3rd bagseed grow before good genes arrive.

Straining won't help with most pollutants (unless you're using RO or some serious filtration, in which case why use rain water as your source at all?), but it will get rid of insects, dust, and maybe even pollen. However, I'll agree with you that the earlier poster was probably exaggerating pretty severely. Our air and water quality in the U.S. has actually improved remarkably over the last few decades, due to a combination of tighter restrictions on motor vehicles, monitoring and restrictions on factory emissions, and the shifting of a large portion of our manufacturing overseas. There are some rivers and watersheds that were essentially toxic in the 1970s but are now pretty safe to swim and even fish in.

That being said, I'll also agree that if you live in an agricultural area, the large scale spraying of pesticides/herbicides/fertilizers will almost certainly get into your rainwater, and probably your local river/lake water as well. I don't know if it would be at levels that are high enough to effect your plants at all (probably not), but it'll be there.

If you're in the suburbs and there aren't any major industrial or agricultural areas upwind (prevailing winds, which usually means to your west in the U.S.), your rainwater is probably pretty clean. If you're right next to a major highway, or in the heart of an urban center, you're probably still getting a lot of particulates from vehicle exhaust, even if the per-vehicle emissions are better now than they were 20-40 years ago. Once again, I don't know if the pollutant levels will be high enough to effect your plants (again, probably not), but there will be measurable pollutants.

In sum, even in the worst areas I'd guess your plants won't suffer from the pollution in your rainwater. If you're in suburbia (and not downwind from an industrial park or agrobusiness district), you'll probably have pretty damn clean rainwater, almost certainly cleaner than your tap water, once you filter out the dust/pollen.

All that stuff you talking about is bogus how did plants keep growing if water is so polluted man cut the crap
All that stuff you talking about is bogus how did plants keep growing if water is so polluted man cut the crap

I think you should read what I said again. I repeated like 5 times that the levels of pollutants are probably too low to affect plants, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. I was agreeing with you that the earlier person who was all ranting and raving about pollution was way off the mark.
I couldn't get close enough to show pistils but they are everywhere. Here are the girls at day 16 of flower.2wkfl1.jpg2wkfl2.jpgc992wkfl.jpg
I was agreeing with you that the earlier person who was all ranting and raving about pollution was way off the mark.

I wasnt ranting or raving. Actually i was trying to be comical about MY city's pollution. Nice try though
I wasnt ranting or raving. Actually i was trying to be comical about MY city's pollution. Nice try though

So I feel bad about hijacking this journal with a silly back-and-forth, but I wasn't talking about you. Your comment was clearly a joke and nowhere near a rant. This is what I was referring to:

rainwater isn't what is used to be. in the city we've got high density populations, with excessive motor exhaust and smoke stack factories pumping all types of chemicals into the air which is brought back down on us in the rain water. It's still worth a shot collecting the water and trying it on your plants, we may be wrong about the water, but i doubt it. I live out in the country, far from all the city pollutants, so my rain water must be sparkly clean and perfect, right? Wrong. I am surrounded by monsanto corn and soy fields. Every summer literally tons of nitrogen fertilizers and strong herbicides and pesticides are dropped onto endless acres of monocrops. These chemicals then are carried up into rain clouds via evaporation, the clouds travel, and then dump their polluted water back onto new ground. My rainwater may be worse polluted than that of the inner city. Not to mention the same chemicals are in the ground water now, so my tap is even worse than the rain I'm sure. There is no such thing as clean water on this planet any more. We humans have gone out of our way to make sure of that.
yeah i was ranting sorry about that man I get carried away on those topics sometimes. In the end I still think rainwater is probably the best and most natural source of water for a grow. odessa man your plants are tight, i love how green they are. Keep it up.
don't feel bad guys. I found the back and forth entertaining. As long as it's civil, I don't mind it in my thread.
yeah i was ranting sorry about that man I get carried away on those topics sometimes. In the end I still think rainwater is probably the best and most natural source of water for a grow. odessa man your plants are tight, i love how green they are. Keep it up.

No worries, man, I've been known to rant and rave a bit myself! As a matter of fact, I enjoy reading a good rant almost as much as I enjoy writing one.

And odessa, thanks for not blacklisting us! ;-) Your plants really are purty, too. Keep up the updates, man.
here we are at day 21 of 12/12. These sombitches got big. The oldest is three ft and the c99 almost caught up to the middle child. Also, some pr0n. day21.jpgday212.jpgday213.jpg
They will be ok. Right now the tips are about 4 inches from the 400 w. I plan to use sticks anyway so I'll tie the colas and move away from the bulb.
here we are at day 30 of 12/12 LST will be a must next time. The c99 was the smallest and is now the tallest. Also, some bud shots. day301212.jpgday3012122.jpgday3012123.jpg
I just did some major lst with bread ties to force the plant to grow horizontally. It has worked okay but a screen would definitely make the matter much simpler. The screen is the way to go to maximize light exposure to buds on the plant, and to maximize yield indoors in small spaces. What are you going to do to protect your plant from burning though? It seems like the tops of the plants are practically touching the bulb, and it still is going to put on some bud.
I think I'll have just enough room. I can pull the colas away from the bulb and tie them.
Does it smell? I am worried about how mine are going to smell during flowering, don't want the smell to escape out of the grow box.
Does it smell? I am worried about how mine are going to smell during flowering, don't want the smell to escape out of the grow box.

Marijuana stinks bro. It is a very fragrant plant. If you don't do something to clean your exhaust air, your house will likely smell like fresh growing cannabis even from a single bag seed plant. Of course, 10 plants smell stronger than one, but there's always a smell.