Lessons learned after a HUGE break


When I'm told to leave the board, of course I do, it's very elitist and quiets the conversation. I thought people themselves on here didn't take it so seriously themselves until Carne had a melt-down on me for wanting to make amends. It's ridiculous, like I've seen better behaviour by people on 4chan.


Ursus marijanus
In closing I never said pot causes schizophrenia, but the know-it-alls on here made a big fuss like I was a narc or something. Never been treated so badly by people in my life on a message board. Talk about cancer. Anyhow, I didn't expect those who've been around a while to agree with someone who is new but to be treated like dogshit and made to feel bad for responding to a bunch of anal people isn't very respectful in any community. You guys are the exact reason I don't want to be an advocate for things, why I'd rather keep to myself and not deal with the people who are extremists. Just like political parties, you have extremists in every camp, and obviously I have met the extreme pro-pot people on here. But don't kid yourself, by sounding the way you do it turns people off, especially those who are just here to have a good conversation and not make enemies. But too late for that, oh well, you can have your spotlight back now where no one disagrees with you.
I personally enjoy a good discussion, and I generally respect people with whom i disagree but can keep it operational. You did play the authority by tossing the word 'science" about. Some here have an acquaintance with science, its method and its limitations. If i can invite you to simply and cogently restate your main point and provide links to the supporting studies, perhaps this thread can be salvaged from the dungheap of ad hominem posturings. But the next step, and the spirit in which you approach it, is up to you. If you do like you did with that young woman in the opening post, it won't work. cn


Well-Known Member
Everyone on toke n talk takes stuff so seriously I don`t belive it sometimes... I think too many people come on here to unwind... Does nobody come to like take the piss and that, I mean its called toke n talk... Its like so heavy sometimes maaaan :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Everyone on toke n talk takes stuff so seriously I don`t belive it sometimes... I think too many people come on here to unwind... Does nobody come to like take the piss and that, I mean its called toke n talk... Its like so heavy sometimes maaaan :leaf:
really thou i dont even toke in toke and talk no more lol i aint trying to blow my high