3rd bagseed grow before good genes arrive.

cool. better to not let them go yellow in a plea for food, but its better than over-feeding, imo.

this was my first time using happy frog soil. I didn't know how hot it would be so I waited to feed a little longer than I should have.
I gotta give it up to Female seeds, it sprouted the tap-root in under 12 hours. I accidentally ripped off a cotyledon by removing the seed coat. It's doing fine regardless.
a day or two. I don't bother with germination, I just stick them right in a solo cup with the same dirt they will live in later, and keep them misted.
a day or two. I don't bother with germination, I just stick them right in a solo cup with the same dirt they will live in later, and keep them misted.
Mine sprouted 2 days ago and are looking great. I'm hoping they look like yours in a few days. I feel like they look alot bigger everytime i poke my head in the box.
What I've learned is that the way to happy plants is air, p.h., nutes and light, in that order. That's obviously debatable, but that seems to be my experience.
What I've learned is that the way to happy plants is air, p.h., nutes and light, in that order. That's obviously debatable, but that seems to be my experience.
My air flow, is horrible. My pH is untestable (As i dont have a tester), my nutes in my soil are horrible, and my lights are horrible..Maybe im just lucky so far.
My air flow, is horrible. My pH is untestable (As i dont have a tester), my nutes in my soil are horrible, and my lights are horrible..Maybe im just lucky so far.
I use a liquid test kit. They're cheap and I can't recommend it more. My tap water takes a some back and forth with the ph up and down to get to the correct range. Your plants with love it as they wont take in any nutes if the ph is off.
I switched to 12/12 on 4/29. It will be an experiment of sorts. The bag seeds were vegged 29 days and the c99xmaroc fem is going 12/12 from seed. Stay tuned.