Active Member
Same thing clear would do but lib dems i'd say are like the other main partys, all good heros then they get elected and it's all about oil and killing muslims which is pointless cause most are gunna blow theirself up anyways...
We would get
More jobs
Billions of income to pay off our debts(the government never pay for anything they promise to pay via so much debt)
So much money from tourism
If weed is priced like amsterdam 10pound a gram... when it's legal so easily and widely available that would be incredible the amount of tax made off it
Cheaper and safer for patients to use marijuana from a doctor's prescription rather than the shit they want to give us!
We would get
More jobs
Billions of income to pay off our debts(the government never pay for anything they promise to pay via so much debt)
So much money from tourism
If weed is priced like amsterdam 10pound a gram... when it's legal so easily and widely available that would be incredible the amount of tax made off it
Cheaper and safer for patients to use marijuana from a doctor's prescription rather than the shit they want to give us!