Id use my remaining time in Cali, and try to just get u some kief pops and sweet jane's brownie's and de-label them, and mebye mix them with a buncha other similar-looking treats, and bang bang, skeet, skeet... I did it from San Fran, to Dallas-Ft-Worth, AND then back to Memphis... No problamos... Seeds... I wanna say I just had them well-hidden in my checked baggage, and they were still there, un-touched, when I got back home... Thatz what I did, and probly what Id do again... Id also smoke that g up before I hit LAX, and enjoy the ride... U will be much more at ease, and u will be nicely stoned for the whole trip with medical lollipops, and brownies, and the capabilities to re-create that dankness when u do get back... A six month wait on sum fire-ass homegrown to grow, dry, and cure up beats six months or even 6 minutes, in a jailhouse, anywhere, in my book...