Zaehet Strife
Well-Known Member
if a friend gives me a couple lines, ill put it in my nose... but i will never purchase any.
Cheers for the response. Are you based in Australia or have contacts in Australia that can assist me in this area? Sydney's new to me, so that's why I am looking for some help. I'm willing to pay good money as a way of saying thank you for any referrals etc etc. Perhaps we can somehow speak??Ahh yes, the Ivory Mistress. Who doesn't enjoy her lovely embrace?
In my times I have known several people from Australia (Perth, mainly), who would always complain about the outrageous prices they had to pay. I remember complaining once about paying $100 for a gram, and they kindly reminded me not to be such a whiny bitch, because that was a lot cheaper than what they paid.
I haven't payed $100 for a gram in several years now though. Found better connects in a large city, and now usually snag a ball for about $160-$180. The quality leaves a bit to be desired, but it does its job well enough. Oddly enough though, the best scale I ever had was regularly obtained in the small town I grew up in. Nothing since has ever compared.
I don't use cocaine as often as I used to. Don't live in the city anymore, and don't care enough to search for someone around here who sells it. Occasionally though I will visit my friends in the city for a weekend, and bring some home with me. And actually, this thread reminds me that I should do that soon. I recently bought a nice digital scale that weighs to a hundredth of a gram. I'm interested in testing it out and really actually dosing out some lines of various weight. Should be a lot of fun.
I admire people like yourself that can partake in small quantities of this product, assuming the product is decent enough in quality.if a friend gives me a couple lines, ill put it in my nose... but i will never purchase any.
hell yeah thats the way to roll, i have bought it but not for me my girl likes it, we will get a teen and split it. hers will be gone in one night mine will last days, hell ill even forget i have it or give it to the misses. but its not something to be purchased more than once or twice a year. and if your not gonna spend the $ to get the good stuff its really not worth it. i dont even get high, just super enthusiastic.if a friend gives me a couple lines, ill put it in my nose... but i will never purchase any.
I agree, if you don't hand over good money, you will have no chance obtaining good quality product. Basic principal of capitalismhell yeah thats the way to roll, i have bought it but not for me my girl likes it, we will get a teen and split it. hers will be gone in one night mine will last days, hell ill even forget i have it or give it to the misses. but its not something to be purchased more than once or twice a year. and if your not gonna spend the $ to get the good stuff its really not worth it. i dont even get high, just super enthusiastic.
I'm in the heartland of the United States, mate. Wish I could help you out, but I lost contact with my Aussie mates a few years ago. I knew them from a website not so different than this. Unfortunately, the site shut down unexpectedly and I was unable to get any of their personal information.Cheers for the response. Are you based in Australia or have contacts in Australia that can assist me in this area? Sydney's new to me, so that's why I am looking for some help. I'm willing to pay good money as a way of saying thank you for any referrals etc etc. Perhaps we can somehow speak??
Let me know
Cheers for the advice. I agree that your approach can work. I was just trying to filter out if there was a member on here that may have existing connections in this neck of the woods, to save the expense and risk of getting access to someone in a bar who may have access to product but it is absolutely rubbish in terms of quality. You can't smoke in any enclosed public venue in Australia, it's federal law as far as I know. I'll keep digging deeper to see if there is someone on here that resides in Sydney that can perhaps help.I'm in the heartland of the United States, mate. Wish I could help you out, but I lost contact with my Aussie mates a few years ago. I knew them from a website not so different than this. Unfortunately, the site shut down unexpectedly and I was unable to get any of their personal information.
I will offer this advice to you though. If you really want to find some coke, you might want to consider frequenting some bars or clubs. Drunk people are a lot more willing to speak candidly about drugs. I'm not saying just walk right up to people and ask them if they're holding. I'm saying strike up conversations with people and get to know them, and maybe you'll get lucky (plus maybe you'll make some new friends in the process). A good place to do this is in the smoking sections (I'm not sure on the laws in Sydney, but here in the states must bars ban smoking inside, so there's usually designated areas outside where people can smoke). Just ask someone if you can borrow their lighter, or bum a smoke. It's a good way to start up a conversation. Plus, coke and cigarettes often go hand and hand, so you're more likely to get lucky out there. Just be smart, use tact, and you might find something. It's worked for me before.
Why's that?Ugh... I'll never do it again.
Yes, unfortunately the negative side-effects of prolonged use are not pretty. Something I wish my friend would realize. He's 33 and has already battled cancer and survived. Before he got cancer he was doing coke HEAVILY. He stopped during his cancer treatment, but now years later after beating the disease, he's back at it again as hard as usual. Talk about tempting fate.I did it on and off for years, especially in my 20's and 30's but now I MIGHT do it once a year. After my best friend had triple by-pass surgery caused by hardening of the arteries (directly caused from coke abuse), I essentially gave it up. He was only in his 30's too. He sold it and abused it for about 10 years. It's a nasty drug if you have weak willpower to be sure and I don't really recommend it for others........... it can cause high blood pressure, nasal issues, and a host of other problems. Stay with the natural highs- you'll be much better off in the long run.
I would ALWAYS choose MDMA over coke, it is such a selfish drug....[/QUOTE
I'm there.![]()
Where are you at? Not to sound too nosey...... SF bay area I would guess, not to many places with deals like that.hits of needle point 2, pounds outdoor 1000, indoor 1600, pure mols/sas/ 50/g
I once had someone tell me there is two types of coke users..... One kind does a line, or hits the pipe and goes on with the day. They understand that is as cool as its gets. The other kind keep searching for something better, or to get higher. Most people fit into the second category and probably should be careful, that stuff can grab someone real good. I know I've only used a little, long ago and when smoked the first thought in my head is I should have hit it harder, no matter how hard or how many times that is always the first thought, I don't even notice the real high to it for the most part. I've really only met a few people who truly have a handle on it and I've been around a lot of people on a lot of coke. Mostly bad shit, for sure!Cocaine wAs alright, until most of my best friends got hardline into it. NOw good men sit around at home snorting lines in there secret society..endlessly, nightly and grossly. Fuck cocaine. Ruins lives, turns good people into fucking fiends and corrodes at mOrality. I'm glad I quit and stick with ganja.
Apparently it's too strong a drug for sOme people, and they get caught up. My one ex friend is now an addict has a kid and has had three heArt attacks.
For fuck sake you can have a huge line and want another right after. There is no satisfaction, nO quenching the hunger.
And whoever suggested freebasing it up these posts should swallow glass you low life.
this is not good adviceHey bro, If u want 2 get the full efects then run it !!! Ur just wasting time & money snorting it, grow some balls & run it, you will never want 2 go back !!!