Hawaii Growers

east i'm out of date with abbreviations, whats BT? i would pull those nettles out, one time i was driving and I couldn't believe what I seen. i reversed drove back and sure enough their was a huge canadian thistle in this guys yard waiting to pop open these things are nasty little suckers theirs a lot of them up in washington area so i huied and a nice local guy came out and i asked em if he knew what it was he though it was just a weed we started talking story and he said those started popping up after his lot got bulldozed, garentee little thestles were on the bulldozer tracks is what i thought, but he pulled it and said he'll keep an eye out. even though ocean view is already infested with thistles because those zebra's that guy ordered crapped out some seeds, must have been grazing on some thistle before they were shipped over
The name of it is BT Worm killer and the nettles I have are a caterpillar called a stinging nettles burns when they touch you and the shit load of those little worms.
The name of it is BT Worm killer and the nettles I have are a caterpillar called a stinging nettles burns when they touch you and the shit load of those little worms.
oh yea those black and white ones, i use to get stung by those on my old property. i swear by the time i moved out i was immuned tho, cuz i could still feel the sting but it wouldnt get all swollen and itchy/burning feeling. nasty bugga's!
BT=Bacillus Thuringiensis


The active ingredient in this insecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis, occurs naturally in the environment. Both liquid and dust forms are highly effective against leaf chewing worms and caterpillars like cabbage loopers, hornworms, webworms, cutworms, armyworms, grape leaf skeletonizers, gypsy moths, tent caterpillars and leaf rollers. Within minutes after ingestion of treated foliage, the worm suffers fatal destruction of its digestive tract - sort a permanent stomachache! These products do not harm beneficial insects like honeybees, ladybugs or lacewings. Application rates vary depending on intensity of the infestation, so read the label completely before using.

How To Use Tips
Experience has shown that bi-weekly application after worms are first noticed is usually sufficient for control. Don't be alarmed if worms are still seen on plants a day or so after application since death is slow and hopefully very painful! Some insects produce several generations a season, so don't ignore your plants after you get rid of the pests. Keep a sharp eye out in case they return later. Application on windy days is wasteful. When using the dust, wear a mask and eye protection. The bacteria won't hurt you, but dust doesn't do the lungs or eyes any good! For control of insects other than worms and caterpillars, check out the new line of Bayer products. They are longer lasting and much safer than traditional pesticides.
Yep. I've been getting between 4 and 5, but that with the cheapo thingy....ph pen dead and I out of buffer solution, need to get my shit together.
BI boyz,

What does the rain water usually ph at?


I PH'd some rainwater a couple weeks ago around 5.1-5.3(the comparison meter is rather vague). I had just bought the PH kit for my indo setup and got curious as to what I was feeding my vegetables. Only now noticed that avatar... Reminds me of Oahu aka the Zoo!!!

EDIT: I also have the cheapo pH kit.

EDITEDIT: I catch water in a 5gal bucket with a tshirt over it.
Thanks guys, I always lime my super soils but not sure how long it takes for that to work....

How are things Coot? Behaving yourself?
Hey Spliff- I was reading recently that baking soda was bad for plants, no experience however just internet research, so....
Hey Spliff, I used to keep a seperate grow cabinet in my garage and keep all my males to see if I had any superstar studs, then collect the pollen in a paper bag and tie that onto the lower branches of the girly and then keep her seperate for a day or so....never stored pollen...yet
Hey Spliff- I was reading recently that baking soda was bad for plants, no experience however just internet research, so....
Yep theirs always gonna be something better and more expensive out their, I'm just saying what has worked for me during my time here. Arm&Hammer, she go
Howzit Cooter! I had a question to ask you about your males, do you collect the pollen and store it or just put your boy by your girl and let them get at it :hump:

Howzit Spliff!....i use both methods, While the males are doing there thing with the ladies, i snatch off a few branches and harvest the pollen, i simply put the male flower in a brown bag and let them dry out....then i sift the pollen from the flowers, and store the pollen in the fridge.
Hey Spliff, I used to keep a seperate grow cabinet in my garage and keep all my males to see if I had any superstar studs, then collect the pollen in a paper bag and tie that onto the lower branches of the girly and then keep her seperate for a day or so....never stored pollen...yet
Well this is the way I was taught and have been doing, If I am going to keep a strain I look for the super star stud male that I like. Isolate it from the rest, they don't need much light too produce pollen. Once its balls start busting I pull em by the root rinse em off and dry em hanging upside down, dump out the pollen in the bag, use a card to pile it into a jar, and put it in the fridge. Then when I want seeds I'll get a paintbrush and paint with pollen where I want seeds. I was just wondering if any of you guys kept your original males pollen, and only used that to keep the strain. Or did generations of inbreeding over and over whenever you want seeds.
Thanks guys, I always lime my super soils but not sure how long it takes for that to work....

How are things Coot? Behaving yourself?

Ho Brahddah B-Dwag!

I'm trying my hardest to behave...but i think i need a catholic priest to swing by and perform an exorcism on me...i'm pretty sure i've been possessed by Satan....lmao. howz da new place? I've got some of sannies Jack Herer (F7) coming up next, I'm plant on making some seeds, Supposedly sannies jack is extremely stable, i want to crosses them both ways with Herijuna Herijuana/Jack Herer and Jack Herer/Herijuana....I'm shooting for a sativa dom that flowers like a indica, the flavor of the JH and the ball busting potency of the herijuna migh make a intresting high. The Anesthesia and the Vanilla Sky turned out really nice!
I always lime my super soils but not sure how long it takes for that to work....

i've had pretty good luck mixing dolomite in a old water bottle...a few tablespoons of dolomite in a 32 oz water bottle, shake the shit out it and water it in once it's dissolved. Seems to clear up any PH issue pretty quickly.
Kay Hawaiians, fast question, what is the preferred time of day to water flowering plants, morning, noon, evening? Mahalos