Active Member
I know how you can get all the light power you want..
Move outside !
I know how you can get all the light power you want..
Move outside !
the easiest way is to go find a foreclosed home that is vacant or boarded up..take their meter if you look at your bill you will see when they read the meter ..usually a 3-4 day window like use real meter for 2 weeks and dummy meter for 2 weeks and cut bill in half....i am not going to talk shit like the rest of these douchebags ...the energy companies are some of the dirtiest scumbags in the world and rape us..fuck em..good luck...i don't pull enough lights to warrant me stealing service but if i did that is how i would do it...good luck
How dare the electric company charge me over cost for their highly valuable and in demand product! If you don't like a business, it doesn't justify theft. Also, if you think power companies are some of the dirtiest scumbags in the world; you really need to turn on the news now and then, because you have no perspective. The hydro stores I've been to average about 200%-300% markup over online prices, now THAT'S rape. Let's rob them next! It's okay, because as long as you don't like someone, stealing from them is cool!
WOW ur stupid!!! Nicola tesla was making free wireless power for the people, actually had a working tower up at one point. His funding got cut because it was not going to make a profit for the big guy. so Thomas Edison came in and made it a complete monopoly, also he had a hand in making appliances use a lot of electricity in the beginning. U think hydro stores are bad? U have some learning to do
So because one guy tried to be benevolent and failed, somehow you're entitled to free power? Who cares if Edison was a dick? Does Edison run the electric companies these days? If not, then why are you blaming them for his wrongdoing? News flash; businesses are out to make money. You want to be mad at someone, be pissed at your family members in the past that voted in politicians that gave power companies government sanctioned monopolies. They're the reason there's no competitive pricing.
As for hydro shops, maybe I've just had bad experiences. Like I said, 200%-300% markup over the internet. That means you can buy it somewhere else for 1/3 the price. That's a scam any way you cut it, in my book. If you found a hydro shop that provides good prices, then I'm happy for you.
The entire cannabis industry is a scam. From the Cannabis Cup "winners" where "judges" are bought by the highest bidder, the seedbanks, California's "medical" pot sales racket and the hydro's all a big money making scam. When I first started and even today, I literally spent next to nothing to grow pot. The sun is free, lights are cheap, potting soil is cheap, and most foods from Walmart, nurseries, Home Depot, etc. will run circles around the cannabis specific garbage dumbasses have been sucked into.
So because one guy tried to be benevolent and failed, somehow you're entitled to free power?
Obviously you know nothing about Nicola Tesla, I'm sure you cheer on Rockefeller too! It's quite clear you have a lot of growing up to do.
Did he bring power to the masses for free? No, he failed to do that. However, he was successful in proof of concept. As for Rockefeller, what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? If you want to argue, argue points.
How dare the electric company charge me over cost for their highly valuable and in demand product! If you don't like a business, it doesn't justify theft. Also, if you think power companies are some of the dirtiest scumbags in the world; you really need to turn on the news now and then, because you have no perspective. The hydro stores I've been to average about 200%-300% markup over online prices, now THAT'S rape. Let's rob them next! It's okay, because as long as you don't like someone, stealing from them is cool!
wonder why dumbass hasn't replied to this thread.