Wow.. Im the judgmental Christian. I'm the one that's supposed to judge YOUR beliefs as crazy

Some people believe praying while focusing on a crystal will work, some people believe that mother nature is the way to go. I wouldn't judge any of them. I will certainly judge my own heart & motives, but not theirs.
OK. Here's a situation. We have been able to send out & receive radio waves for about 100 years (give or take) so, to accurately measure anything in space, the most we can say in absolute terms is that something is 50 or less light years away. (50 years to hit the thing, 50 years for it to bounce back) anything other than that is faith based.
You can argue doppler effect & triangulation all you like, but look at the sounds barrier. & my numbers are approximates so don't jump on me. Just read for now.
It takes say 100 horse power to get to 699 miles an hour. Logic & what not says that to get to 700 miles an hour would take 6.99 more hp to reach 700 MPH (the sound barrier). In actuality, it took several hundred more HP to break the sound barrier.
All our scientific "proofs" are simply faith based on what is perceived as logic. Maybe once your reach past the planets you can fly faster than light, maybe it all warps, who the hell knows. We will never know until we're there. until we made it past the sound barrier (700 mps approx) we were quite wrong.
If you don't like my beliefs, that's ok. I have no problem with it. I wont argue right or wrong. That's between God & yourself or myself. Its very personal & I would never insult someone's beliefs. I may argue as to why "I' believe something, but that's about it. If you want to worship purple squirrels that sing kumbiyah all the power to you.
That's the true freedom that worshipping the Lord provides. & I'm a big fan
Burning books, forcing as certain clothing style or food restrictions & forcing your religion on someone is COMPLETELY NOT the kind of Christian I'm talking about. Jesus hung out with the scum of the age then. Prostitutes & tax collectors. He said he came for the sick not the healthy. That's the kind of Jesus I want in my life & that's what I got.
I know you think I'm a nut & that's ok but I sincerely hope that you find the peace that I've gotten from Christ. It's free & if you don't like it or it doesn't work for you, fuck it. Drop him like a hot potato. But don't knock it till you try it

He might surprise you, in a good way.
Good luck.