World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yo sambo good u back hope all well and bet u ent taking it slow r ya?
also lil imput on the post side things, u no my paranoia so lets say i no a man (hahahaha) who had by mistake somebody elses package?post/delivery dropped at his house?
now wen he opened it, he didnt notice address n found over 200 dollars worth off usa dieting pills n hunger supressers. now as he had opened this without lokking name and addy he had broke the law. so decided best for all if he got rid these dieting products, maybe over net haha who nos. as didnt want the attention at his addy.
on same week he also had some1 elses envolpes sent through his letterbox wen it was a guy 2 streets away.
this y i think sending is a risk in post. always a twta at sorting office who spots suspect packages either a theive or stoner.
also my area a good few year back went in a postal fuck up where thousands letters lost. i had court dates not sent to me for none payment bills as i hadnt recieved them. was a big mess up


Well-Known Member
Aye am good m8. Dogs totally healed n bk to normal pain in arse lol... Took some pics this mornin so will get them posted in a min when a can get laptop on.... Wot u been up to?


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me. Its showers here today. Got temps dwn to 29 but only cos its cooler lol. Need to get some cash n move rooms before the weather comes bk. Got a spare airpot but dunno wot to put in it. Could do with a fem really,trainwreck still way behind but may be able to get a couple of clones from the psycho mother. Decisions decisions lol


Well-Known Member
yo sambo good u back hope all well and bet u ent taking it slow r ya?
also lil imput on the post side things, u no my paranoia so lets say i no a man (hahahaha) who had by mistake somebody elses package?post/delivery dropped at his house?
now wen he opened it, he didnt notice address n found over 200 dollars worth off usa dieting pills n hunger supressers. now as he had opened this without lokking name and addy he had broke the law. so decided best for all if he got rid these dieting products, maybe over net haha who nos. as didnt want the attention at his addy.
on same week he also had some1 elses envolpes sent through his letterbox wen it was a guy 2 streets away.
this y i think sending is a risk in post. always a twta at sorting office who spots suspect packages either a theive or stoner.
also my area a good few year back went in a postal fuck up where thousands letters lost. i had court dates not sent to me for none payment bills as i hadnt recieved them. was a big mess up

mdb i aint lost a single weed/drug send in over 10yrs

just got a custom seizure letter for 400 fags and also 400 valium got seized yrs ago i sent the the seizure letter they sent a reship and the got through lol


Well-Known Member
Little picture update things in the flower tent hve been taking a bit of a battering with the heat so not lookin so pretty, defo moving rooms asap...

Psychosis 2 wks 12/12 (i think)
2012-05-30 11.20.00.jpg2012-05-30 11.20.13.jpg

Black Rose x BSB's
2012-05-30 11.21.24.jpg2012-05-30 11.21.34.jpg2012-05-30 11.21.50.jpg2012-05-30 11.22.12.jpg2012-05-30 11.22.28.jpg2012-05-30 11.22.37.jpg2012-05-30 11.22.57.jpg

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
not saying u have my lil fruitcake haha but was just saying my postman is a cock n cant read addys. i worry wen i get dodgy post as can see him dropping it crazy lady end road n her calling old bill from seeds or a sample from a mate hahaha.
always a chance human mistake. and as i stated some cocks like my mate who just keeps mistaken posted mail or parcels n made few hundred out it hahah to date. god i wood love a mistaken parcel smoke dropped off tho haha that b a right brucie bonus


Well-Known Member
And the Veg cupboard

Psychosis Lst'd
2012-05-30 11.37.48.jpg2012-05-30 11.38.02.jpg

Trainwreck taking its fuckin time
2012-05-30 11.38.09.jpg2012-05-30 11.38.18.jpg

PurpleWreck 2.5wks 18.6 in DWC (popped same time as TW in coco)
2012-05-30 11.38.28.jpg2012-05-30 11.38.50.jpg


Well-Known Member
Na den scotty me old plants still lookin good with the heat matey nice job hows them airpots treatin ya?
is ya psycho cured yet bet uve bin mongoed for days ant ya? lol
hope ya all well pal!


Well-Known Member
Na den scotty me old plants still lookin good with the heat matey nice job hows them airpots treatin ya?
is ya psycho cured yet bet uve bin mongoed for days ant ya? lol
hope ya all well pal!
Am good mate been busy as, kinda neglecting them past wk... Heats been a killer goin up to 34 at some points :-( Psycho's lovely, defo ma favourite. Was trainwreck but will need to see now lol... Chopped it a bit early so not so much a mongo unless u have a couple but it still enough to leave you wondering what you were doin sometimes?? Cant wait till the nxt ones ready. Goin to try get a couple of cuts today so a can veg one for a while and put one straight into the spare airpot av got. The airpots and coco are good, but they still dont hve the hydro pullin power unless you put alot of effort in. A had the Trainwreck & PW poke through exact same time, put one in coco n the other in DWC and look at the difference in 2.5 wks its ridiculously quick in hydro and av only feed it twice lol

How's the family life anyway, you still off work or a dy here n there??


Well-Known Member
Same here mate seem to be always busy lol its all good tho. highest my temps have gone was 33 i think an it was hot as in there remember when i 1st got the 600w with the standed shade was nearly 40 lol.
I love the psycho mate aswell just a nice all rounder defo on the cards 1st run back.
I wont say that slow growth is down to the coco mate with that TW more like dodgy seed or pheno or stumped should be a lot bigger all mine have been at 2.5 wont be as big as the DWC but not that far off.
Lifes good mate gettin on sound bit tied but always am not a good sleeper anyhow apart from that all gravy an yeh still doin odd day here an there not bad cos cash in hand so gettin by all right money wise plus picked some good few weeks to be jobless an i lol


Well-Known Member
Well today i been hoovering n tidyin up. Not been in house much past few dys so things got into a bit of a mess lol. Sorted now n sittin with a nice psycho joint while the wee man plays in the other room :-D

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
going well the pyscho i hope. think me n u bout same stage flowering at present. bout 2 weeks i am i think.
dunno if weather but noticed last week my plants wilt day before soil dry?


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah it nice m8 jst not much left had to pay gas n lecky for past 4 mnth usage been chasin me for a while n dnt wnt them cuttin me off lol. Its probs jst the hot weather doin it m8 u can c it on ma bsbs proper stressed the poor fuckers,jst hope they dnt hermi on me. Wouldnt worry bout it though m8 think we'l jst get bursts of good weather. A wnt to put the purplewreck into flower but dnt wnt it stressed early on as well,it veggin real nice jst now prayin for a decent yield this time or am givin up a think


Well-Known Member
Jst aint happenin in this house,shit goin wrong all the time. Was gettin crackin yields in ma old fla. Same light same nutes same farm. Expected at least double out it with the exo last time,was very disappointing :-( hopin for better things this time should get 3-4 at least with the veg on the dwc but we'l c. Think a need to make another 1 so will need to price a few things n talk nice to ma mum lol