Lessons learned after a HUGE break


Well-Known Member
Half of my family is psychotic. I`ve put myself through quite a bit and all its done is made me really happy...

I mean stuff does move around a little bit, and a few tracers here and there... Okay a little bit of sounds now and again too... Fuck!! I`m going MAAAD :dunce:



Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
This is what I was going of, I'd much rather trust science that some pro-cannabis users who politicize it any day, but that's just me. I think it's horribly irresponsible to not at least be aware of science that goes on, whether or not it be written in stone or inconclusive. Do you really think, for example, people who smoke too early on have no risk of any mental illness whatsoever even though science rebukes that theory? They mention it's the chicken and the egg scenario, sure, but it still is a valid argument and unless you work on science and not for some back-room grow op, I don't see how you could make such hardcore conclusions yourself. I personally was lucky in that I didn't start smoking until 20, so my risk level is that of a regular smoker. But I don't deny the science that has been done and always take what pro-cannabis people say with a grain of salt because you can't argue with facts. Could or might may be buzz-words of fear, but to pretend the risks don't exist is a terrible thing. I hope you don't educate people about this on a regular basis, I'd hate to rely on you for facts.

We all know that the research for cannabis is still in it's very young stages, and there's a lot to learn still.. Just because something is technically ruled as 'inconclusive' doesn't mean it should be ignored.
I have a psychology degree and a background in treating substance abuse. I'm basing my conclusions on personal observation, training, and extensive education in the field of psychology. Unfortunately, due to the economy (and my desire to no longer participate in the program), I am now in Human Resources. Funny how things turn out. By the way, I'm 49 years old. I'm not some home growing high school drop-out. Maybe you should start asking a person's credentials before making assumptions.

And finally, in conclusion. I'll never offer advice to you again. Have a nice day.


http://socialsciences.people.hawaii.edu/publications_lib/Cannabis and SPD.pdf

I could go on and on but you pissed me off and I really don't give a shit.


Well-Known Member
Well I`m just a student drug abuser and I say cannabis does not cause schitzophrenia. Playing with your brain chemistry makes you smart maaan its like putting fuel in the engine maaan :dunce:


Ursus marijanus
I recently went on a t-break and smoked one hit (one. hit.) of my bubble. Within 5 minutes I was almost too high to move, and I was on the edge of blackout from a full-tilt ego loss moment that reminded me in one way of psychedelics (indoles, specifically) and dissociants (some gas, some ketamine). One of the hardest things for me to do is to surrender to such an experience, but i chose to do so and was rewarded with a minute-long "spiritual orgasm". Definitely a good memory, and a suggestion to not try to control the high. Fortunately i was around someone i could trust with my life. cn


Well-Known Member
I just had a small toot of deems myself, graatz cannabiner sounds like your bubble is strong shit :dunce:


Well-Known Member
You should try the bubble i make in the Jacuzzi! It's strong, uh never mind ... ~unhinged cackle~ cn
I am yet to try bubble hash I bet its some fire stuff! Hey man I might not make it out of that thing alive... Tenner does not like the `unhinged cackle` :D


Well-Known Member
I have a psychology degree and a background in treating substance abuse. I'm basing my conclusions on personal observation, training, and extensive education in the field of psychology. Unfortunately, due to the economy (and my desire to no longer participate in the program), I am now in Human Resources. Funny how things turn out. By the way, I'm 49 years old. I'm not some home growing high school drop-out. Maybe you should start asking a person's credentials before making assumptions.

And finally, in conclusion. I'll never offer advice to you again. Have a nice day.


http://socialsciences.people.hawaii.edu/publications_lib/Cannabis and SPD.pdf

I could go on and on but you pissed me off and I really don't give a shit.
You're 49 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just blew my mind. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Last time I quit for about 2 years after my parents passed away, and I was all strung out on hard drugs like herion. I had to get my head clear, so I could grieve my loss. Over that 2 year period I did fall off the wagon and smoked a joint with a few people about once every 6 months or so. Everytime I smoked I would only hit a joint a few times, and I would immediately go into panic mode. The shit pratically caused me to have a panic attack. Tbh I don't like smoking weed after a long hiates w/o it. It just makes me way to paranoid. I don't get like that after I smoke for a couple weeks straight and get some kind of tolerance back. And the weed that I was smoking after a long time w/o it was just some regular old mexican brick weed, and I would still bug out almost like it was the first time I ever got high. Lol!


