not even a point if its top qualitymate if i could get the real deal i'd be a fan... the stuff in aus is junk cut like a million times ive snorted a 3/4 gram line was barely buzzed... the pure shit im told a point rocks your socks off?
WHATTTTT!!!!! id never pay more than 120 for a ball, n all i get from my connect is top notch, yall r bein shitted my friend... i live n the south lolyeah i use to get shitty yay but lately ive been lucky my buddy got this awsome connect best yay ive ever gotten , fucking love it , price sucks where im at tho. but its whatever its a once every few weekends fun for me couldnt afford to get hookedlol fucking 230 an 8 ball 80 a gram
WHAT?!?!? you lien lol im bring a quarter brick down under loland 8 ball in australia is around $1200 i want an 8 ball miko!
no joke I refuse to snort again unless it is scale...back in mlid to late 90's scale was all over the place....when they took the family down the scale dried upGreat blow when it's broken up has a shiney, scale appearance. It is usually an indication it hasn't been stepped on too bad, thats the natural look when it's produced. Guys break that apart, mix it with junk like baby laxative and other choice stuff, then press it back together.
You get the shale, it's on baby. Numb face, and a jones like no other. I'm lucky enough to have friends that move weight so I get the bomb for great prices, and its brought up straight from the border without a stop, so it comes to them before any changes so to speak.
The guys who movet the biggest weight of unstepped product wear suit and ties, and don't associate directly with d-bags.....
I make it a point not to indulge more than once a month at the very most. Shit makes me someone I don't like. Weed is better.
Mate I just wanna try the real deal i would say the cocaine in australia has a purity level of around 40% well ive been told that by friends that have been to south america and europe... I SHIT YOU NOT.. i have paid $1200 for an 8 ball of cocaine.. I have Paid $1000 for a gram of meth.. Pills in Australia range from 100's at $17 each 1000's $10-13 speed is around $200 at a street price.. its pretty insane what people do to have a bit of fun im over the come down these days even tho coke still takes my eye the coke in australia barely buzzes you gives you a numb throat bout it... so yeh bring a brick down and we'll make a killing haha!WHAT?!?!? you lien lol im bring a quarter brick down under lol
i got an advanced scale, you know tha ones that would register a weight like 1.121 grams. not even half a point will numb your whole face and throat and put you n that super intense wowwwwww lol thats tha only way i can explain itMate I just wanna try the real deal i would say the cocaine in australia has a purity level of around 40% well ive been told that by friends that have been to south america and europe... I SHIT YOU NOT.. i have paid $1200 for an 8 ball of cocaine.. I have Paid $1000 for a gram of meth.. Pills in Australia range from 100's at $17 each 1000's $10-13 speed is around $200 at a street price.. its pretty insane what people do to have a bit of fun im over the come down these days even tho coke still takes my eye the coke in australia barely buzzes you gives you a numb throat bout it... so yeh bring a brick down and we'll make a killing haha!
I'm living in Sydney and looking for some cola. Is there anyway you could give me some info about buying some product?and 8 ball in australia is around $1200 i want an 8 ball miko!
Cheers for the response, much appreciated. I hear what you're saying, makes sense. I was into cola a few years back. It slowly creeps up on you and bites you in the ass if you don't watch it.i live in an area where the coke usually sucks, and if its good, its still cut with nasty stuff. Pretty much any kind of powder is now a days it doesn't matter if its coke, mdma, meth. I had my fun with coke, a good 2-3 year run with it, i never got outta control, but i did spend most of my money on it, and beer and ciggarets because you cant do coke with out beer and ciggaretts. Atleast i cant.
After youve done it so many times it starts to loose its Pizazz just like any other drug that you abuse. I guess if you are the type of person that can use cocaine sparingly then why the fuck not.
Now a days if im at a party and some one selling it i might buy a grram or split a gram wit some one but never more than that.