Will you vote for Obama?

Public Poll: Will you vote for Obama?

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Well-Known Member
So since the only thing you have an original opinion about is the Skunk strain, I would like to know of the medicinal value of it. How many medical conditions are treated by it?

"Dude, 99% or more of medical marijuana patients in California are simply pot heads with a medical card, their hiding under a medicinal law just to legally smoke and everyone knows it."

This part of what you said here is what I was hoping you would be so kind as to elaborate on. I wasn't aware cannabis had no medicinal value at all.


Well-Known Member
I guess politics will put you on a more even playing field, debating cannabis with you is like talking about football with my wife.

What lefties like yourself fail to realize is, other people have a stark difference in ideals than you do. If the "dieing patient" was sincere, he would have never trapped a politician in front of a camera with a loaded question, on the other hand, that is par for the course for political hacks and activists. The law is the law, I'm sure the MD patient is fully aware that the procedure to getting a law changed lies with his state legislators, not a presidential candidate ambushed on camera, if you can't admit that, you just as much a hack.

Now, if you want my opinion on our drug laws, that's a different story, it may surprise you but I would vote for them to legalize personal use of most all drugs.
You hypocritical smugs are the first one to scream when a conservative complains about laws and over regulation, but when the law doesn't suit your agenda, you whine like little children.
You afraid to be humble? I'm not. You're god damn right we have stark differences in ideals, old farts need to start dying off so shit can change. I'm not going to become just another doctor owned by Pfizer. I'm starting med school this year at UCSD. Would you rather I learn about cannabis or memorize pharmaceutical companies' reading material? Debating politics with you is like talking politics with someone who thinks Mitt Romney is human. You say something, you should back it up, no matter what subject, you don't see me avoiding all subjects that aren't biology pre-med. You're right, I'm a noob grower, at least I'm willing to broaden my horizons, and at least I don't stick to my guns when I know I'm wrong.

For as much as you want to seem like you know about cannabis, you have no clue about it's medicinal qualities. You came in here, with your first post directing rhetoric toward me, basically accusing every doctor who prescribes cannabis of malpractice. By the way, the buds in your avatar look like shit.


New Member

''You afraid to be humble? I'm not. You're god damn right we have stark differences in ideals, old farts need to start dying off so shit can change. I'm not going to become just another doctor owned by Pfizer. I'm starting med school this year at UCSD. Would you rather I learn about cannabis or memorize pharmaceutical companies' reading material?

Sorry pal, I've got a long time left on this earth, and when you become a little more experienced out in the real world, you can join in on the grow up conversations.

"Debating politics with you is like talking politics with someone who thinks Mitt Romney is human. You say something, you should back it up, no matter what subject, you don't see me avoiding all subjects that aren't biology pre-med. You're right, I'm a noob grower, at least I'm willing to broaden my horizons, and at least I don't stick to my guns when I know I'm wrong."

Is that a fact, well come to think about it, you are avoiding backing up your knowledge of skunk that you claimed to be an expert on, remember, your the one that brought that subject up, I'm still waiting!

"For as much as you want to seem like you know about cannabis, you have no clue about it's medicinal qualities. You came in here, with your first post directing rhetoric toward me, basically accusing every doctor who prescribes cannabis of malpractice. By the way, the buds in your avatar look like shit."

Even the FDA is at odds with independent medical researchers who advocate the medicinal properties, and you expect growers should be well versed in it? LOL silly kid.
Hey, if it makes you feel better to diss my thirty year old skunk buds because your bluff got called, have at it, in the mean time show me a pic of your prized grow, I'll be honest.

BTW, congratulations on med school, I hope you do well.


Well-Known Member
LMAO, you wouldn't know a shitty plant if was up shoved up your rookie ass, you keep giving that more nitrogen to mature buds advice of yours, and ill keep laughing!
i had no idea buds were mature in early to mid august.

teach me more.


Active Member
i wouldnt vote if i could...they dont even count em...a lil monkey in suspenders picks a name out of a hat.


Well-Known Member

''You afraid to be humble? I'm not. You're god damn right we have stark differences in ideals, old farts need to start dying off so shit can change. I'm not going to become just another doctor owned by Pfizer. I'm starting med school this year at UCSD. Would you rather I learn about cannabis or memorize pharmaceutical companies' reading material?

