World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
yeah u fucker its cos they tired out tapping up lines alday poor old pamlela haha.
watching father ted roling a doob
fed up off wanking losing weight aint gonna happen half as fast as is me grow gonna finish finking some high grade brass's as me harvest treat............


Well-Known Member
im no 30stner neway just dont like crowds,pubs,clubs etc fink some dirty old internet fanny will do me ok for the time being whats monthly pay??? lmao

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
flirtbox free dating site n i meet a few from there. slags/single mums/slappers/decent chicks all sorts. easy job or even the phone wap i meet loads them early twentys all over uk. haha man, i been slag most my life hahah


Well-Known Member
hey scotia mate. do any of you know if you get more out of a plant if you veg it longer? ive always done 3 weeks and got 1 and a half oz's but my mate said he vegged his for 5 weeks and got 3 a plant. i think its more down to the strain he's doing


Well-Known Member
A vegged for 4 wks in past n not got any less than 4 a plant. It depends on ur strain n phenotupe mr t
yeah thats what i was thinking. its been 3 weeks from seed this weekend but ive only had the 600w on for 2 weeks. im thinking of switching to 12/12 next weekend. ive had a go at supercropping them, so far so good. the blue cheese nodes aint big enough yet tho.

hows you temps now mate? mine are a lot better the last 2 days

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
My input is longer veg bigger plant bigger the yeild. But yeah r others things depending like pheno n strain but if it same and u have few off the same strain/pheno in general the bigger plant b one on longer veg


Well-Known Member
Size of pots can play a factor shorter veg bigger plants.... Moved rooms yesterday to cooker room at front of house but still jst under 30. Took me 6 hours n a whack to the back of the head so kinda gutted it aint worked. Got a lump the size of a golf ball to show for it instead of decent temps lol


Well-Known Member
Mornin chaps

id say its more to do with node spacin lads not how big the plant is the g13 i did i vegged that under cfls was only 14" after 5 weeks veg was tiny but had 13 sets of nodes so by time it flowered it had around 16 which means 32 bud sites/side colas which means more bud the more you got. i could have vegged for a week or 2 under a 600w an the plant would have been same size but a lot less nodes so less bud sites there no point veggin a huge plant thats got spaced out nodes cos when you do flower an the plant streches the bottom nodes get left behind an dont fatten up like the tops do. i never flower till i have at least 10 nodes dont care about size/height never had a plant go over 3ft cos there always 10-14" when i flip but packed with nodes. soz for ramblin on lads still not sure if it makes sense lol just tryin to say you could have same strain same cut in same medium 1 under hps or sim an 1 under cfls or mh veg for same time say 3 week. the hps will be huge probs nearly 2ft the other will be props 10" but both will have the same amount of nodes ruffly but the small fucker will be more compact an wont strecg as much so all buds get better light pentration the streched fucker same nodes but cos its huge bottom buds get left out an dobt get enough light so even tho same strain same nodes an everythin you end up witl less bud.
rant over lmao

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
pots size yep i wood agree. but my point being if u had say two indenticial clones n grew same bar one had 8 wks veg rather then 4 like other one gets my money b on the 8 week veg having more bud n more nodes n branches
anyways how the fuck r we all?


Well-Known Member
Yeh it defo goes on time not size lol forgot to say that was my hole point lol longer veg more nodes just try to keep the plant as small as you can but with ad many nodes as ya can.

im sound fella hows de?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
alright cheers mate. been smoking so much my lungs ache today haha was a heavy night.
yeah also with keeping them low topping or supercropping or lst will keep that under wraps. i love a good branch bending party haha


Well-Known Member
the blue cheese have got very tight node spacing but they are still quite small too. im thinking another week or 2. i might aswell go for 2 cos im off on hols at the end of this grow so its not like im in a big rush to finish it. if i leave it 2 weeks i can flower for 9 and still have 2 weeks for it to dry tidy.

im going to do a bit of lst'ing this time cos i found i had less on the plant i topped last grow


Well-Known Member
Haha im like that these days mate used to have lungs of steel lol

Yeh bet its important with you bein led to keep um short mate there no piont veggin for 6 weeks an havin a streched out 6ft plant in flower with 30pairs of nodes cos the light would only get the top few ft so probs only half the nodes so the bottom are wasted an end up popcorn buds now if you can keep that same plant only 3ft but same amount of nodes your gunna yield good!