Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!


Well-Known Member
Haha probly not lad lol used to love changing lads nappy and findin his wee man stickin up like a soldier haha pukka lad wot milk u av him on??


Well-Known Member
Being a parent must be the best thing in the world.

It has to be to make up for being the most disgusting. lol
You got that right mantz never thought id find bein covered in shit piss an sick so funny mate lol

Lmfao scotia pal tickle his balls he ll enjoy it more pukka hahaha
Hes got a right set on him aswell mate lol

Haha probly not lad lol used to love changing lads nappy and findin his wee man stickin up like a soldier haha pukka lad wot milk u av him on??
Hes on cow & gate num2 for hungry babies had to move him up cos hes a greedy shit like his fatha lol
pack come chedz jus gotta fetch it.


Well-Known Member
Sweet lad 2 down 2 to go!! Try addin a little more water than usual pal it should help out alot mate its good stuff cow and gate my 2 had that !!;-)


Well-Known Member
my lil boy has been having the same probs pukka i dont get to see him much but think the missus is giving him some kinda baby prune juice and also them belly rubs that scotia said.

horrible watching em struggling to get the shit out...........

fuck nos what that powder was i never ordered it but it niiiiiiiiiiiiice lol


Well-Known Member
Prune juice is another alternative but id try the more water method first as u dont want him avin the shit to much which prune juice coyld cause if given to much its ok between his main bottle id say but yo im no expert at shit like that i owe all that to the misses haha


Well-Known Member
my lil boy has been having the same probs pukka i dont get to see him much but think the missus is giving him some kinda baby prune juice and also them belly rubs that scotia said.

horrible watching em struggling to get the shit out...........

fuck nos what that powder was i never ordered it but it niiiiiiiiiiiiice lol
Yeh its horrible mate hes a right happy chilled dude once hes got it out. hes been havin abit of gripe water for belly ache an thats it hes been sound just these last 4 days with changin the milk im hopin hes better next few days.

Prune juice is another alternative but id try the more water method first as u dont want him avin the shit to much which prune juice coyld cause if given to much its ok between his main bottle id say but yo im no expert at shit like that i owe all that to the misses haha
Think wer gunna see how he goes cos hes still goin just herts him before he goes. just the change i think but ill give em both a try if not cheers lads


Well-Known Member
Hey pukka looks like I'm a little late as normal, congrats to you both on the little one mate.
Na den mate!! dont think i seen you over here before... it is a growin thread not a baby tip 1 so sorry go back some for pr0n lmao!!!!
jokin mate thanks a lot geezer!


Well-Known Member
As a Blade mate,I know exactly what that day must have felt like lol.I when we played wolves,and united never turned up!,I have had many a fight over the years without so much as a teardrop from pain,yet I cried like a bitch in the Millenium stadium lol.The big difference also is the fact I felt we had a very strong team then also,yet got battered lol.So there was no way I was going to put my faith in Porter bagging us goals this time round.
I think we Blades have been well and truly fucked over this season,and how I havn't slapped one of my Owl mates is beyond me lol.
I think if we can get a bonafide striker next year,then the titles ours!.Billy Sharp on loan if southampton don't see him as part of the premiership line-up?.
Quinny was man of match for me,would even say player of season since he's always running his socks off!,,
Anyhow,,thats me done with football for a while.How can you convince your sons to support a club that continuously batters the fuck out of their emotions? lol...
No wonder they want Barca Messi shirts lol.
Peace out,,and ill pop up a couple of pics just b4 im ready to switch to flowering mate..
soz mate missed this post lol

Aye im same washin me hands with um for now lol ill wait till season starts an see what jokers weve bought an whos gone the madness has started allready by looks of it. ill look foward to them pics pal keep um green!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Has anyone popped any GK x clone only's yet?
Yeh bro my mate Scotia1982 popped 5 GK x Livers but was havin a little trouble with his seedlings an killed them off. was worried thinkin they was duds but he had the same probs with his others dampening an foldin over so i no there ok. chedz said he was poppin some for his next run also dont no if he has yet tho.


Well-Known Member
Defo not the seeds m8 5/5 germed nice 1st set of leaves then the enemy advanced and slaughtered my babies. Dampening off disease and from what i've now read aint much u can do about it :-(


Well-Known Member
Defo not the seeds m8 5/5 germed nice 1st set of leaves then the enemy advanced and slaughtered my babies. Dampening off disease and from what i've now read aint much u can do about it :-(
Haha yeh i no now mate it was just me i ant been on for a while then when i did 1st thing i saw was they'd snuffed it wernt till i read an seen it was the dampenin what caurses it mate? i remember seein it a few times on here.


Well-Known Member
First tine ad seen it bro... Fuck a strted freakin out,lost 5x gkxlivers 5x blue cheese a trainwrexk :-( jst.need to b extra careful now lol

hows things anyway matey?? Me's smokin some nice livers jst now which was a pleasant surprise to get. Didnt think ad c any of that strain for a long while lol


Well-Known Member
First tine ad seen it bro... Fuck a strted freakin out,lost 5x gkxlivers 5x blue cheese a trainwrexk :-( jst.need to b extra careful now lol

hows things anyway matey?? Me's smokin some nice livers jst now which was a pleasant surprise to get. Didnt think ad c any of that strain for a long while lol
Same as the other post not been on my own thread for a while mate sorry,............. bit of blues mate bet that was a treat any good? im sound tar matey!