Sorry pal, I've got a long time left on this earth, and when you become a little more experienced out in the real world, you can join in on the grow up conversations.

"Debating politics with you is like talking politics with someone who thinks Mitt Romney is human. You say something, you should back it up, no matter what subject, you don't see me avoiding all subjects that aren't biology pre-med. You're right, I'm a noob grower, at least I'm willing to broaden my horizons, and at least I don't stick to my guns when I know I'm wrong."

Is that a fact, well come to think about it, you are avoiding backing up your knowledge of skunk that you claimed to be an expert on, remember, your the one that brought that subject up, I'm still waiting!

"For as much as you want to seem like you know about cannabis, you have no clue about it's medicinal qualities. You came in here, with your first post directing rhetoric toward me, basically accusing every doctor who prescribes cannabis of malpractice. By the way, the buds in your avatar look like shit."

Even the FDA is at odds with independent medical researchers who advocate the medicinal properties, and you expect growers should be well versed in it? LOL silly kid.
Hey, if it makes you feel better to diss my thirty year old skunk buds because your bluff got called, have at it, in the mean time show me a pic of your prized grow, I'll be honest.

BTW, congratulations on med school, I hope you do well.
I don't recall professing any knowledge of Skunk, other than that it isn't cartel weed. Good job dodging humility, it shows all this experience you have in life. What would you know of my experiences? I'm 30 years old and you're the one who still doesn't have the humility to learn something. You are still trying to goad me into a debate about growing while you avoid debating it with UB. Nonetheless, if you would like to help me with growing, I would be happy to learn something, even from a rigid prick like you (you know you are, and it is actually sort of endearing) my grow is in my sig and nobody has even commented on it yet. You can even go into detail your knowledge of Skunk, which you are clearly proud of. By all means share, it doesn't require a competitive tone.

Now for the silly kid comment, I am disappointed, after 30 years of experience, you more than anyone I have yet spoken with should be an expert on the medicinal qualities of cannabis, you have no excuse. The only things keeping you from knowing are your lack of humility and your ill placed trust in the FDA. You should know.

Thank you for the well wishes on med school, but I am of the mind that people should self medicate and see doctors only for emergency and surgery, see nurses for infirmary and stay in touch with a family doctor who knows them well for advice. The healthcare industry currently profits far too much from the sickness of Americans.

Two wise Jefferson quotes:

"Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now."

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny."


New Member
I don't recall professing any knowledge of Skunk, other than that it isn't cartel weed. Good job dodging humility, it shows all this experience you have in life. What would you know of my experiences? I'm 30 years old and you're the one who still doesn't have the humility to learn something. You are still trying to goad me into a debate about growing while you avoid debating it with UB. Nonetheless, if you would like to help me with growing, I would be happy to learn something, even from a rigid prick like you (you know you are, and it is actually sort of endearing) my grow is in my sig and nobody has even commented on it yet. You can even go into detail your knowledge of Skunk, which you are clearly proud of. By all means share, it doesn't require a competitive tone.

Now for the silly kid comment, I am disappointed, after 30 years of experience, you more than anyone I have yet spoken with should be an expert on the medicinal qualities of cannabis, you have no excuse. The only things keeping you from knowing are your lack of humility and your ill placed trust in the FDA. You should know.

Thank you for the well wishes on med school, but I am of the mind that people should self medicate and see doctors only for emergency and surgery, see nurses for infirmary and stay in touch with a family doctor who knows them well for advice. The healthcare industry currently profits far too much from the sickness of Americans.

Two wise Jefferson quotes:

"Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now."

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny."
A bit ironic that you admit disdain for the FDA and federal government while you support Barack Obama!
Are you confused or perhaps uninformed? Barack Obama is about as pro big government as they come, pleas enlighten me.
Now a question for you, in your opinion, would Thomas Jefferson have supported a president who had a vision of an increased centralized European esque government for the United States?


