Hawaii Growers

You have found my secret I brush my plants twice a day and oral-b is the best. There will be some difference on harvest time ( time of year, strain, etc) but they will go off for sure and if it keeps growing you have a hell of a sativa on your hands.Like TB said leaves are good if yellow pull if green no pull.If you are getting mold you can cut some of the inside to make better air flow. Air will help with mold. My cosines lived in Kahalu'u valley and you are wet like me so keep the plants in the open as much as possible. and brush 2x a day keep away the PM.

Mold issues? Try water-pik'ing the budz... rofl...
Okay, my plant is two weeks and two days into flower and she's lookin cherry. Today I found a little worm looking fucker and it was in one of the lower branch bud sites. What can I do to control any type of bug from getting to my plants without
potentially harming my plants. Anything organic would be good. any suggestions on the subject would be very helpful. Mahalo braddahs
It's good to have your pots elevated off the ground, you could put a little bit of salt on the ground and some pennies. I made a death board underneath my little lean-to, I got a sheet of plywood, wrapped it in drop cloth painters plastic put around 2 bucks in pennies on it and some sea salt..works cherry my plants don't mind, and no more bugs/slugs. I used to use safe soap but haven't used it in awhile but it worked decent. could always try Listerine.:lol:
It's good to have your pots elevated off the ground, you could put a little bit of salt on the ground and some pennies. I made a death board underneath my little lean-to, I got a sheet of plywood, wrapped it in drop cloth painters plastic put around 2 bucks in pennies on it and some sea salt..works cherry my plants don't mind, and no more bugs/slugs. I used to use safe soap but haven't used it in awhile but it worked decent. could always try Listerine.:lol:

I'm surprised there's still enough copper left in a penny to kill a snail... I also had an idea the other day to wrap the stems with shreds from a copper scouring pad after seeing an expensive product that looked like pretty much just that... ;)
I'm surprised there's still enough copper left in a penny to kill a snail... I also had an idea the other day to wrap the stems with shreds from a copper scouring pad after seeing an expensive product that looked like pretty much just that... ;)
Right on, personally I enjoy making my own stuff instead of buying over priced crap. If your worried about their not being enough copper in pennies I use to also wrap copper wire around my pots, but lately critters haven't been botherin me too much.
east i'm out of date with abbreviations, whats BT? i would pull those nettles out, one time i was driving and I couldn't believe what I seen. i reversed drove back and sure enough their was a huge canadian thistle in this guys yard waiting to pop open these things are nasty little suckers theirs a lot of them up in washington area so i huied and a nice local guy came out and i asked em if he knew what it was he though it was just a weed we started talking story and he said those started popping up after his lot got bulldozed, garentee little thestles were on the bulldozer tracks is what i thought, but he pulled it and said he'll keep an eye out. even though ocean view is already infested with thistles because those zebra's that guy ordered crapped out some seeds, must have been grazing on some thistle before they were shipped over
east i'm out of date with abbreviations, whats BT? i would pull those nettles out, one time i was driving and I couldn't believe what I seen. i reversed drove back and sure enough their was a huge canadian thistle in this guys yard waiting to pop open these things are nasty little suckers theirs a lot of them up in washington area so i huied and a nice local guy came out and i asked em if he knew what it was he though it was just a weed we started talking story and he said those started popping up after his lot got bulldozed, garentee little thestles were on the bulldozer tracks is what i thought, but he pulled it and said he'll keep an eye out. even though ocean view is already infested with thistles because those zebra's that guy ordered crapped out some seeds, must have been grazing on some thistle before they were shipped over
lol- someone ordered zebras!?
a donkey/zebra hybrid, or zebroid....yup, they're real lol

a donkey/zebra hybrid, or zebroid....yup, they're real lol


The Mexican version is a Zonky... they have them in Tijuana, they're basically a donkey with zebra stripes dyed on them it's hysterical! The fucking beaners down there try to sucker tourist into taking pictures with them...fucking classic brah!

yeah brah, imported them. their right on the side of the highway when your heading to south kona from ka'u, the owner is trying to breed them with donkey's. LMAO!!!
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a donkey/zebra hybrid, or zebroid....yup, they're real lol


The Mexican version is a Zonky... they have them in Tijuana, they're basically a donkey with zebra stripes dyed on them it's hysterical! The fucking beaners down there try to sucker tourist into taking pictures with them...fucking classic brah!


Lmao! Zebras and donkeys lol too funny!
Geesus, they must have the worst attitude in the world- zebras are mean as hell, and donkeys stubborn as f*ck... Must be for looking purposes only...
Reminds me of this Dog show I was watching on Netflix, people down in texas made a breed called dogo argento which is bred to rush boars with "no fear", and their big white mastiff's so it makes them easy to spot..it was pretty nuts the russians also had these drug sniffing dogs that were hybrid jackals that they used instead of german shepards, those russians are badass dudes