They will be destroyed in seconds!!!

only found 2 eggs on the whole plant, and i looked for a good hour...nice an early, nothing will want to be in the room after a good fog out, it's probably my own fault, with the outdoor plants having bugs no matter what, and i did bring them inside, a bug could easily have flown off in that time....little bastards will find your plants no matter how hidden they are! they are in search of a heathy green plant to lay their eggs on, the eggs suck the sap from the stems, and that itself can cause problems, the flies themselves, well they are like little drills, and leave little scattered lines where they eat out their trails on the leaves....i have seen an entire branch eaten overnight by a decent little white fly family (say 10 or more flies) i have been lucky in my grows being as obsessive as i am, if somethings on my plant , i'll know about it sooner rather than later
wow, went outside, the outdoor plants are maturing extremely fast, almost all hairs are red, could be the cold maybe....the little nugs are all rock solid, and stink to high hell when you give them a little bump. pppoooooooohhhhh my fingers still stink....they have got their funk on now, and their stink is unjustifiable