EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days


Active Member
~HEY~ YOU CANNOT BE TO CAREFUL~ with your~BABIES! The ~"wanting to fix a problem as soon or before it appears"~ IS A GREAT~ CONCEPT TO ALWAYS maintain!~ I have got OVER-CONFIDENT and had issues~ NO two grows ~ are the same... It's TRUE THAT~ WE ALWAYS KEEP LEARNING~& NEVER KNOW IT ALL~ Great attitude and plants!
Thanks man. Thye are looking better in the new soil and I haven't fed them since being in there. I will put up some pics in a bit becasue I think one is showing sex. Right now they are 35 days from breaking soil. I got mine from Nirvana and all 5 popped but one broke off coming out of the soil and I had to trash it. I have 5 white rhinos I am going to start after this. Was thinking about cloning but not sure yet...


Active Member
~ they LOOK JUST LIKE~ mine that i started the same time> I would up the ~"fannage" as the stems look a "LIL~weak" mabe~ Hell I'm NOT the PRO~ just a thought... I get mine from ~ which~ I ALWAYS GET in less than 10 days and have 100% germination~ This season... the seeds~LOOKED LIKE SHIT , as they were~TINY~ & immature looking~ BUT~ I had 100% germination~ so cannot complain i guess~ THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL~ BABIES!~CONGRATS~
I did get a new oscillating fan and they seem to be liking it, I mean the stems are bulking up a little already. I though the shinyness on some of the fan leaves may be due to wind but maybe it's the heat. I have to exhaust hot air back into the room so my temps maintain 80-85 tops. Would be lower if I could get it totally out of the room but I can't since this is a rental and I am worried about landlord.


Active Member
they looked a little over-watered too. make sure you let them dry out between waterings
I think I have been....i think it was more a ph problem but what do i know :-). I was watering a lot and then letting them dry but now I am watering more frequently but less and noe I am ph'ing my water to 6.5 with digital ph pen. Works sooo much better then the liquid test stuff. The fan seems to be helping too. Gonna take pics now.


Well-Known Member
There looking good,they have good coulour and look has though the nodes are nice and tight.Who ever said don't add nutes yet want there bumps feeling the min i get my clones they go in room 4 under 2 600 hps lights,at week 4 of flowering there 2 ft tall and ready to flower.

stick to this rule and you wont go far wrong;
clones rooted 1.1 week 1
seedlings has soon has they have there first true leaves 1.1 ec
week 2 1.2
week 3 1.3
week 4 1.4
add a root stim or superthrive or rhizatonic

flowering 1.5 all the way through
but at week two add big bud from advanced with you base nutes
3 week before end pk 13/14


Active Member
Honestly you guys should be able to help more, looks like it's either overheated or you're watering the plant's directly via spray, watering in the soil is much better and will put the leaves back to normal within a couple of days forget ec it's not a problem with these plants


Active Member
Honestly you guys should be able to help more, looks like it's either overheated or you're watering the plant's directly via spray, watering in the soil is much better and will put the leaves back to normal within a couple of days forget ec it's not a problem with these plants
I did water them 2 days ago and got a lot of water on the plants. The problem is I did not let them dry off totally before I put them back under the 600w MH. Maybe that is why they are curling. I think it is more a heat issue then anything since my humidity stays between 50-70.


Active Member
There looking good,they have good coulour and look has though the nodes are nice and tight.Who ever said don't add nutes yet want there bumps feeling the min i get my clones they go in room 4 under 2 600 hps lights,at week 4 of flowering there 2 ft tall and ready to flower.

stick to this rule and you wont go far wrong;
clones rooted 1.1 week 1
seedlings has soon has they have there first true leaves 1.1 ec
week 2 1.2
week 3 1.3
week 4 1.4
add a root stim or superthrive or rhizatonic

flowering 1.5 all the way through
but at week two add big bud from advanced with you base nutes
3 week before end pk 13/14
Thanks tyke. I will fert them next time I water in a couple days. Probably gonna flower soon.


Active Member
Should I be turning off the fan blowing on them at night? All their leaves are curling now and the tall one just happened last night because they weren't like that yesterday.


Active Member
Another thing I noticed on one plant is light green leaves and the fan leaves at the top are burning on the tips and edges. i dont believe this has to do with the light because the taller plant doesnt have this. Maybe i need some nutes high in pk but not sure. The PH should be fine since I watered twice with 6.5 water and havent fed them since changing soil to ffof


Active Member
Using the starter budding additive big bud puts much needed amino acid's in to you're plant's and makes them adapt better to heat so they can deal with a lot hotter temperatures


Active Member
UPDATE. Plants have probably tripled in size in less then a month (see other pics in this thread). They have been flowering for about 20 days and have grown a lot. Had some curling problems in veg and couldn't figure out what the problem was. Now after flowering for a few weeks I believe it was becasue I had the 600 watt MH going. The MH made the tent much hotter then the 600 watt HPS that I'm running now. All Northern lights and all are females.

I am using Tiger Bloom from Fox Farms at 2 tsp. every other watering and not using anything else. Any other advice to increase yeild would be appreciated. I'm hoping to get a couple ounces dry from each plant (or 1/2 lb. total). I usually have to give them a gallon of water every 3-4 days.

The small bushy one was topped at a young age. I thought it wasn't gonna make it but it came through nicely. This is my first grow and was really worried about every little spot in the beginning and tried to fix everything. Now that I took a step back and just let the plant do its thing, it's coming along nice.

The little one in the middle is just a bagseed I found and I'm doing a little 12/12 experiment. Gotta watch it to make sure it doesn't end up being male.



yo man. told u those plants would catch up. they look amazing, much much better than mine did at 3 weeks haha. well done. Mine are at 5 weeks flower now and really starting to bulk up. the trichs are now everywhere and it just looks awesome man. oh btw do your plants smell like anything?? my plants dont smell at all unless i touch the buds and smell my finger or i shake the plant (not like i shake it alot) but i mean when i move it around i get a nice sweet smell. cant wait to harvest lol.