Well-Known Member
Some things can be demonstrated inside to our inner Objective. Call it super-micro, outside in, science. The opposite, perhaps of physical science since as Observer, we have a very large role, even in that. In this science, Observer is all. We prep, we observe, we know. And also, the opposite of maco-science, it is proven, but can't be proved. The experience is repeatable, but if one ever gets any tech from it, it can't be shared.
There is this concept of Now, and all who get there, somehow, take great joy from the experience. Every bit of life is Now except that mostly we live, not in the Outer world we see as so Objective. Oh, no, not even that. We live in a mind cloud as I'm sure we know.
We only pay our coin of attention when required. Yikes! The Brakes!
At work we get paid to pay attention. For entertainment we force our attention into the very present and call it a great movie, a perfect downhill ski run, that sunset took my breath away.
Now there are those who say this experience is reproducible without the adrenalin, on demand and constantly. This is the scientific verification and is available to all. But, the very thing you require so's ya don't buy a pig in a poke, so to speak, is the one thing that will prevent your prep, and yield no result. And considering all the other quantum paradox principles we've touched on, this is not surprising to me.
As I have learned this pesky belief in a powerful spirit world is part of us. Most of the world today takes it as fact, as they did before the mission of Christ. As they have done for as far back as is known. Not saying the superstitious trappings of fear and control are correct, just that the overwhelming evidence is that it all boils down to the same thing. Some may say it's the fear of the dark and the fear of death, hate and superstition. But, I say, there is something in us that causes this surety of joy. I disregard all definitions of this Self Experience, but this one, Joy, It seems a powerful force if history is a judge.
So, we can say religions of the world don't get it, are the root of many wrongs, but we can't say the world would be better now if we never had religions in this world. We always have. Those that prep may find. But, it's not the questioning plea of religion. The religions have sought to humbly describe, as science has. Yet, both are bent to good and evil. Just breathe deep. Why waste the oxygen? Peace.
There is this concept of Now, and all who get there, somehow, take great joy from the experience. Every bit of life is Now except that mostly we live, not in the Outer world we see as so Objective. Oh, no, not even that. We live in a mind cloud as I'm sure we know.
We only pay our coin of attention when required. Yikes! The Brakes!

Now there are those who say this experience is reproducible without the adrenalin, on demand and constantly. This is the scientific verification and is available to all. But, the very thing you require so's ya don't buy a pig in a poke, so to speak, is the one thing that will prevent your prep, and yield no result. And considering all the other quantum paradox principles we've touched on, this is not surprising to me.
As I have learned this pesky belief in a powerful spirit world is part of us. Most of the world today takes it as fact, as they did before the mission of Christ. As they have done for as far back as is known. Not saying the superstitious trappings of fear and control are correct, just that the overwhelming evidence is that it all boils down to the same thing. Some may say it's the fear of the dark and the fear of death, hate and superstition. But, I say, there is something in us that causes this surety of joy. I disregard all definitions of this Self Experience, but this one, Joy, It seems a powerful force if history is a judge.
So, we can say religions of the world don't get it, are the root of many wrongs, but we can't say the world would be better now if we never had religions in this world. We always have. Those that prep may find. But, it's not the questioning plea of religion. The religions have sought to humbly describe, as science has. Yet, both are bent to good and evil. Just breathe deep. Why waste the oxygen? Peace.