A few dying leaves is no biggie. I had one grow go sour and i couldn't figure out why until I realized that my oscillating had a built in ionizer... Ahh technology.
Love this grow though, I'm in a semi desert climate and I'm actually considering tempe as a possible place to relocate too
The leaves didn't die, the areas stayed the same size and 90% of the three leaves are fine. Would love to know the cause.
Day 39, 5/14
So I guess today is exactly five weeks of vegging and the big five are 20-21" at the branch (plus a couple of inches of leaves), smallest plant is 15" and the prettiest. If I hadn't topped off three or four nodes they would be about 28", I guess. Not bad, lol. They are all really nice and surprisingly green for plants recieving this high uv sun here. Wide and lush, not stretchy. I feel bad that I'm not showing pics of these little beauties. Soon, soon.
Will be 100 degrees today and the same for the rest of the week. Ugh. It's only friggin' May, for crying out loud! Used most of all five gallons plus equal water (50% dilution) on all eight plants plus foliar. Watered over a half hour to get a really good soak. Maybe a couple of the gallons for foliar on back yard flowers, tomatoes, and lemon tree. All of the plants sure do love that tea!
edit; almost forgot, a couple of plants had a few almost creased leaves up top that I thought could be heat stress. My mentor suggested it could also be cal/mag deficiency so added about an extra 1/2 tbs. of molasses to the tea.
Day 41, 5/16
About 100 today, 20-30 mph wind. My big wall helps a little to deflect the wind usually.
Decided not to keep in 3 gallons and shifted to fives yesterday. Sure enough, mildly root bound after 3 weeks - should have repotted after two weeks. Sure hope I can tell the sex really soon as they will be needing a bigger pot within two weeks.
No more indoor lighting. Yay! Put them outdoors full time. Yes, I had to go out and check on them at night with a tiny led flashlight with weak batteries. As soon as I can sex them they go in the ground. They are pretty stealthy against a five foot wall and interspersed between Texas Rangers, 6' tomatoes, lemon tree, Hollyhocks, and pyracantha. Partial shade till 9:00 or 10:00, full sun till about 3:00, then full shade from the wall after that. Plus they are sitting on a cool moist soil and the companion plants also help cool them. I have draped the monster tomatoes over the pots. Much better than 120+ degree gravel. Wish I'd done this sooner.
edit: gravel temp highs over last two days between 135-155! Moved just in time!
Speaking of wall, on the other side is a fairly steep rock escarpment leading down to a 20' wide and 6' deep rain ditch. After that is 50' of desert filled with cholla. Cholla is a very painful to the touch cactus. One side is another wide runoff area with a fence and an eight foot hedge so about a total of 12'. On the other side I do have an 80 year old neighbor that can see over into my back yard but she is very sweet and I take good care of her by doing outdoor chores every now and then. She was up all last night due to her fire alarms going off so I went over there today and fixed them. She loves me.

Never the less, my planter will be shade clothed sides and top and 50' away from her property.
Made my first mistake last tea time. Used pH UP to correct too much vinegar and now understand that it probably killed the beneficial stuff. It was just prior to watering and wasn't much. I diluted the tea further and also pre watered the plants. The next day I repotted with Happy Frog PS, ewc, Ancient Forest, and a little of Great White. Plants look excellant so I guess all is well.
Bought a 20 gallon Brute trash can (All Brutes are food safe rated) for filling with ro water. Also to be big enough to avoid over filling and getting the garage wet as I have done in the past month more times than I would like to admit. So I over filled the Brute on the first fill. It's not the containers, it's the mind....
When transplanting I noticed more root growth on the bottom half of pot which, of course, is normal. Also noticed the top half of pot was dry (I intentionally repotted partially wet to see where the moisture was in relation to the roots). So I started doing two light waterings today and will water heavy tomorrow morning and one light watering in the afternoon. Next day two light waterings or a reasonable facsimile of aforementioned pattern. Reason: I think that with the super dry air here (5-10% lately) that the extra watering to the top portion will cause more root growth higher in the pot and make better use of the soil/nutrients available. When the males are removed I will do a cross section slice of the root balls to see how the roots developed. If this works out the way I think it will, for the next grow I will try a revamped watering method and also step up some of the plants much more often than usual. Say, starters to 4" to 1 gallon to 2 to 3 to 5 to 7 etc. around every week or so. If done correctly without stressing the root ball it might have an interesting result. We'll see. The pots will need to be 3/4" or wider all around to fascilitate adding enough soil for a weeks growth. This, to me, would kind sorts be a soil equivilent to hydro root development, with water absorbing roots throughout. Or maybe not.
By the way, I'm always amazed to see how rough most peolple are with root balls. The water absorbing cells are usually connected single cells that are very easilly detached.