My first grow!


Well-Known Member
Hey, sorry I haven't responded! For some reason, I'm having problems with RIU keeping track of threads I'm subbed to...even my own! I am glad that you read my grow though :)

-I saw that you mentioned you have soil from outside...did you bake it to sterilize it? It's generally recommended not to use outside soil as you don't know what kind of bacteria or disease could be in it, and also it might not be the optimal substrate for your plant's roots. You can get soil "dirt cheap" :lol:. You gotta have some perlite in there or the roots might not get adequate air and will suffocate or rot.

-As for the metal container...probably not the best choice, but many people do grow in PC's so I don't see why you can't do it. You're just going to have to redesign your ventilation to suit your needs. You need an intake (have a way for air to get in the bottom area of your box), and outtake (to dispel hot stale air from inside). Most people use PC fans in small grows like ours. I don't know how much you're able to mod that metal box (looks like a file draw?) but it needs to be done regardless of what material you choose to place your grow in. Without proper ventilation your doomed before you start!

-Don't give up, find something new to grow in, or get creative and find a way to get air in, and out of that box. Also, putting a small fan inside will help, but it will do nothing to help if there isn't airflow. I hope this helps!


Hey, sorry I haven't responded! For some reason, I'm having problems with RIU keeping track of threads I'm subbed to...even my own! I am glad that you read my grow though :)

-I saw that you mentioned you have soil from outside...did you bake it to sterilize it? It's generally recommended not to use outside soil as you don't know what kind of bacteria or disease could be in it, and also it might not be the optimal substrate for your plant's roots. You can get soil "dirt cheap" :lol:. You gotta have some perlite in there or the roots might not get adequate air and will suffocate or rot.

-As for the metal container...probably not the best choice, but many people do grow in PC's so I don't see why you can't do it. You're just going to have to redesign your ventilation to suit your needs. You need an intake (have a way for air to get in the bottom area of your box), and outtake (to dispel hot stale air from inside). Most people use PC fans in small grows like ours. I don't know how much you're able to mod that metal box (looks like a file draw?) but it needs to be done regardless of what material you choose to place your grow in. Without proper ventilation your doomed before you start!

-Don't give up, find something new to grow in, or get creative and find a way to get air in, and out of that box. Also, putting a small fan inside will help, but it will do nothing to help if there isn't airflow. I hope this helps!

thanks lady j! for all your support! i painted my box and added some vents. its not geting as hot as before and i think the plants like the white walls. will post pics when i can. peace!


Well-Known Member
No problem, that is awesome that you were able to get it setup!! I knew you could find a way :) I'll be waiting for the pics


Active Member
so the little water trick i told ya worked for ya Millie. Looking forward to seeing how box looks now.


this is my i believe finished grow box. it is not a stealth grow no more.
this is the inside i painted it white. let me know if the lights are to close or to far.
these are my babies. i topped the other 2 pants
this is the first one i topped and it turned out good or so i believe.
and my runt just started poppin out


also my plants are bout 14 days. about 2 weeks from when i put the germed seed into the soil. i was wondering when should i switch to 12/12. not really looking for a big harvest. any comments about this question would be appreciated. thanks RIU members


Well-Known Member
Hey I would veg for a couple weeks before going 12/12...what are your plans for when they get too tall? Are you going to LST, super-crop, or scrog?? If you don't know what they are there are tons of vids on youtube and picking one is really the best way to get the most bud for your space. :peace:


Active Member
Hey I would veg for a couple weeks before going 12/12...what are your plans for when they get too tall? Are you going to LST, super-crop, or scrog?? If you don't know what they are there are tons of vids on youtube and picking one is really the best way to get the most bud for your space. :peace:
yup, youll want to do one of those 3 for sure. Your plant will triple in height and get burnt by lights. I vegged for 2 weeks and now going into weeks 5 of flower. I wasnt going to do anything to them but they grew so quick I had to lst them while they grew in flower cycle.


Hey I would veg for a couple weeks before going 12/12...what are your plans for when they get too tall? Are you going to LST, super-crop, or scrog?? If you don't know what they are there are tons of vids on youtube and picking one is really the best way to get the most bud for your space. :peace:
hey there lady j. i was planning to do a lst or a scrog but the thing is im not really sure how to do a scrog. ive watched many tutorials and i still dont really get it. ill be watching how your scrog goes and then maybe decide between the two. oh and how are my plants looking?


Well-Known Member
hey there lady j. i was planning to do a lst or a scrog but the thing is im not really sure how to do a scrog. ive watched many tutorials and i still dont really get it. ill be watching how your scrog goes and then maybe decide between the two. oh and how are my plants looking?
To be honest, I am not 100% sure either, but from what I understand, you don't really get it until you do it, and then it seems easy as hell lol. I'm going to throw some youtube vids your way that I found that shows it in detail. But basically, you let the plant grow a few inches past your screen, then you pull it back under the screen in the direction you want it to grow towards. And your plants look good! My bad, sometimes I forget to say it even though I'm thinking it lol! I see two that look a tad nute burned but I'm sure they'll get over it easy, it's not much at all and won't affect growth.


To be honest, I am not 100% sure either, but from what I understand, you don't really get it until you do it, and then it seems easy as hell lol. I'm going to throw some youtube vids your way that I found that shows it in detail. But basically, you let the plant grow a few inches past your screen, then you pull it back under the screen in the direction you want it to grow towards. And your plants look good! My bad, sometimes I forget to say it even though I'm thinking it lol! I see two that look a tad nute burned but I'm sure they'll get over it easy, it's not much at all and won't affect growth.
thanks lady j really appreciate all your help!


Active Member
There looking good Millie. Since your in a 2 foot height for growing and if not sure on scrog then go for a LST.Its simple and no netting to deal with. On my next grow here Im gonna try a chicken wire wrap. but yeah.... see how tall they are in a week. if there almost a foot tall then when they grow in flower cycle they will grow about another 1-2 feet more. I started to flower mine after 2 weeks and they where about 6" tall and now at starting of week 5 of flower and if I didnt lst them they are about 2 feet tall each.


There looking good Millie. Since your in a 2 foot height for growing and if not sure on scrog then go for a LST.Its simple and no netting to deal with. On my next grow here Im gonna try a chicken wire wrap. but yeah.... see how tall they are in a week. if there almost a foot tall then when they grow in flower cycle they will grow about another 1-2 feet more. I started to flower mine after 2 weeks and they where about 6" tall and now at starting of week 5 of flower and if I didnt lst them they are about 2 feet tall each.
yeah i was thinking of doing a lst maybe i will try an lst.


watch my grow on youtube. like comment subscribe. peace


my plants might be in danger guys. tell me what you think about it.



Well-Known Member
That stem on that runt looks weird as hell...maybe you can try putting some soil around the white part. Looks like you might have nute burned it. What kind of soil are you using? Some plants are just shitty and aren't meant to grow big and strong...the others look healthy so wouldn't trip too hard on the runt like that ;)