• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Space thread what they didn't want you to see


Well-Known Member
These are tests where they fire the models straight down from high altitudes? Or I wonder if they have gone more horizontal, now, testing the sramjet? Keeping the skin on seems like a good thing. :)


Well-Known Member
all you experts back to the moon would it be possible from inside apollo to cast a shadow over the earth? can you answer that?
We'll need a little more explanation. Also, are you saying your were actually turned down for alien abduction because you were going to a bowling alley?


New Member

How, and where NASA faked the lunar orbit, landing and lift off.___________________________________________________

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]This web page will show how, and where NASA faked the lunar approach, lunar orbit, lunar landing, and lunar take off, for all the Apollo Moon landing video's. Contrary to what many believe, the sequences were not shot in a desert, Hollywood studio, or Area 51. There may have been the odd picture taken at Area 51, and a few Apollo pictures that were taken in some remote desert, but the majority of stills and video were performed at Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia. Scientist's at NASA knew in the early 60's that a manned mission to the Moon was impossible within 8 years, and a plan to fake the Moon landings was put into operation. NASA's fake Moon pictures were taken at various locations such as KSC, JSC, LRC, and of course the odd one or two desert locations. I would also like to point out to that the art of faking both still photographs, and movie film is as old as photography and film itself. The 1930's film "King Kong" showed a huge gorilla scaling up the Empire State building. If it's on film are we led to believe it's real? No of course not, but that is exactly what PAN's, (Pro Apollo Nutters) are claiming. Their ridiculous debunking claim is that digital manipulation of photographs and film was not available back in the 1960's, but they did not have digital artifacts back in 1930 when the film "King Kong" was made.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Langley is NASA's space research facility, and staff are sworn to secrecy. All files pertaining to the Apollo (fake Moon missions) are stored there and not due for declassification until 2026. Other artifacts including the burnt out Apollo 1 capsule which killed Grissom, Chaffe and White. They have the facilities to perform anything, fake backgrounds, simulated orbiters etc. First piece of evidence is the large 250 foot traverse crane shown below. Notice fake Moon crater surface created beneath the crane.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]This crane was purposely built in 63/64 to perfect the lunar landing as close as possible to the real thing, and used to suspend both the LM and astronauts. It enabled movement of the LM in all directions, ie, up down, left right, forward and reverse. Trial runs were so good NASA, opted to use the setup for faking the film of lunar landing, and take off, whereby the flag is blown over.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Bobby Braun claims the idea was to teach the astronauts how to land a rocket propelled LM. However no rocket powered LM was ever ever suspended from this crane. In any case anyone with the slightest gumption knows that it isimpossible to control a rocket engine. The LM was controlled purely by traverse and lowering, in the same way as a conventional crane.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Below are more pictures showing mock LM suspended from this crane. In the center picture note the circular objects on the ground floor. The vast expanse of ground area beneath this crane was ideal for creating mock lunar landscapes. In reality the area was covered with gray ash, (possibly from some coal fired power station or boiler house), or plain cement. The circular objects were then raised by crane to create authentic looking Moon craters.[/FONT]


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]The far right picture above is a time lapse sequence taken at night. Notice spotlights on crane gantry, and how it illuminates the ground surface. The mock LM was traversed full length of crane, and simultaneously lowered at the same time in order to create an authentic looking lunar landing, when viewed from within the mock LM itself. Power supply to the mock LM was by cable from crane tower. This enabled a large fan, (fitted beneath the mock LM), to create the dust scatter effect of a rocket engine as it descended to the fake Moon surface. The film shown to public of the LM supposedly blasting off from the Moon's surface was also created beneath this crane at LRC. The mock LM was simply attached to the crane, and hoisted very rapidly at the same time a pathetic looking blast off sparks was enacted beneath it. The film was then speeded up for showing to the public, and it is interesting to note that the camera filming this sequence cut short once the LM had reached the crane maximum height. In other words WHY didn't the camera continue to film the LM until it was out of view? Because it was not possible under the circumstances in which the "lift off" was faked.[/FONT]


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]The above pictures were taken by Bob Nye on June 20 1969, one month before Armstrong, err, supposedly stepped on the Moon. Picture on right shows the lander hovering above fake Moon crater surface beneath the crane. Believe me folks this is how it was done, even if Pro Apollo Nutters say no way. Picture on left, taken at night, looks like a realistic Moon setting, although I am in no doubt that some out there will actually say this photo is the Moon. I have heard so much BS from the Pro Apollo Nutters nothing would surprise me. The light source seen in left picture is the same light source that highlights Buzz Aldrin in the controversial picture of him allegedly on the Moon. Those lights are fixed at top of crane gantry, as shown in earlier picture.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]This picture shows Armstrong at the site in January 1970. This is 6 monthsafter he supposedly landed on the Moon, and likewise Apollo 12 had done the same. Evidently he returned to the simulation site 6 months later to figure out how he could do it, having conned the world into believing he actually did land on the Moon 6 months before this picture was taken.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Pictures below show how astronauts were suspended from the crane in order to simulate low gravity. They eventually settled for an upright position with the astronaut suspended by strong elastic/bungee cord, so that his feet were only just touching the ground, the same way as a baby bouncer. You can try it yourself by placing a given weight at the end of an elastic band. As the astronauts walked in a given direction, the overhead crane moved in the same direction. This enabled the astronauts to literally float along in a crude "Moon walk" fashion.

