An Obvious Question


Active Member
Since President Obama has made it clear that he intends to run on his supposedly "gutsy call" in ordering the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, here is a simple and obvious question that I'd like him to answer:

Don't we hire a president for that precise reason: to make "gutsy calls?"

Related questions: Isn't making tough calls the first thing in the president's job description? We don't hire a president to vote "present" on the difficult things---although this one certainly did that as a state and then U.S. Senator. As Obama himself once said, by the time issues get to his desk, they are inherently difficult to resolve.

So why all of the preening? Why all of the handwringing about what a "gutsy call" it was? Could it be because he's never really had to make one before, so it's all brand-new to him? Could it be that because he's never been a chief executive, he has no clue what it involves? Could it be that he's a major-league narcissist who requires ego stroking at every turn? Could it be that he actually believes that he's the first president to have to make such a tough decision?

Could it be that it's all of the above?

Presidents must make tough calls. This is what they do. Real leaders don't whine about how tough those decisions were or luxuriate in their own courageousness. They pass the credit to others when things go well, take the blame when things go badly, and continue to make the "gutsy calls" without straining to remind everyone how "gutsy" they truly are.

That's what classy ones do too.
The President uses the info given to him (regardless of the political affiliation) he is more less a puppet that is given intel and options. The job of the President (among other things) is to take that info and use it to best suit the people of the US and their National Security.
Does he have to make hard calls.. Yes.. just put yourself in that postition Lets say the Syria conflict.. should we just help all the people escape? should we bomb them should be make more plans to meet with them should we just leave them alone?

each option has a pro and con issue we as Americans hope the person who is elected makes the best choice and the outcome is good.. but there is ALWAYS going to be someone somewhere who dislikes the end choice.

we are a nation who tries to please everyone all the time... and some say this is a good thing and some say it's not a good thing..
Could it be that...

it's an election year and he is playing to his strengths?

could be.

Shouldn't have Romney scored much much lower in the consistencies section? I was expecting a large negative number there. I think this poll is rigged.
lol ...they both score much lower in the "friendly and likeable" to me..

i could see myself playing a round of golf and having a beer with obama. romney couldn't even have a beer with me. he'd start telling me about his cult-er, religion and his sky daddy and his magic underwear and then in an awkward attempt to seem friendly would mention that his buddy owns coors or budweiser.
i could see myself playing a round of golf and having a beer with obama. romney couldn't even have a beer with me. he'd start telling me about his cult-er, religion and his sky daddy and his magic underwear and then in an awkward attempt to seem friendly would mention that his buddy owns coors or budweiser.
You're very quick to point out how retarded religion is...but equally quick to point out your supposed "Jewishness" when it suits you.

Personally, I think your "sky-daddy" is just as retarded as Romneys, Obamas, etc. THAT'S equality you can believe in.

Just sayin'
i could see myself playing a round of golf and having a beer with obama. romney couldn't even have a beer with me. he'd start telling me about his cult-er, religion and his sky daddy and his magic underwear and then in an awkward attempt to seem friendly would mention that his buddy owns coors or budweiser.
I don't think anyone could disagree lol
Why the fuck are there Obama supporters on this site? in case you havent noticed hes not too friendly when it comes to marijuana. He is a puppet president like the rest have been for the longest time.
Why the fuck are there Obama supporters on this site? in case you havent noticed hes not too friendly when it comes to marijuana. He is a puppet president like the rest have been for the longest time.

Its hard to believe, I've been here for awhile and still haven't been able to come to grips with it, there is like 5 or 6 of them here, most people are shocked when they first realize this so don't feel bad bro.
Seriously, comparing Obama to Romney? When did we sink so low as a nation that Grover Cleveland Millard Filmore and Herbert Hoover are starting to look like statesmen and leaders?

Just gimme that old time religion, Theodore Roosevelt style, and send both these turds down the chute.

I'll be writing in Ron Paul.
You're...quick to point out your supposed "Jewishness" when it suits you.

Personally, I think your "sky-daddy" is just as retarded as Romneys, Obamas, etc. THAT'S equality you can believe in.

Just sayin'

jews need not believe in a god. if i had to peg myself somewhere currently, i would be some sickly mix of agnostic humanistic jew. the jew part is honorary and by choice. i celebrate all the holidays and i like that judaism is adaptable. i was married by a reconstructionist rabbi, he did a great job at adapting those old, dusty books to our progressive beliefs.
jews need not believe in a god. if i had to peg myself somewhere currently, i would be some sickly mix of agnostic humanistic jew. the jew part is honorary and by choice. i celebrate all the holidays and i like that judaism is adaptable. i was married by a reconstructionist rabbi, he did a great job at adapting those old, dusty books to our progressive beliefs.
Again, and maybe try using your glasses this time old man, your faith is just as stupid as all the rest, so if your insulting one Sky Daddy you've gotta accept criticism of your own.

Isnt the Jew Faith basically the same as/slightly outdated version of the Christian faith minus the Zombie part anyways?