Wow meaty, didn't know you were into the fishies too...Aren't you complex.....It's coming on again 3am MST that would be 5am EST (I don't know what time zone you're in). I missed it too and have it set to record on my DVR.
i've caught a bunch of episodes but never like a whole season or anything. my favorite was the arapaima one. that thing was awesome. but on that episode he causght one fish that had like 6" fangs on it. scariest looking thing i've ever seen.i think they play it the first time at 8 or 9(im always working sundays so im not sure) and again at 11. lots of times they will show it again around 4, thats what im hoping for. doesnt look like it will be as good as the kaluga sturgeon episode though. taimen episode last week wasnt that great either. although it did lead me to reading some rather funny reports online of people claiming to see 30-60ft ones weighing 4+ tons in a chinese lake. most by one scientist who obviously wasted his life on it. EVERYTHING is confirmation of his theory according to him.
I love to fish. I grew up on the Rio de San Juan . Quality waters. Fly fishing mecca.Wow meaty, didn't know you were into the fishies too...Aren't you complex.....
I dunno, the US has had great success with all sorts of captive breeding programs for fish, I'm sure if there's an issue, someone will step in and figure out out to get these fish to spawn in captivity, if they haven't already.its really sad the kaluga is going to go extinct. the fact they found a real young one is a good sign, maybe it is still technically possible to save them but im doubtful w/o some sort of huge change it is realistically possible. problem is what can we do? even if every single country in the world were to ban kaluga caviar it would probably just make it even more profitable.
Yeah, well, the world is sort of over populated...there are tons of species of fish that will essentially go extinct in the next 15 years. japanese and chinese commercial fishing vessels are literally raping the sea. they pay off poor governments and corrupt politicians to fish within their waters. i wouldn't be surprised if tuna, dorado, sailfish (sold to catfood companies), marlin, snapper, are all extinct soon. it's ridiculous.
beavis and butthead, pinky and the brain, ren and stimpy, family guy, and little bush are the newer ones i've liked.
touché, pussycat!new? pinky and the brain and ren and stimpy were cancelled almost 15 years ago. time to join the geezer parade lol.
i don't count that heinous ren and stimpy "party cartoon" mess that they came out with around '03. billy west wasn't even doing voices on that shit and i was appalled at the whole production. billy west is the shit. he was the voice of my youth. doug, stimpy, the cheerios bee, fry (people forget that futurama is only a year newer than family guy, which first aired in '9. i think he did cat-dog, too, but i was not digging what i called "new nicktoons" after '98.![]()
maybe you meant new as in "not from the 50's and 60's" which is when all the prime cartoons were really made, and was really all there was to watch that was any good until nicktoons and the disney afternoon came out. tom and jerry will always be the best to me. always.
i am SUCH a dork.
edit: i REALLY hate how the number eight got turned into a shades face. that was not my doing.
new? pinky and the brain and ren and stimpy were cancelled almost 15 years ago. time to join the geezer parade lol.
i don't count that heinous ren and stimpy "party cartoon" mess that they came out with around '03. billy west wasn't even doing voices on that shit and i was appalled at the whole production. billy west is the shit. he was the voice of my youth. doug, stimpy, the cheerios bee, fry (people forget that futurama is only a year newer than family guy, which first aired in '9. i think he did cat-dog, too, but i was not digging what i called "new nicktoons" after '98.
maybe you meant new as in "not from the 50's and 60's" which is when all the prime cartoons were really made, and was really all there was to watch that was any good until nicktoons and the disney afternoon came out. tom and jerry will always be the best to me. always.
i am SUCH a dork.
edit: i REALLY hate how the number eight got turned into a shades face. that was not my doing.
I will concede that point. it apparently IS possible, in fact they even managed to get them to mature in about a 1/4 of the time in the wild. i still believe it will go extinct in the wild though.I dunno, the US has had great success with all sorts of captive breeding programs for fish, I'm sure if there's an issue, someone will step in and figure out out to get these fish to spawn in captivity, if they haven't already.