Smoke cocaine?


Well-Known Member
Dude, it's a freebase. You make it the same way, just instead of using ether, due to the dangers of it being so flammable, you use baking soda.

Free basing is just a term for smoking it...


Well-Known Member
you dont use baking soda instead of ether, you just omit the step of using ether to make it pure, so while youre right, they are both the smokable base form of the drug, they are still different as i said, freebase is me


New Member
ok Kids here ya go, straight from the niggas mouth,

Cocaine, Crack, and freebase ARE different, But not by much.

Crack is generally a weaker form of freebase, as it is freebase that has had another ingredient mixed with the coke and baking soda to add weight and bulk it up a little, tends to be softer, more airy and less of a pure white color depending on what the ingredient was.

Freebase is just that cocaine that has been freed of it's "base" or it's cut, Reduced to an oil and then re-solidified by using baking soda to change it's ph and reform it into a solid piece. Its usually smaller, whiter, and much harder. A freebase rock should bounce if thrown on a hard surface.

And i think we all understand what coke is huh?

Now heres the thing, Coke, Base, and Crack all have the same active ingredient, "Cocaine Hydrosomeshit" You can smoke a box of arm and hammer and a can of baby formula all day and you will not catch a buzz will you? So coke heads, don't go getting all supperior on the crack heads, your only a lighter and some baking soda away from them.

Now all this being said i have never smoked crack, or freebase. I have spent a good amount of time with a straw in my nose. Smoked some powder on weed and cig's 2 or 3 times, I didn't really notice much, but once i felt like all my teeth were loose, like if i bit down they would all just come out. It was horrible, i never wanted to try it again.

I gave the coke up years ago. One day i decided that i liked to sleep and i hate to sweat. I really wish everyone who reads this decides to put it down now. Is it really fun??? Or is it a social activity? If it's just social, then buy some bud. The conversation may move slower but at least it will make sense.

I have fucked up family, Friends in prison, Friends on the streets on that shit, THAT SHIT IS EVIL!!! maybe your ok and just trying a little, or experimenting, but go watch some crackhead videos on the net, they all got started the same way.

I made and sold the shit for years when i was younger. I don't know anybody else from back then thats around and doing good today, like i'm the only survivor of that shit from my hood. I have seen normal people turn to junkies in one single hit and never come back. Seen white collar guys end up belly up, and homeless With NOTHING left a week after they tried it for there 1st time. Seen mothers SELLING there kids virginity.

Any more questions?


Well-Known Member
Along with what passport said... this is all you need to read.

[FONT=Verdana,][SIZE=-1]My name is Cocaine - call me Coke for short.
I entered this country without a passport.
Ever since then I've made lots of scum rich.
Some have been murdered and found in a ditch.
I'm more valued than diamonds, more treasured than gold.
Use me just once and you too will be sold.
I'll make a schoolboy forget his books.
I'll make a beauty queen forget her looks.
I'll take renowned speaker and make a bore.
I'll take a mother and make her a whore.
I'll make a schoolteacher forget how to teach.
I'll make a preacher not want to preach.
I'll take all your rent money and you'll get evicted.
I'll murder your babies or they'll be born addicted.
I'll make you rob and steal and kill.
When you're under my power you have no will.
Remember my friend my name is " Big C ".
If you try me just one time you may never be free.
I've destroyed actors, politicians and many a hero.
I've decreased bank accounts from millions to zero.
I make shooting and stabbing a common affair.
Once I take charge you won't have a prayer.
Now that you know me what will you do ?
You'll have to decide, It's all up to you.
The day you agree to sit in my saddle.
The decision is one that no one can straddle.
Listen to me, and please listen well.
When you ride with cocaine you are headed for hell!!!

Quit doin' coke, you really are supporting terrorism and inhumane acts.


New Member
Amen brother SocataSmoker, preach on. Kids this shit is EVIL. You cannot compare coke to chewing leaves. One line would be like chewing pounds of leaves all at once, It's impossible. And even the cultures that chew the leaves get fucked up in the long term. Look at there teeth, cocaine and it's leaves are acidic. :spew:


Well-Known Member
Freebase is just that cocaine that has been freed of it's "base" or it's cut, Reduced to an oil and then re-solidified by using baking soda to change it's ph and reform it into a solid piece. Its usually smaller, whiter, and much harder. A freebase rock should bounce if thrown on a hard surface.
I think you are mistaken. How is it reduced to an oil? It is made much like crack, except it is purified by first filtering the cocaine hydrochloride in water(this step is often skipped in making crack to increase weight), and involves using ether to get pure freebase cocaine.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna pull some Scarface shit on anyone in here doing coke, that means saying hello with my little friend! :hump: Point is look at it's overall effect on humanity, it's horrendous... and the people that grow it, are poor farmers that've been threatened with their lives to grow it on their land for the cartels. The supporting terrorism crap isn't true with the ganja, but it certainly is with cocaine... leave it da fuck alone!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm done here. This is all I needed to see...

Crack is generally a weaker form of freebase, as it is freebase
You guys can sit here and battle it out over this wack ass drug, I'm gonna go hit the green star.


New Member
I think you are mistaken. How is it reduced to an oil? It is made much like crack, except it is purified by first filtering the cocaine hydrochloride in water(this step is often skipped in making crack to increase weight), and involves using ether to get pure freebase cocaine.
I think were both kinda saying the same thing. When ya throw it in the water and heat it that floating blob on the top is oil.


Active Member
so i guess everyone's opinion is bout the same on the coke being The Debil and all.

BUT. in reality if I stay to 1-2grams a week straight for lacing, not thru my nose, am I going to seriously fuck my brain and thought processes up for the LONG TERM. I handle uppers really well, and just want to make sure THAT BY SMOKING COCAINE (NOT CRACK) a little with my dank, IS NOT GOING TO LEAD TO TWITCHING OUT AND PICKING IMAGINARY BUGS OFF MYSELF. I dont do that much. I still get 8-10 hours of good REM sleep.


Well-Known Member
Cocaine ain't shit compared to a 9 year addiction to Xanax. Wanna hear about problems, I'll tell you all about em - LOL!


Well-Known Member
look none of you got it down right ok you got freebase , ready rock ,and crack
freebase is heating powder coke untill the solid compounds breakdown in to a vapor witch you inhale
ready rock is what most people get confused with real crack ready rock is coke and baking soda and water dubble boiled untill the oil is released and them you cool it down as fast as you can to harden to ready rock

crack is coke droped in a container of amonia and shaken for a few minites and them left out to dry the amonia made crack was how the crack epedemic started because the amonia was what made people shake and twitch every thing else is the cocain sideafects sorry about my spelling people im kinda high