Bypassing power meter?

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i don't sell, if you need to justify your actions then maybe you need to reevaluate , take a step back and look at what you are doing
i don't sell, if you need to justify your actions then maybe you need to reevaluate , take a step back and look at what you are doing

i'm not doing anything. just pointing it out. the only thing worse than a thief is a snitch. but i wouldn't consider stealing from the power company as morally wrong or as a thief. i would advise agaisnt it (as i already did on the first page) only because it highly increases your chances of getting your grow busted.
like i said i hope that fucking prick movies next door to you and fucking rips your ass off every time you leave your mommas house

if he's stealing power it's more likely he's moving in to your trailer park. he couldn't afford a house in my neighborhood. i'm rich.
That is how most people get caught growing is because they don't want to spend the money to pay the bill, but for real you can use however much power you want without raising any red flags faster than you can steal the power without being pay a bigger bill and grow the plants you love in peace, but for everything you want to do, there is always someone else waiting on their to think about...I pay the power bill and nobody ever questions anything...I mean why harass a paying customer?

Near my area 4 days ago the "largest Mj Bust this area has seen" was discovered in downtown in a warehouse...a cable tech had to climb the pole, it was unsafe for him because there was live power being spliced from the main So the guys that set it up were very brave, but he calls the power co. that calls the police to check it out...they found 800 plants, and 400 lbs of bricked mj...the landlord said the same people have rented the warehouse since I mean holy hell they could have been living on easy street if they would have just taken that money and paid the Goddamn power you went from being a successful millionaire entrepreneur that lands behind bars for being too greedy to pay the man...sounds a lot like tax fraud...just pay your fucking bills and nobody will have to check your shit, and stumble across your illegal doings...
and I have no issue with stealing from the power company, but don't steal to fund illegal activities...I mean the last thing you want is to bring any heat near the area at just don't grow illegally, using other illegal don't start swiping bottles of nutes at the hydro store...just politely buy them and then go grow some weed....If you just smoked and now are driving, don't swerve about, go 12 MPH, or run over something/someone and nobody will ever know...

I mean it just doesn't make aren't going to get noticed or caught for having an unusual amount of power consumption..I mean you might have a hobby garage and run big ass air compressors, they don't know what makes people's power spike, and they never worry about it, until they are stuck holding a stack of high dollar unpaid power bills...then they start checking up on you, and perhaps say that they think the house should be checked for improper power usage...

But if you just pay the bill to whoever you owe you won't be suspect and won't go to jail...

but you will get caught stealing power, and they will then find out why you needed so much...

Hell I watched a thing about a guy that collects washer and dryers...

he had 37 matched sets of washers and dryers..and they were all antique low efficiency high power consuming kind, and he had all of them hooked up and he would run them just to sit and watch the water and listen to the sound..he said that the basement is the first place he goes in the morning..he likes to turn all the washers on and sit while he drinks his morning think the power company ever wonders why his power bill is a grand a month? Of course they don't cuz he pays the fucking bill
one of my buddies had a grow show at his house and he told me that the power company called him and basically told him "to scale it back a bit". He cut about half the show and they stopped calling him. He explained that he jumped from teir 1 to teir 3 and that caused a major red flag
If you could steal power and not increase your risk of getting caught by like 100x then I would say whatever..the power company is a bunch of bastards...our power bill is outrageous in winter and we use a wood stove, then in summer when we have central air and 2 big window AC units and a pool pump, and all this other crap we don't use during winter, why is the bill so much less in summer...??? I mean how??? We heat our house without electricity, but we use electricity to cool is it more in winter than summer...and we don't run the pool pump, and we run a bunch of fans in summer and not in winter...anyway it is because they are a bunch of lying cheating assholes....that is why...they run it up in winter because they think you will assume it is because of running the heat....

anyway this winter I had 1 HID light and ran no that it is summer I have 2 HiD lights, and a really big AC...more fans for the grow and all this jazz, and our power bill is $200 less than it was a few months ago...How the hell does that work?

See above...lying cheating bastards...
think about how much money you make by not having to buy weed or even selling the excess you have. if that is not 10 times what your added power bill is then you are growing wrong.
Compounding offenses is not a good idea. I'm sure OP got the drift already and probably some PM's as well from the pure anarchists ...

Whenever I hear someone wants to do this all I can think of is the snake oil devices though (gotta love these things):

Compounding offenses is not a good idea. I'm sure OP got the drift already and probably some PM's as well from the pure anarchists ...

Whenever I hear someone wants to do this all I can think of is the snake oil devices though (gotta love these things):

that's awesome. i'm getting one. lol. i bet if you opened it up you'd find a sick hamster on a wheel.

generators are always an option if you are worried about your consumption raising red flags.
they make quiet generators ya but they cost more and it depends if you live in a house with space between neighbors you are fine if you are in an apartment its suicide
Do they make quiet generators so your neighbors can't hear?

just depends on the size. you can get propane/natural gas one that actually run pretty quiet. anything up to 11kW and they really don't make much noise. when you get into diesel generators and larger capacity ones then they get noisy. with any generator they need to be outside so having a house is usually required. although i have seen someone put one on a balcony. crazy but it worked.

price isn't too bad on them considering. guess just depends on what you need and what you feel is expensive. of you need to take power off the grid for a 6,000w op then maybe dropping $3,000 is worth it.
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