Will you vote for Obama?

Public Poll: Will you vote for Obama?

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New Member
I'm having trouble gleaning this conclusion from anything Crazyhazey said, or anything that you conclude for that matter. Sorry, my head doesn't go that far up my ass. Can you explain how he suggested ANYTHING about socialism? Maybe you just don't know what socialism is. Were you born retarded or have you just always been a fucking retard?
Take it over to your neighbors house and let a grown up explain it to you!


Well-Known Member
I'm not doing shit until you answer my question about you supporting socialsm and Barack Obama.
i was unaware obama was a socialist, i was requesting that you explain how he is by citing three pieces of legislation signed into law by him that are "socialist".


New Member
you know beenthere, a conversation with unclebuck is about as useful as peeing on an electric fence
Except when you piss on an electric fence it bites back, unclebuck is harmless, he's just a bitter little underachiever like most liberals who can't think on their own.


Well-Known Member
All you have to do is look at the poll results from the OP. So far it indicates less than 2 out of ten people responding would vote for Barack Obama in the upcoming election!
Obviously this goes against the grain of you and your little support groups ideology, but instead of presenting an argument to reinforce your stance, you stoop to ad hominem attacks because you fall short on debating the issues. This is nothing new with liberals, if they can't win an argument on the merits, they try to marginalize the opposition by using the race card or target emotions by exploiting the less fortunate, and in this case it was the poor guy (activist) in the wheelchair.

You imply that if I vote for Romney while supporting the legalization of marijuana, I am contradicting myself. You couldn't be farther from the truth. Perhaps you should read our constitution, you might learn a little about it and our founding fathers fight for states rights and their repugnant view of a centralized government!

Using your own rationale, supporting Obama means you are admitting to being pro socialist, if you are not, you are contradicting yourself.
Hell, anyone with half a brain will tell you that Barack Obama's vision for America is a European style centralized government (socialism) and a vote for Obama is a vote for socialism.
So crazyhazey, are you pro socialism, or not?
uh yeah, you do contradict yourself by supporting legalization then support romney, who is not for medical marijuana obviously. and the constitution can be twisted, exactly why you bring it up just like any other person who works for fox news. its like the bible, all republicans follow it but they pick only the parts they like, and twist the fuck out of them. the fathers of our country wrote that shit on the hottest summer in a building w/o ventilation, of course they agreed fast. they wanted to get the fuck out of there. most of them were racist as well, it doesnt take a "liberal" to know that. the thing is, im no liberal. i dont support either of the parties, but most years i find myself siding with the left. sorry i didnt support the bush administration, i know. they did so much good for our country and i voted for the bad guy who wasnt gonna get us in an oil war, im so sorry beenthere. and wait, how is capitalism better than socialism? equality is a good thing, you've been brainwashed to believe in supporting people who make much more money than you then pay the same amount of money to the government for taxes. better yet, you support giving them tax cuts. who looks like the less rational person, you, supporting big corporation tax cuts that all republicans stand for, or Obama, wanting to lower the number of people below the poverty line? not to mention the plenty of other things he's done that your afraid to admit. i bet you have better things to say about bush than obama, why dont you forget your a brainwashed right winger and look at the big picture, from the stance of a person who doesn't vote only because of someones political party.

you know beenthere, a conversation with unclebuck is about as useful as peeing on an electric fence
this has perfectly described my experience, may as well type a whole paragraph and expect him to say something completely unrelated.


New Member
You ready to defend your opinion that cannabis has no medicinal value? Your avatar looks like cartel weed.
Check it out rookie, I could care less what your little untrained eyes think what those 30 year old buds look like, you admitted you don't know shit about growing! LOL
And I've never once claimed marijuana had no medicinal value, if you can find where I did, then produce it or STFU with your whining.
Take some sound advice, move out of mommy and daddy's basement and get out on your own. You being 30yrs old, it's a little embarrassing wouldn't ya think?