Unexciting, picturless update...
VK, NL, WR and PPP into wk 2 of flower. The VK is a little more delicate than the other beasts and tends to let me know right away if the water aint right. All her tips have stretched out an inch or so, the others are more stretchy between the nodes, not so obvious on top.
Midnight is halfway through week 3 and showing her first hints of purple. It starts out on that one as more of a rhubarb, which spreads out from inside and darkens to purple. I always get a little excited there.
And I have my somango cut which I am VERY excited about, that was delicious weed and pretty potent too, nice hippie high. Poor little thing has suffered though. She apparently had a dose of spider mites, which we all love to discuss so much

Anyways he sprayed the hell out of the bareley rooted cuttings with white oil, lights on and burned shit out of them, as well as not retreating so I reckon a bunch of eggs will hatch there if I let them! Still as long as I can save the scraggly little thing I will be stoked.
Now we wait...