I am a medical grower in my state, and one of the patients I grow for is giving me a decent little house on 2 acres to live on for the rest of the year in a pretty good area to grow. It's in a pretty rural area, but nonetheless my field is slightly visible from the main road the house is off of. Ideally I would like to block view of about 200-250 linear feet. I don't really have the funds to build a solid wood fence, so I'm trying to explore some options for a temporary solution.. I was thinking about some ways to make something with tarp work, but I don't really have any solid ideas yet.. It needs to last the season, but there will be 2 people there so simple repairs and maintenance won't be hard. Figured some people must have issues with this? I was planning and planting next week, and just saw the property for the first time this past weekend, and the patient assured me before it was out of view, but it's not. So I am trying to figure out something quick so I can gather what I need. Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks.