Are there ANY Christians on RIU?

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
It may be possible, but go out and ask..99% of Christians would be against use of Cannabis.

And are the major group around the world working towards keeping Cannabis illegal.

The Bible and Christianity are very separated from each other...

So the "...every seed bearing plant..." argument wont fly.


Well-Known Member
BTW, I'm a Methodist. I had a knee wobbling, practically passed out and crying experience at 9 years old in church. Maybe it's just the Super-consciousness experiencing "something." I didn't even remember until I experienced it later in life.

I've sought out and learned. I have practiced and I can get a dose of IT whenever I let go of the mind cloud and sit and just breath in Now. The answer. To simply find out what is there in the quiet calm of thoughtless inner experience. IT is what has been described, vibration Sound WORD.

It's not the talk about IT, not the religious questioning. Not worshiping the questioning. IT is the answer that guides my life. And, at any moment, I care to stop goofing around, I can tune in.

I think about Religion as the guy that had these awesome experiences. Realized his Knowledge, as it were, and found he could also influence and even teach the way to find IT. Actually reveal it. Then we all talk about it. Nothing wrong with questioning, IMO.


Well-Known Member
It may be possible, but go out and ask..99% of Christians would be against use of Cannabis.

And are the major group around the world working towards keeping Cannabis illegal.

The Bible and Christianity are very separated from each other...

So the "...every seed bearing plant..." argument wont fly.
Hey man I dislike Christianity and Religion as much as the next guy, but almost 100% of my family are Christian and they all know about my medical use...and they support it completely.

Just because they believe in crazy fairy tales doesn't mean they're not capable of logical thought.

The major groups keeping cannabis illegal are Big Pharma and alcohol companies, not the Christian's. Christian's can be blamed for all the contraceptive controversy, abortion and almost every war that has taken place in the past 2000 years...but not cannabis prohibition.


Well-Known Member
BTW, I'm a Methodist.
I was a member of the Methodist church from birth until age 17. I still dont know many of the differences between the other versions of Christianity, such as Catholic vs Methodist vs Lutheran vs Baptist. One God many rules I guess......


Well-Known Member
yes, we make up rules. lost in complexity, I'm strangled by it sometimes. When I started to question, I remember it was the Aquarian Gospel and the newly found Dead Sea scrolls. The local minister my mom insisted I visit with her, was seeing me as a blasphemer as I walked into the room. It was ot a nice conversation and he was the most closed minded my mom. It was then I saw the Bible was being worshiped, that's all.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Oh, yes. Being able to communicate my emotions and ideas musically gives me an outlet for expression on an entirely different level. I'm sure you can relate. I read once that the two hemispheres of the brain usually develop at more or less the same rate, i.e. If one develops the left hemisphere, the right kind of tags right along as opposed to leaving one hemisphere significantly underdeveloped. That would help explain why many great scientists are also very competent artists and musicians: Einstein, Armstrong, Bell, Edison, etc.. One thing you could answer? I don't know, I personally don't really understand most of your posts. I do love your wit and humor, one can sense the great intelligence behind them...

...crazy, thanks for the compliment! Especially coming from the person who wrote that my belt was Orion's. Now that was bright... (would look for the link but I'm pretty high, and the white wine at tonight's function was fckn awesome - I'm lucky to be typing this coherently :) ).


Well-Known Member
you are never alone.

besides, most of us just choose not to get into arguments with people we know we wont' have to put up with in the next life. :)
You make your heaven and you make your hell. Have a nice "next life." I'm into this life, NOW.

EROsain, we have freedom from religion. "and i know am messing up with your beliefs"

To me, that is the tyranny that comes from mistaking it for freedom OF religion. We don't have to support the
beliefs of others. We find out what is true for us. I stay away from "religion" because they have alway claimed
the right to be violent over speech.

When they start telling folks what that can and cannot even think or say, we have freedom from that.
When they say you are insulting MY god...
When they say the rest of you will burn in hell...
The rest of you....
The rest of you...

