One Seed Is it Possible


Well-Known Member
Seeds can be produced from a variety of ways. One way. Can be stress. Also it can have mutated genetics. I just harvested 2 seperate plants. Same exact genetica cause i took the cuts off the same mom. They both produced nugs, with a seed or two threwought the whole plant. Plants can genetically be hermies and you won't see it until flower. An thats why i tested out the strain, because the genetics werent proven to be fully female. And btw you can make seeds without pollen. Look into breeding and you'll see some shit called silver colloidal spray or something. You spray a branch with it and it produces feminized seeds. That's how you get seeds from your proven female genetics without crossing. And the thing about a seed popping out from evolution, unless you got a shot load of radioactive material around you to help speed up evolution or something crazy lol. Evolution doesn't happen over 1 plant, it happens over hundreds of thousands of years.


Well-Known Member
Maybe bullwinkle was in contact at some point with a person who ad some pollen on him & that pollen transmit from person to person, than bullwinkle get home pay a visit to his plants and a single dust of pollen manage to transfer to one bud.


Active Member
I don't know alot so take this for what it is. mj will adapt to the surrounding that it is in. from what I have researched(sorry can't provide proof) A plant will herm to further keep on liveing so to speak. it scard me when I first rad it because I was for sure that I had all females, and I do but that still can change do to the enviroment.
Is there pre-seeds in it they will look like little sacs of leafs in the bud. Don't know for sure that is what those little things are, but if those are present then maybe your have a hermed plant and only one seed produced by the time you flowered.
nobie thought so don't take to siriously


Im gonna side with immaculate seed conception. And thank god for spell check because you know my dumbass cant spell immaculate.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

Herp a Derp! what an amazing pissing contest! Well grab your umbrellas, cuz i been eatin asparagus!

Many plants can produce sterile proto-seeds without pollen, but cannabis isnt one of em.

Cannabis, and it's similar species generally reproduce sexually. It can self pollinate (but only by creating male flowers in addition to female) so if seeds are found, this is evidence of the presence of pollen from somewhere.

Outdoors, birds, the wind, insects, animals and even people can deliver pollen from many miles away. cannabis pollen is a dine dust, and one grain can travel great distances, and last for month in the environment. when landing on a pistil, the pollen triggers that calyx to create a seed. one bud is many calyxes. one pollen grain does not fertilize a bud, it fertilizes a calyx. one calyx makes one seed generally (but not exclusively). one pollen grain can easily produce a single seed.

indoors, a single pollen grain can hide in a crevice, a cobweb, in a ventilation conduit, or in a filter's medium for a year or even more conditions vary, but pollen sealed in light proof containers with low moisture and cold temps can last a decade or more. some claims have been made of viable pollen being extracted from mummies and ice cores, but i cant even guess if those are true. pollen is durable stuff. once dislodged, the pollen can ride the winds of your circulation fans and possibly find a calyx, making a seed. pollen can also enter your growroom through air intake vents (unless you have HEPA filters) or ride in on the gardener's clothing.

TLDR; seed always means pollen from someplace, but you can easily get just one.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Seeds can be produced from a variety of ways. One way. Can be stress. Also it can have mutated genetics. I just harvested 2 seperate plants. Same exact genetica cause i took the cuts off the same mom. They both produced nugs, with a seed or two threwought the whole plant. Plants can genetically be hermies and you won't see it until flower. An thats why i tested out the strain, because the genetics werent proven to be fully female. And btw you can make seeds without pollen. Look into breeding and you'll see some shit called silver colloidal spray or something. You spray a branch with it and it produces feminized seeds. That's how you get seeds from your proven female genetics without crossing. And the thing about a seed popping out from evolution, unless you got a shot load of radioactive material around you to help speed up evolution or something crazy lol. Evolution doesn't happen over 1 plant, it happens over hundreds of thousands of years.
cs or preferably sts treatment creates MALE flowers on the Female plant and those male flowers produce pollen...that pollen introduced to a female flower, as it only contains female genes, produces only female seeds to a female flower intro...this is what you are referring to .... but still obviously pollen is involved