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]There is a classic piece of film, and I have only ever seen it once. It shows two astronauts supposedly on the Moon, but one astronaut is following behind the other in a dead straight line, and at a fixed distance. Two partners in a strange desolate place would not walk in such a stupid fashion, and so far apart. It's obvious both are following a given line/route, ie, the line or route in which the two overhead cranes are forcing them to follow. In the pictures above, it can be seen how astronauts were suspended from this crane. It is interesting to note that high backward leg swing in far left picture. That backward leg swing is identical to the back leg swing in the Apollo 17 photo of Harrison Schmitt supposedly tripping up on the Moon (shown right). In another video sequence of Apollo 17 astronauts supposedly cavorting on the Moon, one of them is actually suspended 2 feet horizontally off the ground. This sequence lasts for a couple of seconds, so how do NASA officials explain that, and why is it that no one else has passed comment on this totally absurd picture shot? It's clear evidence that person in space suit is suspended from wires, or some other line. The center picture shows astronaut suspended via a tubular spring to create the "bounce effect" as though they were walking in reduced gravity on the Moon.[/FONT]


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Picture above left is a view taken from top of the crane, looking down onto fake lunar surface below.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Picture above right shows Donald Hewes beneath the Langley crane. Hewes created the fake lunar surface, and was heavily involved in the fake lunar landing and lift off video's.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Still not convinced? Then maybe this NASA archive, dated 26 August 1969, and copied word for word, will change your mind. It relates to Donald Hewes, who oversaw operations/filming with the fake landing and take off. Read it, then think hard about it. Why were NASA phaffing around with fake lunar landscapes, one month after Armstrong supposedly pulled it off for real? Answer, to make the fake film look ever more realistic, when future, higher quality images were broadcast to an already gullible audience:-[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Looking down from the top of the gantry on to the simulated Lunar Surface. James Hansen writes: "To make the simulated landings more authentic, [Donald] Hewes and his men filled the base of the huge eight-legged, red-and-white structure with dirt and modeled it to resemble the moon's surface. They erected floodlights at the proper angles to simulate lunar light and installed a black screen at the far end of the gantry to mimic the airless lunar "sky." Hewes personally climbed into the fake craters with cans of everyday black enamel to spray them so that the astronauts could experience the shadows that they would see during the actual moon landing." (p. 375) From A.W. Vigil, "Piloted Space-Flight Simulation at Langley Research Center," Paper presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1966 Winter Meeting, New York, NY, November 27 - December 1, 1966. "Ground-based simulators are not very satisfactory for studying the problems associated with the final phases of landing. This is due primarily to the fact that the visual scene cannot be simulated with sufficient realism. For this reason it is preferable to go to some sort of flight-test simulator which can provide real-life visual cues. One research facility designed to study the final phases of lunar landing is in operation at Langley. ... The facility is an overhead crane structure about 250 feet tall and 400 feet long. The crane system supports five-sixths of the vehicle's weight through servo-driven vertical cables. The remaining one-sixth of the vehicle weight pulls the vehicle downward simulating the lunar gravitational force. During actual flights the overhead crane system is slaved to keep the cable near vertical at all times. A gimbal system on the vehicle permits angular freedom for pitch, roll, and yaw. The facility is capable of testing vehicles up to 20,000 pounds. A research vehicle, weighing 10,500 pounds fully loaded, is being used and is shown [in this picture]. This vehicle is provided with a large degree of flexibility in cockpit positions, instrumentation, and control parameters. It has main engines of 6,000 pounds thrust, throttle able down to 600 pounds, and attitude jets. This facility is studying the problems of the final 200 feet of lunar landing and the problems of maneuvering about in close proximity to the lunar surface." Published in James R. Hansen, Spaceflight Revolution: NASA Langley Research Center From Sputnik to Apollo, (Washington: NASA, 1995), pp. 373-378.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]We now go inside the Langley Research Center complex itself to see how they faked the lunar approach and close orbit of the Moon's surface. We've all seen film supposedly taken from the LM as it approached the Moon, and then begin to orbit. The speed at which it changes from approach to lunar orbit is utterly ridiculous, as any craft traveling at that speed would crash straight into the Moon. No onecould control a craft in such as way as shown in the film, and in reality no one did. The following pictures show exactly how it was done.[/FONT]


