/12 and to the flowering nutes and continue what you were already doing....this is a no fail plan ya theirs plenty more you can learn to increase yield and whatnot but follow these steps and you cant fail....if you do stick to buying your pot