We are free from that.


Active Member
Fairly certain that if you're a Christian, AND you're on RIU, you're going to hell. . . . . . if you believe in Christianity. .... . . interesting. I've got no hate for you though. Just don't push it on me. Keep it green. Keep it happy. :peace:
Heres what a solid christian believes as far as ganja goes:
God created all things by Him, for Him, and through Him(Christ). Without Him, nothing was made that has been made.
So we see here that cannabis was created by God. Its self evident as this plant is special above all other plants.

God warns us to be filled with the Holy Spirit and not with wine.
The Lords first miracle as God in the flesh was turning water into wine. To understand this you must first understand Jewish wedding ceramonies to know that Jesus was saving the grooms' dad's face for running out of alchohol.
If you need to drink or smoke weed do it with moderation and not as an out-of-control gluttonous starving dog eating a ribeye steak.

John (the baptist) came neither eating(good food) or drinking (wine)and you say he has a demon. Spoken by Jesus In the books of Matthew, Mark,Luke, and John I think.
If someone is called out to be a leader in the Kingdom of Heaven than they should focus on doing there job which will entail self denial of their own plans and wills to be rich and comfortable, and they will be called to suffer for the Kingdom which is a glorious thing to have happen. To be found worthy enough to suffer as the Lord suffered is a praise worthy thing.

Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me.. Spoken by Jesus
To be a disciple of Jesus means to "follow" Him in the sense that the word follow, in greek, means to "become like". So when the disciples heard Jesus say to "follow" Him, they understood it was to learn to become like Him. In order to become like Him, we must purify ourselves as He is pure. It takes complete dedication to emotional and psychological training. Just like a fighter trains for a fight, we train ourselves to be self controlled and holy as He is holy. We are not perfect, but we get up and learn from our failures and keep going. He IS perfect so His sacrafice for our sins was enough to buy us back from sin and death and cover ALL our sins. God does not "Kick us out" of the family for making mistakes. Only when we decide we want sin more than Him will He let us go to do whatever we wish.


I quit smoking weed for 3 years to do whatI needed to do for God. The time was right and He asked me to take a break. After that time in my life passed He gave me the go ahead and I now grow the sickest buds Ive ever smoked. I gave it up for Him then He turned around and blessed me 100x better than I ever could have thought. There will be a time in my life where I'll give it up again if He asks me too. Its not all black and white. Theres red tape around everything and everyones circumstances. Thats why God asks us not to judge one another. We point to a sliver in our brothers eye when theres a 2x4 in our own. Jesus said that to His disciples. So it all depends on the person. If God asked me to stop again after blessing me richly with all the best weed I can smoke for the last 5 years, and I greedily didnt, then I would be in sin. Thats my own case. Everyone elses walk with God are different.


Well-Known Member
I quit smoking weed for 3 years to do whatI needed to do for God. The time was right and He asked me to take a break. After that time in my life passed He gave me the go ahead and I now grow the sickest buds Ive ever smoked.
Right, God asked you to do it. Thank "God" for God. Otherwise, you'd not be a sick bud growerz right? Thank GOD! lol :(


Well-Known Member
I am no better then anyone else, just a sinner saved by grace, a born again, Bible believing Son of the Living God.

It aint easy being good

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
makes me laugh , if this forum was based in pakistan or afghan you would all be talking about allah lol funny that it depends on what land mass you are born on dictates wich god speaks to you lol.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
makes me laugh , if this forum was based in pakistan or afghan you would all be talking about allah lol funny that it depends on what land mass you are born on dictates wich god speaks to you lol.
...I'm trying to find the humor, see, 'believers' know that this is the same God. *shrugs*


Well-Known Member
...I'm trying to find the humor, see, 'believers' know that this is the same God. *shrugs*
hmm not sure you've got you head around the whole religous devide thats going on around the world. people cant agree across denominations of religion let alone across different faiths. the idea that they all think they're worshipping the same god is laughable