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Size does matter believe me, especially when NASA want to create a fake lunar surface as shown in the above picture on left. It literally dwarfs the two men stood in front of it. It's unbelievable the time, trouble and expense that NASA incurred purely to fake the lunar missions. It was of course done purely to convince the world they were the leaders in space. This very large picture, and others were used in conjunction with a rail mounted camera, which also focused on a large rotating PLASTER PARIS model of the Moon, ) shown on the right). NASA knew, (after Kennedy's speech in 61), that a lunar landing before 1970 was impossible. Realizing this they had no option but to fake the missions. This was Project Apollo, wherby a program was launched at LRC to design props/backgrounds etc, to convince the media they had achieved the goal set by Kennedy. The pictures above were scanned from a book, hence the poor quality, however the following pictures are from NASA.[/FONT]


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]The high resolution picture above left shows a 20' diameter sphere which can be rotated from below. In the left of that picture can be seen a huge blank placard. This is the scene before LRC staff began work on converting the sphere to an authentic looking Moon complete with craters, ( for lunar approach), and the placards were to be lunar orbit. Notice also the rail track around placards. These placards formed a gigantic semi circle, which took up the length and breadth within the building. Note moving trolley on the track. This trolley, which had a movie camera mounted on it, was able to scan across the placards, so as to simulate a lunar orbit. If the camera reached the end of the placards it was able to swing through 360 degrees, move up, or down, and continue scanning the placards in reverse at a differing level. Theorectically the camera on trolley, in addition to moving forwards and back, was able to zoom in and out, rotate through a full 360 degrees, and increase or decrease the height level. It first began to film the rotating sphere, (lunar approach), it then swung around and began scanning the fake lunar surface on placards, (lunar orbit). The picture above right shows a section of the placards after modeling work. Pretty impressive eh? Notice how background is in the dark. Remove that bloke from the picture and you could easily pass this photo as being taken by the Apollo command module circling the Moon.[/FONT]


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]The pictures above show how LRC made "plaster paris" copies of the Moon craters on the placards. The guy on the left with dividers, is checking that craters are to scale, whilst the guy on the right is spraying the surface to create shadows and dark area's of the Moon, this info being obtained from high resolution images of the Moon, taken with high magnification telescopes. Notice the sphere in left hand picture after modeling work. This sphere had a light inside it which was translucent on the outside, and it enabled the model to have a bright appearance like the Moon itself. The large placards with Moon craters were also backlit. Turn off all your lighting, and you end up with the picture shown below left. This is how the Moon would look in the void of space if you could get close enough to it, however no one, not even Armstrong could get anywhere near to the real thing. The man stood on movie rail track with dividers, is Apollo Program Manager John W Paup. Paup's personality antagonised NASA staff to the point where they ordered Apollo Project Manager, Harrison Storms, to replace him. This he did in 1964, and Paup left NASA at the same time. Paup died at the tender age of 45, and six months before the launch of Apollo 8. It could be that as NASA were using the plaster paris models for showing to the public as being the 'real thing', Paup would immediately recognise the fakery, and as he had a grievience with NASA, he may well spill the beans on them. PAN's claim that if the missions were faked, then someone would have spoken out. Well if they are dead and gone before the very first fake Moon mission, they can't very well speak out can they?[/FONT]


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]NASA claim that picture above right is far side of Moon, taken by Apollo 8. Compare this sphere with one shown above it in the left hand picture. It speaks for itself does it not? In all of these pictures notice the black background. This of course made it easier for touching up photo's to ensure that background space was indeed black. The video on the left below, was shown to the media as being the Apollo 8 orbit of the Moon and Earth, (I would like to point out that the views of Earth in this video are genuine, whilst those of the Moon are not). It encapsulates all sequences at the Langley fake Moon studio. The film shows high definition craters, which is the fake Moon surface beneath the Langley crane. This is followed by filming of the placards whereby at the end of plaster paris placards, the camera can be seen to rotate through 180 degrees, move up, and return scan of the placards. The camera is then filming the 20' sphere, and pans up to show the curvature of the sphere. This video is just so ridiculous. Notice at the end how the Command Module can be seen falling away and reflected in astroNOTS visor. How did they get to the Moon with no Command Module, as there was no separation of modules on the Apollo 8 mission. The video shown on the right is one of the many ways in which Langley Research Center faked the one sixth gravity.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]The two pictures above prove that you do not need pressurized suits to create an authentic Moon approach or orbit. Take a film whilst approaching the plaster paris model, and it would be enough to convince a gullible audience that film was taken whilst approaching the Moon.[/FONT]