Well-Known Member
A bit ironic that you admit disdain for the FDA and federal government while you support Barack Obama!
Are you confused or perhaps uninformed? Barack Obama is about as pro big government as they come, pleas enlighten me.
Now a question for you, in your opinion, would Thomas Jefferson have supported a president who had a vision of an increased centralized European esque government for the United States?
I'm voting for Ron Paul, you must assume that because I self identify as liberal that I support Obama. That isn't to say that I share the enthusiasm about bashing him that some other people do, I think he is less horrible than most of the presidents who have held office in my lifetime.


Well-Known Member
haha of course he's avoiding that one. your just as shallow as romney, when someone asks you something, you walk away and answer someone else hahahaha.
yep, he doesn't know how to read and therefore missed the part where i said to use a little more nitrogen later into the cycle, as late as early to mid august. not two weeks before chop, like he is misstating.

poor angry little guy.


Well-Known Member
yep, he doesn't know how to read and therefore missed the part where i said to use a little more nitrogen later into the cycle, as late as early to mid august. not two weeks before chop, like he is misstating.

poor angry little guy.
haha i know, i think he has "selective reading".
and he seems to contradict himself, he supports romney and then claims to support legalization. doesnt surprise me though, most republicans i meet on this forum are usually angry racist people who think obama fucked up our country, after they voted bush in for 2 terms.
or they just hate him cause he's black, either one of these constitutes a right winged fascist who supports someone who doesnt own a soul, better yet a personality cough romney cough cough.
riu made a smilie just so i could describe this guy... :dunce:


Well-Known Member
haha i know, i think he has "selective reading".
and he seems to contradict himself, he supports romney and then claims to support legalization. doesnt surprise me though, most republicans i meet on this forum are usually angry racist people who think obama fucked up our country, after they voted bush in for 2 terms.
or they just hate him cause he's black, either one of these constitutes a right winged fascist who supports someone who doesnt own a soul, better yet a personality cough romney cough cough.
riu made a smilie just so i could describe this guy... :dunce:
i have friends on facebook who i used to work with back in 2004. we used to argue at the time about voting for bush.

now when i see them trash obama on facebook for stupid stuff, i just remind them that they voted for bush twice and they immediately shut the fuck up.

it's hilarious.


Well-Known Member
haha i know, i think he has "selective reading".
and he seems to contradict himself, he supports romney and then claims to support legalization. doesnt surprise me though, most republicans i meet on this forum are usually angry racist people who think obama fucked up our country, after they voted bush in for 2 terms.
or they just hate him cause he's black, either one of these constitutes a right winged fascist who supports someone who doesnt own a soul, better yet a personality cough romney cough cough.
riu made a smilie just so i could describe this guy... :dunce:
Excuse me, Bush only won once.


Well-Known Member
i have friends on facebook who i used to work with back in 2004. we used to argue at the time about voting for bush.

now when i see them trash obama on facebook for stupid stuff, i just remind them that they voted for bush twice and they immediately shut the fuck up.

it's hilarious.
hahaha thats exactly how it is here in FL is, they rant how we fucked up by letting obama get in and im like, oh damn you know how good of an idea it was to let george fucking bush run our country. all of you put that sign in your front yard, dont even deny it. look now, we're stuck in afghanistan, and who didnt want to go into afganistan in the first place, then made efforts to get us out of there? hmm. ill let them answer that.


New Member
haha i know, i think he has "selective reading".
and he seems to contradict himself, he supports romney and then claims to support legalization. doesnt surprise me though, most republicans i meet on this forum are usually angry racist people who think obama fucked up our country, after they voted bush in for 2 terms.
or they just hate him cause he's black, either one of these constitutes a right winged fascist who supports someone who doesnt own a soul, better yet a personality cough romney cough cough.
riu made a smilie just so i could describe this guy... :dunce:
All you have to do is look at the poll results from the OP. So far it indicates less than 2 out of ten people responding would vote for Barack Obama in the upcoming election!
Obviously this goes against the grain of you and your little support groups ideology, but instead of presenting an argument to reinforce your stance, you stoop to ad hominem attacks because you fall short on debating the issues. This is nothing new with liberals, if they can't win an argument on the merits, they try to marginalize the opposition by using the race card or target emotions by exploiting the less fortunate, and in this case it was the poor guy (activist) in the wheelchair.

You imply that if I vote for Romney while supporting the legalization of marijuana, I am contradicting myself. You couldn't be farther from the truth. Perhaps you should read our constitution, you might learn a little about it and our founding fathers fight for states rights and their repugnant view of a centralized government!

