400w 1st hydro grow in grow tent


Active Member
Tent setup:
3x3x6, 400w Cool tube, carbon filter, 2 6" inline fans and dwc system
Jungle juice M/B (Lucas formula), Big bud, Bud candy, Overdrive and Final phase
Pineapple chunk, white siberian, acapulco gold and some bag seeds

Today makes 2 weeks from germ there looking healthy but havent really grown much.. on the other hand check that baby out :lol: it was almost scary how fast she grew when i gave her the nutes! the other ones growing but obviously not as fast as her. she did undergo some stress im guessing thats why, but so far so good ill be giving the other 3 ladys nutes in about a week.


Active Member
Nah bro ima grow them in there for now then once they get big enough ill put them in the 18 gallon bin next to it.. my plan is 2 fully grow 2 in the 18g and then another 2 in there own 5g bucket


Active Member
Need help! 2 of em are are starting to discolor does this look like nute burn ? i had put them on 1/4 strength for about a day or two and this happened. i flushed them earlier today i hope they can recover :(


Active Member
1 of em died :( the other one with nute burn is starting to recover tho its growing 4 leaves on the inside and is starting to turn greener. hope she makes it tho! the rest are looking good so far.. i really hope these bag seeds im growing are females tho, any way i can find out if there females right now ?


Active Member
Well I got me a meter that shows the ph/ppm/temps. ppm is very important because you want to know how much you are feeding your plant. I use ph up and ph down , both can be found in any hydro store. I been having my water temp under 70 F People use water chillers but I said fuck it I dont need to spend an extra 400 for that and also i am doing single 5 gallon dwc. I have no issues with root rot and my water temps been up to as high as 75. When I started hydro the first thing I did is get me the meter but with soil I never really monitor anything just my room temps and humidity .


Active Member
Yea i keep my ph around 5.5-6-0.. but what exactly is ppm ? is that the level u have your air pump at or what ? i dont really get that


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy! I'm in the same boat as you! check out my journal!.... Here's my thoughts, are your roots really nice looking yet? if not maybe they're getting super stressed... I'd place them under florescents for a bit just to get them a little stronger. you can get some cheap cfl's that will do the trick. If the roots are healthy looking, try just giving them straight water with a touch of nutes, and make sure you PH balance them... thats much more important at the begining than the PPM. I try to keep mine around 6.0-6.3. Other people have different ideas, but I've been having great success with that. Wish you the best, check out mine every now and then and I'll keep tabs on yours! Good Luck!


Active Member
nice looking setup bro will def be keeping tabs on your grow! and yea the roots are looking good ima be keeping them in just water for about a week or so since there recovering from nute burn. i had a couple of questions tho..
  • i started to use the powder ph down and it leaves residue in the res and on the net pots is that normal ? and also one of the plants rockwool got real soggy and lost its shape its just a chunk of rockwool holding the roots is that going to effect anything in the future ? if so what should i do

Also how much do you plan on yielding out of your setup ? ill def switch mines up to something like that if its worth it


Active Member
Her leaves are starting to discolor and look slightly yellow any know what is causing this ? and if so what should i do? shes been in 5.5 ph water for a couple of days now..


sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Not to sound like a smart ass but how do you start a dwc grow and not know the general basics such as ppm or ec? Sounds to me that you need learn some basics before you started your grow. Just giving you some tough criticism.

You need to flush your plants


Active Member
they have been flushed i said theyve been in 5.5 ph water for a couple of days... and thanks bro i know i gotta read up on ppm and all that didnt realize it was that important. do you know whats wrong with her tho ?

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
The yellowing won't go away. You'll just grow new green leaves. If you don't have a ppm meter than just use 1/4 nute strength when feeding your plants. If you do have a ppm meter start off around 200 ppm's.


Active Member
Week 3 i started to give em 1/4 strength nutes hope she recovers! the other one is doing ok hopefully things could go smoove from here on out for them.. my other 2 ladys are looking lovely tho im surprised she caught up to the other one last week she was half that size! Today makes about a month for them