Active Member
just to provide more air to the root zone.
Thanks man!
I haven't tried it yet, going to let it cure for a while.
I was working outside on some soil plants this morning, later I headed indoors and rearranged some lights and missed with the water a little bit, a few hours later I went back to check conditions after making changes and noticed the water had turned a little and there was a little brown around the buckets, I lifted out a plant and the roots had dark gunk on it =(.. Not happy I ran to the corner store for some h202 3%, I added 40ml to the system and 20 minutes later the roots are white again and no brown ring!!... lol.... I'm so happy!
I've never had to use hydrogen peroxide so far but man it seems to work with my sterile rez.
Fingers crossed for no more interruptions, I think it may have been dirty hands or the new light I placed was bleeding light into the buckets.
Love the tomato cages in insulation.. cheap, effective and practical. Bravo. I might do something for my buckets like that and maybe channel it out for the lid to fit so not to tip, but I think it might work. I have been looking at a solution on the cheap for this and this is it.. with a bit of tweaking. +rep also
I avoid using hydrogen peroxide you commonly find at drug stores 3%. This is because such low percentage (3%) solutions are unstable, and chemicals are added to the peroxide to keep it from breaking down before it can be used. Hydrogen peroxide is usually stabilized with acetanilide. Acetanilide is a synthetic compound that was first used for its fever reduction and pain killing properties in the late Nineteenth Century. For many years it was utilized as an alternative to aspirin to treat various ailments, but large scale medical use stopped when the toxic side effects of consuming acetanilide became apparant. This was enough to convince me to use 35% hydrogen peroxide instead.
I use 35% food grade and get 5gal for 50$ and mix my own 3% as needed. I also use the test strips to keep things just right. Test strips cost 14$ for 50. I also started using it in my hot tub OMG what a difference. I started using H2O2 about 2 months ago in my systems and will always use it, I'm a stubborn old fart and changes don't come often but this is one I should have done when I started RDWC. I have some other info on the stuff if you want.
Remember you said I might have a crowding issue, big understatement, I have to crawl on the floor to do anything in there and I moved them 2 weeks ago into the jumbo 30gal system, this is what I built it for, big grin on face, I do have 2 8" stones in each barrel with a 280 watt pump driving them. I'll post a few pix on my thread.
As always looking good.
what are those 8"?
Was curios if you use the superboost by supernatural the last 2 weeks harvest...or do u continue to use the bloom aqua with bud blaster? Also...are you using the bud blaster all the way through flower? Any tips you could give on the sn aqua nute line? I just made the switch ...i am doing standard dwc....