Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!


Well-Known Member
Welcome back old boy, good to see you just made it back in 1 piece lol
been lookin into the taste thingy mate spoke to a few old coco growers an they say batshit is good an make sure you got a good micro life so the coco is more like soil an it tastes just as good as soil, 1 of them a local lad knows his shit an been growin for 22 years lol he's tried everythin growin wise an he says the best hes had taste wise is his own soil mix an fed on only organic teas he's brewed his self, says yield was pants but tasted mint with a only a small 4 day flush, i dont think all coco users would swear by the stuff an use for years if you couldnt sort the taste mate i think you just gotta find it, canna do a organic range might try that, think you gave up way to easy mate but sayin that you are abit of a quiter lmao!

i may well go back to it m8 but i wana start a vendors page on sr and i want my first batch to be the tastey shit, then il go back to yield maybe with the coco, plus i carnt be arse with experimenting or afford to fuck yields up im paying bills not just a hobby to me geezer. I carnt risk burning the shit outa a coco grow with whatever new shit i try to improve flavour with???

but u are right i am a quitter lmao


Well-Known Member
Welcome back old boy, good to see you just made it back in 1 piece lol
been lookin into the taste thingy mate spoke to a few old coco growers an they say batshit is good an make sure you got a good micro life so the coco is more like soil an it tastes just as good as soil, 1 of them a local lad knows his shit an been growin for 22 years lol he's tried everythin growin wise an he says the best hes had taste wise is his own soil mix an fed on only organic teas he's brewed his self, says yield was pants but tasted mint with a only a small 4 day flush, i dont think all coco users would swear by the stuff an use for years if you couldnt sort the taste mate i think you just gotta find it, canna do a organic range might try that, think you gave up way to easy mate but sayin that you are abit of a quiter lmao!

i may well go back to it m8 but i wana start a vendors page on sr and i want my first batch to be the tastey shit, then il go back to yield maybe with the coco, plus i carnt be arse with experimenting or afford to fuck yields up im paying bills not just a hobby to me geezer. I carnt risk burning the shit outa a coco grow with whatever new shit i try to improve flavour with???

but u are right i am a quitter lmao
Makes sense mate if your goin for that stick to what you no init, as soon as ive cracked it mate ill let you no all the details so you can have ago ya self, i defo want to crack it tho with me keepin most my smoke for me. Dont think id would have noticed if it wernt for me growin the blues ive had tasty that many times i could taste the diff from a mile off, it dont taste bad just not got that mouth waterin effect lol my mates in NFT tastes better an his plants are always fucked lookin burnt to fuck. Your gunna have to sort me a spliff so i no how far im off bro.
Might even give canna's soil ago an ther organic range or might tap you for info on the biobizz an try a soil grow, who no's mate i wanna try all ways out at least 1 time, i just love growin geezer!


Well-Known Member
As a Blade mate,I know exactly what that day must have felt like lol.I when we played wolves,and united never turned up!,I have had many a fight over the years without so much as a teardrop from pain,yet I cried like a bitch in the Millenium stadium lol.The big difference also is the fact I felt we had a very strong team then also,yet got battered lol.So there was no way I was going to put my faith in Porter bagging us goals this time round.
I think we Blades have been well and truly fucked over this season,and how I havn't slapped one of my Owl mates is beyond me lol.
I think if we can get a bonafide striker next year,then the titles ours!.Billy Sharp on loan if southampton don't see him as part of the premiership line-up?.
Quinny was man of match for me,would even say player of season since he's always running his socks off!,,
Anyhow,,thats me done with football for a while.How can you convince your sons to support a club that continuously batters the fuck out of their emotions? lol...
No wonder they want Barca Messi shirts lol.
Peace out,,and ill pop up a couple of pics just b4 im ready to switch to flowering mate..


Well-Known Member
whatcha reckon then m8 a oz a plant lmao 4 under 1200 grown organic it will actually have some flavour lol i no u have to buy if ya want flavour cause no way ya gettin it from ya coco grows lmfao just messing m8

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Well-Known Member
Lookin good mate i'd say from lookin, front left an back two 2-3 oz an front right 3-4 oz what you got goin there mate? Psyco an exo??
might change me guess when there further on lol
You no ill crack it mate so dont no why you take piss wont be long an ill be hittin 5-6 oz a plant of tasty coco style ;)


Well-Known Member
ill bet u what ever ya want i pull 18-20oz from them 4...............

dunno really m8 i think its 2 exo n 2 pyscho???


Well-Known Member
Bit early to say mate depends how them colas fill out tho dont it how big are they that front left looks like its laggin. did ya say 2 week veg? might hit that in coco i reckon your more like 12-15 max i could be wrong mate just never see no huge colas with soil, well not from you anyway lmao!!

how they handled the hot weather??


Well-Known Member
lmao average the middle blurry pics had 6oz+ on them and the other 2 pics where grown in 6.5ltr pots and chopped day 56 average lol what u gonna get ya 1 plant under 1 600 pic out yeah its big but it had a light to itself them 2 smaller pics where 6 to a 600 lol


Well-Known Member
I could pul the 6oz blues out? 3 plants 200w each 3 week veg?? lmao behave na dont want ya spittin dummy out geezer plus ive 5 grows ill come back an argue when im old school like you lol


Well-Known Member
No work today mate the mrs has gone back for a day a a favour so ive got the little un poor fuckers constipated so moanin like fuck lol bless him.


Well-Known Member
Mornin mate u tried rubbin his wee bum hole gently wih a baby wipe?? Its what the aninals do in wild wen there babies r constipated. Sounds rotten but it worked for us when he was inly a few months


Well-Known Member
Mornin matey......The mrs does exactly that mate an pushers his legs up on his belly an he gets it out im just a heavy handed cunt a feel like im crushin him an i cant stop laughin if i try ticklin his arse lol hes asleep now thank god so gunna get some breaky an see if me packs turned up :) cheers


Well-Known Member
Being a parent must be the best thing in the world.

It has to be to make up for being the most disgusting. lol