400w 1st hydro grow in grow tent


Active Member
Week 4 and my pineapple chunk is looking pretty good had her on 1/4 strength nutes for a week now. I just gave up on the other one it wasnt dying but it wasnt growing neither.. my other 2 ladys are doing well tho they're growing real bushy and short exactly what i hoped for! i also got 3 more little guys growing back there just in case the 2 big ones turn out to be male. As u can see i hung up the filter and taped up the bin. Can any one tell me how deep the 2 bigger ones look into veg ? and also whats a good sign to know that your plant is ready to switch to 12-12 ?

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Week 4 and my pineapple chunk is looking pretty good had her on 1/4 strength nutes for a week now. I just gave up on the other one it wasnt dying but it wasnt growing neither.. my other 2 ladys are doing well tho they're growing real bushy and short exactly what i hoped for! i also got 3 more little guys growing back there just in case the 2 big ones turn out to be male. As u can see i hung up the filter and taped up the bin. Can any one tell me how deep the 2 bigger ones look into veg ? and also whats a good sign to know that your plant is ready to switch to 12-12 ?

I would personally flipped them when they are 12 to 18 inches because they can grow two to three times more during flower. But you need to see if you have enough head room so they don't grow into your light. The other plants that are still small can you veg them out longer after you flipped the bigger plants that might be ready?


Active Member
Yea ima wait till my pineapple chunk is around there size then ima switch to 12-12.. and the tent is 6 ft tall so i have a good 4-5 feet to work with. Also i was wondering is it possible to flower for about a week or two and then go back to veg ? i wanna just make sure that the bagseeds im growing are female thats y

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Yea ima wait till my pineapple chunk is around there size then ima switch to 12-12.. and the tent is 6 ft tall so i have a good 4-5 feet to work with. Also i was wondering is it possible to flower for about a week or two and then go back to veg ? i wanna just make sure that the bagseeds im growing are female thats y

That would make your process take much longer. What I've done before is veg your plants and take a cutting from your veg plants and put them in a glass of water and flip your cuttings to 12/12. I think it should take 2 weeks in the flower stage to determine the sex.


Active Member
I dont wanna take cuttings from the bigger ones tho because idk if there female or not thats why im gonna wait till im able to clone my pineapple chunk cus i know shes a female for sure.. and do you know how long they can survive in a glass of water ? i wont have any where to put my clones if i have my other girls flowering in the tent

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
I dont wanna take cuttings from the bigger ones tho because idk if there female or not thats why im gonna wait till im able to clone my pineapple chunk cus i know shes a female for sure.. and do you know how long they can survive in a glass of water ? i wont have any where to put my clones if i have my other girls flowering in the tent
Lithe clones in a glass of water can survive for at least 2 weeks but they will turn yellow s little.


Active Member
Week 5 for my pineapple chunk shes growing nice and even not too bushy.. compare this weeks pic to last weeks and look at the difference! my other 2 ladys are doing well the one in the back is growing really tall tho hopefully i can switch to 12-12 in a week or two.. i hit the shorter one by accident thats why i think it slowed the growth a bit, shes been growing but obviously not as fast as the other one. also she has alot of leaves growing in the same area under the fan leaves is that normal ?



Active Member
Guys my ph meter broke and this fucking powder ph is messing up my plants.. if i dont keep the ph at the right level whats the worst that could happen ? moneys a little tight right now so its gonna take me atleast a week or two till i get my liquid ph and a new ph meter


Active Member
wtfff :( my pineapple chunks leaves are starting to curl up cause of this powder ph what should i do ? should i just leave her on tap water or give her nutes ?


Active Member
Guys my pineapple chunks not looking good at all i know i fucked up but its my first grow it wasnt going to be perfect but i didnt expect it to be this shitty. Atleast now i have the knowledge to grow correctly for my next grow.. I was thinking should i just give up on her and throw my other 2 ladys into flowering ?


Active Member
I decided to throw these ladys into flowering today.. as u can see i put them in there own bucket, im hoping that she will start growing idk y her growth got stunted. The other one is growing beautifully tho now i just gotta wait 2 weeks to see if there female!


Active Member
Anyone know whats all that building up in the res ? idk if its the ph down or what but i mixed it in really good this time and it keeps happening. I think what ever this is killed my other plant

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Sorry to say but a ph meter is critical when growing in dwc. Without it it's too hard to grow this style. And for the powder ph up and down well I never used it before. I only used the liquid form. What kind of ph meter did you have. I use oakton ph and ppm meters.


Active Member
my ph meter works but the bulb is broken so its a bitch to get it to work but i checked its 5.6 right now.. i know more or less how much ph to add to keep it at 5.5


Active Member
The shorter one doesnt seem to be growing shes been the same size for a week or 2 now and shes starting to get spots on her leaves, should i just grow the one thats doing well ? i was thinking about throwing her back into veg once i see if shes female or not is that possible? im trying to yield as much possible if ima be growing just 1 plant.. would it be worth keeping her on flowering from here on out or should i put her back in veg and let it get a little bigger ?


Active Member
week 1 of flowering (sorry for the bad quality my phone broke) The taller one is doing well the shorter one is growing just really slow, i was just going to grow the tall 1 but the short one is growing roots so ima just let her grow out. the only problem im having now is temp issues but im getting an a/c asap. hopefully ill b able to tell by next week if there females!


Active Member
i topped 3 nodes just to see what the outcome will be.. also for my next grow im thinking about growing some autoflowers, has anyone ever grown autoflowers and do you recommend it? i know that they yield less and are less potent but 2 months from seed to harvest sounds pretty good to me. i could grow atleast 5 in this tent if i put em each in there own bucket. im just having trouble on picking what strain to grow i was leaning towards ultra lemon haze and afghan kush ryder..