Using your own rationale, supporting Obama means you are admitting to being pro socialist, if you are not, you are contradicting yourself.
Hell, anyone with half a brain will tell you that Barack Obama's vision for America is a European style centralized government (socialism) and a vote for Obama is a vote for socialism.

So crazyhazey, are you pro socialism, or not?


Well-Known Member
All you have to do is look at the poll results from the OP. So far it indicates less than 2 out of ten people responding would vote for Barack Obama in the upcoming election!
Obviously this goes against the grain of you and your little support groups ideology, but instead of presenting an argument to reinforce your stance, you stoop to ad hominem attacks because you fall short on debating the issues. This is nothing new with liberals, if they can't win an argument on the merits, they try to marginalize the opposition by using the race card or target emotions by exploiting the less fortunate, and in this case it was the poor guy (activist) in the wheelchair.

You imply that if I vote for Romney while supporting the legalization of marijuana, I am contradicting myself. You couldn't be farther from the truth. Perhaps you should read our constitution, you might learn a little about it and our founding fathers fight for states rights and their repugnant view of a centralized government!

Using your own rationale, supporting Obama means you are admitting to being pro socialist, if you are not, you are contradicting yourself.
Hell, anyone with half a brain will tell you that Barack Obama's vision for America is a European style centralized government (socialism) and a vote for Obama is a vote for socialism.

So crazyhazey, are you pro socialism, or not?
name the three most socialist pieces of legislation signed into law by obama.


Well-Known Member
All you have to do is look at the poll results from the OP. So far it indicates less than 2 out of ten people responding would vote for Barack Obama in the upcoming election!
Obviously this goes against the grain of you and your little support groups ideology, but instead of presenting an argument to reinforce your stance, you stoop to ad hominem attacks because you fall short on debating the issues. This is nothing new with liberals, if they can't win an argument on the merits, they try to marginalize the opposition by using the race card or target emotions by exploiting the less fortunate, and in this case it was the poor guy (activist) in the wheelchair.

You imply that if I vote for Romney while supporting the legalization of marijuana, I am contradicting myself. You couldn't be farther from the truth. Perhaps you should read our constitution, you might learn a little about it and our founding fathers fight for states rights and their repugnant view of a centralized government!

Using your own rationale, supporting Obama means you are admitting to being pro socialist, if you are not, you are contradicting yourself.
Hell, anyone with half a brain will tell you that Barack Obama's vision for America is a European style centralized government (socialism) and a vote for Obama is a vote for socialism.

So crazyhazey, are you pro socialism, or not?
people on this site overwhelmingly support Ron Paul...your argument is invalid.


Well-Known Member
Using your own rationale, supporting Obama means you are admitting to being pro socialist, if you are not, you are contradicting yourself.
Hell, anyone with half a brain will tell you that Barack Obama's vision for America is a European style centralized government (socialism) and a vote for Obama is a vote for socialism.
I'm having trouble gleaning this conclusion from anything Crazyhazey said, or anything that you conclude for that matter. Sorry, my head doesn't go that far up my ass. Can you explain how he suggested ANYTHING about socialism? Maybe you just don't know what socialism is. Were you born retarded or have you just always been a fucking retard?


New Member
yep, he doesn't know how to read and therefore missed the part where i said to use a little more nitrogen later into the cycle, as late as early to mid august. not two weeks before chop, like he is misstating.

poor angry little guy.
blacks vote overwhelmingly democratic no matter who the nominee.

you fail.

also, add some nitrogen or iron, those weak ass buds look so sickly i am close to vomiting.
Here's the first post where your advice is to add nitrogen, this was advised from you looking at a 30 year old pic that clearly shows the plants maturity. There's no mention of early to mid august in your comment is there, it was only later in the conversation after you were corrected did you mention late in the cycle or early to mid August, in which you are still wrong. Marijuana has three basic cycles, germination/seedling cycle, vegetative cycle and flower cycle. Late cycle refers to the flowering stage, (the pic in my avatar) and when you suggested more nitrogen!

So, who's doesn't know how to read, nice try, but it seems pretty clear by your own words it's you, poor little confused rookie!