"Oh well when life gives you lemons, make hash!"
haha i like it. im not overly fussed to be honest. i spent a while on the couch in shock but now that has passed and i have gone into overdrive getting ready for my next run.
i decided on sweet tooth. should be good. meant to yield well and have a delicious orange candy flavour. how could i pass that up really
Great attitude man! good to hear that sweet tooth looks rich like wine! I'm going to be tying up things extra well tonight with more copper wire! the tent poles are chunky enough to handle the light, but i don't know about the supports for the lighthood! i got wire wrapped around also, but i'm doubling up.
Hopefully get a crinkle leaf Sweet Tooth. That pheno still apparently pops up and skullfucks people from time to time.
Yeah I've tried a few vaps before, just couldn't justify the money but a few trusted reviews of the Extreme Q meant it was worth a try for the price and I must say it's as good as any on the market so a friggin bargain. Even more of a bargain when mum springs for it.
crinkle leaf sweet tooth, ! lol, who gives them these crazy names!? awesome! i have used the extreme q, still a great vape for sure, i got the digi volcano, split it with the mrs, the 2 have a much different effect if you ask me, both great, i'm just used to the volcano bags, the ol' whips too strong for me, i can't get enough of a hit for my liking....even with small tokes to condensed for me as to why i love the bags, you can attach a bag to the Q yeah? cant remember
Vapes are great, and they grow on you, great to pull out if noone has seen it, or heard of them for that matter. they always surprise people the first time, you actually get High

without the heady tired feeling, maybe thats what i'm used to