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]There was no need for NASA to land a man on the Moon before 1970, as the photograph above left shows. Project Apollo staff at Langley had a firm grip on it as early as 1964. Move out the way fella's, this is meant to be a picture taken by astroNOTS approaching the Moon.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Picture on right shows Charlie Duke (pointing), and John Young, at the simulator controls for lunar approach/orbit. The picture on TV screen is reminiscent of the pictures we saw on our TV screens. [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]We were told it was the Moon, but the picture showing on TV screen in photograph is not the Moon. It is a camera filming the plaster paris model of Moon. Both John Young and Charlie Duke were heavily involved in faking of the Apollo Moon missions.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]So there you have it. I have shown how NASA faked close lunar approach/orbit, and lunar landing and take off, so next time you see a film on TV of any Apollo craft supposedly approaching, orbiting, landing on, or taking off from the Moon, you will know exactly how it was done. However there is more NASA fakery involved in filming the Moon from a much greater distance. You've probably seen the "Incriminating Footage" albeit (Pretty boring eh) video on YT which was supposed to be the Apollo crew filming the Moon from a distance. This video claims to show Earth's shadow moving across the Moon's surface, so as to prove it was genuine. Unfortunately, just like other NASA Moon video's, the film is fake, and the pictures below show how it was achieved.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Preparing the projection of the Earth's shadow (when the lab was still illuminated). Notice camera shrouded in a black cloak, with the lens pointing at a picture of the Moon. The lab lighting was turned off to achieve the objective required.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Micrometric system (with vernier) to move the Earth's shadow across picture of the Moon.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]This picture shows the final set up. The camera is filming the sequence just before the simulated moon eclipse created by the Micrometric system shown above.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]If your hooked on this scam, and wanna see more.[/FONT]


New Member
We'll need a little more explanation. Also, are you saying your were actually turned down for alien abduction because you were going to a bowling alley?
what ever it was that I seen looked real close to that picture only it looked like it was put together with triangular panels and it had one red light in the back that blinked on real slow and off real slow. the front seemed to be covered with bright spotlights. at first I thought chopper but when I rolled down the window I didnt hear any noise. and if it were a chopper when i slammed on the breaks it should have passed me. It seemed to maintain a steady distance away close enough for me to see it real good. then it decided to swing out in front of my car flying sideways down the road in front of me then it flew over the top of the bowling ally.what ever it was it made no noise flew 70 then dropped to 10 mph by the time I pulled into the parking lot.


New Member

Apollo Investigation
Jack White's Apollo Studies – Moon Sky File
An extensive study of Apollo imagery by photo analyst Jack White
All studies © 2005/7 Jack White

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]NASA do(o)med? Chapters 1-4 [/FONT]

Editor's Comment: Please note that Apollo photograph AS15-82-11057 has no visible lens flare or any other artifact. But when adjustments are made to the contrast of the image as described above, a dome is revealed. Significantly, this anomaly is only in the black 'sky' area, it does not extend below the mountains.​

[FONT=Century Gothic, Arial, sans-serif]


New Member
Driving on the Moon?

LMAO- I've seen small jeeps take bigger dips than that. If you had some common fucking sense you can see the width of that vehicle's chassis and the height clearance. Get off the conspiracy meds man. This shit makes me laugh. If we can calculate the distance and send a rover to Mars and land it, then it's not so far-fetched we can land a man on the moon. Fucking hell. And you walk our streets?


New Member
rude mother fucker aren't ya, the fact is none of you can give me any proof that we went to the moon. the only hard evidence was moon rocks. so why don't you give us a moon rock analysis


New Member
LMAO- I've seen small jeeps take bigger dips than that. If you had some common fucking sense you can see the width of that vehicle's chassis and the height clearance. Get off the conspiracy meds man. This shit makes me laugh. If we can calculate the distance and send a rover to Mars and land it, then it's not so far-fetched we can land a man on the moon. Fucking hell. And you walk our streets?
so let me get this strait your 20 thousand miles from earth. its life and death for all three astronauts and your going to hit a giant pot hole and risk their lives. your going to jeopardize the safety of the mission. I don't think you have common sense look again you wouldn't have enough clearance it didn't even scrape the side of the smaller crater.


Well-Known Member
These picture and articles have the common logic flaws of all conspiracy. In short, "How could it possibly....?" "Purported to be..., but actually could be..." Then the absurd....aside from the complete mis-use of the word gumption, it's factually incorrect.

.... anyone with the slightest gumption knows that it is impossible to control a rocket engine.


New Member
These picture and articles have the common logic flaws of all conspiracy. In short, "How could it possibly....?" "Purported to be..., but actually could be..." Then the absurd....aside from the complete mis-use of the word gumption, it's factually incorrect.

.... anyone with the slightest gumption knows that it isimpossible to control a rocket engine.
This is just BASIC ROCKETRY, not the advanced stuff:
