Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
You don't know Portugal pretty much legalizes all drugs? Yet has virtually no drug problem and very little addicts. Before Portugal legalized drugs, it had a problem worse than us.What the hell are you mumbling about?
Liberals want you to think they're better than everyone because they have "compassion" for drug addicts, etc. But the liberal won't let the addict be their own person. Instead the liberal wants to control the addict, ect. They know better. But at the same time advocate for the addict? That's not strange to you? It's like they want the addict as their pet, such as when we get a dog or cat. The liberal in reality doesn't trust the addict, they're scum. The liberal is doing to the addict what he accuses people like the KKK doing to blacks and jews. But at least the KKK is up front and honest with their hatred.
Shit, do I really have to hand feed you? Go re-read what I said before. Bucky says his bullshit tongue in cheek and you get it. I fucking agree with you, then you insult me like you're reading a retard's musings.