Just Ate some Percs


Well-Known Member
Just dropped 25mg Percocet with no opiate tolaerance. I have a promethezine but I' weary on where or not I hould use it. Any idea? Thanks.

I'm havin fun, weeeeeee1


Well-Known Member
I'm glad that you are having or have had fun with your percs. But to be honest. Whenever I would take percs. They would always lead to me having stomach acid and needing a tums. Just thought that I would put that out there.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
dont you put promethezine in your ass? atleast sometype are for rectum insertian. promethezine will help if you get the stomach ache.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
haha yeah ive only seen them once like that. in little tubes. they might have pills. also in like lean/ syrup its mixed in to help with the stomach effects of the codiene


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help. I don't think that I'll be trying the anal insert method though.
You are missing out Sprout. Well, I don't know about this particular application. Years ago I thought plugging might work well with coke. Sent my boys on a midnight search for supositories and miraculously, they found them. I filled them up with fine blow and sent them to the head. They were hooked.

Some time later, my room mate arrived from out of town with wonderful news! I bade him sit and he refused. "you are making me nervous and I'll be damn if I want to look up to talk to you". No, he said, he would stand. What was the good news? He had located and purchased a lb of some of the finest white powder we had ever seen (it really was something). Well I was anxious to try some - SIT DOWN - No, PAUL, SIT DOWN.

He got real red faced and said, "well I gotta tell you, you remember those suppositories you made? you don't want to do that with just plain rocks"

The guy had shoved a rock up his rear end, I was surprised he hadn't burned a hole in his rectum - he couldn't sit down comfortably for days


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha. I've heard of what it does with amps, what's worse about coke is you wouldn't feel it till after.
plugging is a great roa with appropriate substances. The only roa that holds a candle to IV for opioids (and most others).