EXPERTS.....How are they looking? 21 days


Active Member
yo man. told u those plants would catch up. they look amazing, much much better than mine did at 3 weeks haha. well done. Mine are at 5 weeks flower now and really starting to bulk up. the trichs are now everywhere and it just looks awesome man. oh btw do your plants smell like anything?? my plants dont smell at all unless i touch the buds and smell my finger or i shake the plant (not like i shake it alot) but i mean when i move it around i get a nice sweet smell. cant wait to harvest lol.
They dont really smell that much at all. Like you said, they smell when I touch them and smell my finger and smell when I move them to the bathroom to water. Other then that not too much. I cant wait either and thanks for the comments. There growing more and more hairs every day......cant wait.


Active Member

Im in week 6 of flower. Tricombs are still all clear white (30x loupe). I flushed them a few days ago and just gave them water. Been feeding them Tiger Bloom, Big Bud, and Bid Candy every other watering. I am starting to notice a big deficiancy in one of the plants. 3 of them are showing the deficiany but 1 is pretty bad. It looks like a magnesium and/or calcium deficiany but not sure. I can buy some cal/mag but I'm not sure if it's too late to add it or not. Any help would be appreciated.

O yea, I did add some epsom salts in the last watering (1 tsp/gallon) but that was few days ago and I haven't seen any improvment. The deficiancy is spreading to the sugar leaves by the buds and I'm afraid that it will get into the buds or keep a lot of the leaves from producing tricombs.

I always PH my water to 6.5 but really never check the run-off.

Any ideas on what I can do? I was planning on the next watering to add one more dose of Tiger Bloom with mollases and Big Bud. Then let them go for a week and do my final flush. A week later I plan to chop them as long as their ready and not getting worse.



Well-Known Member
Those little babies are completely flawless, textbook size for there age! great job! your on a nice track to some really good bud :)


Well-Known Member
Oh and scotty0129......Your plants looked fucked, I say give them a large flush because some neut your giving them is raping the shit out of the neuts it already has.


Active Member
Doesn't your 2 posts contradict each other. Any other good advice besides my plants look "flawless" and look "fucked". I just flushed them 3 days ago so I'll need to wait a little on another flush. So I guess you really have no clue besides their "fucked"?