possible mites?


Active Member
i cant take pics cause my camera sucks but i looked under one of my lleaves and there was some white dots maybe little hairs im not sure i have little hairs on the stem and stuff but thats normal could there be some hair there or is it mites. its a very short plant and my leave was kinda touch the soil so i dont know if it could contaminated it easier there. its in day 12 veg.


Well-Known Member
need some good pics to really tell. But little white dots does sound like mites. Do you see any little red specs on top of leaf or any webbing at all?


Active Member
no i dont i kinda rubbed it off but there is still a few ill keep an eye on it and if it comes back then it is forsure.


Active Member
If you have a 30x or greater magnifier, you will see them. Hold a white sheet of paper under a branch and give a gentle shake. Mites will fall to the paper and you will see them moving.


Active Member
yes but from the naked eye some appear white. i dont have a microscope yet. i dont think it is mites i think there is just some little hairs on my leaf cause it still looking healthy and it hasnt spread.