Aussie Growers Thread

sup guys,
I cut down some more plants yesterday i'm starting to run out of room to hang them.
i'm so tired of trimming its such a time consuming job. I've cut nearly 50% of the garden.


your place must smell beautiful
if the cops wanted us boys i doubt they would waste there time posting they would just track us down and search our houses.
they could find anyone of us in an instant and thats the truth i doubt it would matter how many little tricks you use to cover your tracks its all saved somewhere.

the internet isnt so anonymous. i just trust in the fact that they see we are personal growers and couldnt be bothered coming to get us. besides if they havnt busted batey yet im sure we are all fine lol
Hey Gang...
Some great stuff goin onin here... Flowie 6 days old..?? Very nice..
Ganja.. Do you sleep in THAT Bedroom..??? hahaha you would be bent 24/7... Awesome..!!!
pic s of weed coming up

ive made no effort to hide my id. if they want me i'll be in the garden


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Yeah does look good still upgrading tho so slow. Just went offline for another upgrade now... Just lost my shopping cart the kents