Lol @ Carne Seca freaking out.. Ageist much?

Ironically you post that you're no longer in the field that you're trained in and are surprised people who are have different conclusions than you


BTW Carne, first link you posted was from 2004 and 2nd is dead.. Meanwhile the clip I posted is from '09


Once I started focusing on my one cat, I swear we had a spiritual connection. I don't know if I was so focused on petting her gently, but I've never seen her so happy in my life, and that made me so happy myself, and it was just a very special connection to a cat I already have an amazing connection with as I rescued her from a freezing winter night in my old hood years ago.

Can cats and other animals become dependent on the 2nd hand smoke? I noticed them both in different moods, I have another who was more paranoid than loving like the other. He was scared of every sudden movement or sound.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Wow.. after that diatribe I'm sure everyone has a pretty clear idea who has issues. Have a nice life Jeff. You're the second person that I've put into ignore since I've been here. Seek professional help. You definitely need it.


Ursus marijanus

I messaged her back calling her the most judgmental person I've ever come across, that she's a huge know-it-all, that I'm in fact on a cocktail of psyche meds and that she should basically educate herself before trying to talk about something and blocked her.
Think of how much better it would have been if you could have kept your cool and explained to her that after continual use, your sober baseline personality was in charge and you could tell when you were tangibly high. It would have been so much more ... ambassadorial for medicinal cannabis.

Sad, sad person. I only PM'd you in the first place because I respected your post count and felt bad for embarassing you. Same with the other dude, who clearly worded it wrong. I just thought everyone should know what a douche-bag you are when you clearly have too much time on your hands to get so bent up out of shape. I didn't insult you, I said your information was wrong. You took it personally, and then you tried to defend it with out-dated stats and I can't help but laugh at that. When you said you are a trained psychologist I though, ah ok, maybe he is cool, then when you said you worked in HR I was like ah okay, they're dated. I'm sorry if I'm passionate about the truth and not politicizing everything in life like you are. Telling me I don't belong because of whatever, I've been here for years but just didn't post. You sound like an elitist when you say shit like that, of course I'm going to call you out for that. Your signature is the biggest joke I've seen on here. You have to be by far the most angry smoker I've ever come across. I was right about you, why would anyone listen to someone who is more bark than substance? You're far too crazy to deal with, and I'm certain psychosis has taken your brain over. Just because I'm a new member and haven't been posting doesn't make an idiot, just like you being here so long doesn't make you smart. Get it? At least I made an effort to read your links and see what you were saying to be true or not, did you even watch the clip I posted? Or are you so hardened by your pro-pot stats that you can't for a second fathom you might be wrong or out-dated?
After your first quote, you are not making a very strong case for who is in the wrong here. You've managed to earn Carne's contempt, and let me tell you: that takes doing. Jmo. cn


Active Member
Maybe you all smoked laced weed? Panic attacks that bad shouldn't happen. But hey, iv'e never taken a tolerance break


Ah well, I'll find another message board. There's too much toxic people here. Thanks for being so welcoming everyone!


In closing I never said pot causes schizophrenia, but the know-it-alls on here made a big fuss like I was a narc or something. Never been treated so badly by people in my life on a message board. Talk about cancer. Anyhow, I didn't expect those who've been around a while to agree with someone who is new but to be treated like dogshit and made to feel bad for responding to a bunch of anal people isn't very respectful in any community. You guys are the exact reason I don't want to be an advocate for things, why I'd rather keep to myself and not deal with the people who are extremists. Just like political parties, you have extremists in every camp, and obviously I have met the extreme pro-pot people on here. But don't kid yourself, by sounding the way you do it turns people off, especially those who are just here to have a good conversation and not make enemies. But too late for that, oh well, you can have your spotlight back now where no one disagrees with you.