The Irish Growers Thread!

lol yeah man i bought a half oz of weed for 170 euro and its fucking crap, its all dust no buds and its dry as a bone but wont stay lit in the joint you gotta relite everytime you want a drag, i think its sprayed with some crap cause it just make me fell like shit and no high, i just gave away the half oz for free to a mate i am sickened, later


lol yeah man i bought a half oz of weed for 170 euro and its fucking crap, its all dust no buds and its dry as a bone but wont stay lit in the joint you gotta relite everytime you want a drag, i think its sprayed with some crap cause it just make me fell like shit and no high, i just gave away the half oz for free to a mate i am sickened, later

sorry to hear that bro pm me and il guide u through the sr, no more shit smoke for u EVER m8
Fuck! if u landed at my house with 50 grand cash as a bribe for me to take meth i would send you packing harrekin!

ae86 i had to lol the fact ur recording the show on tg4 lol why not just download every season online and watch them all without ads and better quality? theres tons of torrent site but i really only use link sites like or irfree ect
A bit of context would help I suppose, in the show they make like 98.6% pure meth from lab grade materials, with a genius chemist as the cook, so given these facts I'd probably (hypothetically speaking) just try it once.

Its a filthy drug but at that sorta "fantasy" level of purity, one hit couldn't do that much harm and I'm not the "addicting" type so I know I could just say no to hits number 2+ ;)
Please call me then.
I don't want to stop to your level, please leave this thread. We have a nice peaceful group of irish people in here, then you come in spewing nonsense and hateful shit. Not on my watch pal, just go back to your forum before things get messy for you.
Nooooo Har, we can't lose you to meth! Just one hit and you'd be climbing up walls thinking you are spiderman.
Yeah in reality cos youd never get the 98%+ shit I'd never consider going near it.

Plus I love "the plant" too much, I'd never replace it with sudafed mixed with dry cleaning chemicals and such ;)
i dont even know he is there guys, neither should anyone else and dont reply to coward internet hard men.

i know what you mean harrekin and maybe you are some sort of superhero who could walk away after one hit but what if it was just that good you needed more and you dident care what quality it was as long as you got in into you lol not worth the risk as theres nothing beneficial about meth, lsd and dmt are two i would try but like yourself i would only try it once and it not addictive like meth, but i was leaving that til i am in my 40's!
A bit of context would help I suppose, in the show they make like 98.6% pure meth from lab grade materials, with a genius chemist as the cook, so given these facts I'd probably (hypothetically speaking) just try it once.

Its a filthy drug but at that sorta "fantasy" level of purity, one hit couldn't do that much harm and I'm not the "addicting" type so I know I could just say no to hits number 2+ ;)

Tried it once in boston many moons ago....Made quick high but to be honest i just felt like puking from the taste in my mouth for about an hour which kinda ruined it but im glad i had a neg affect because any time i see it on the box or hear about it thats the first thing that pops to mind....uuurrrggghhhhh
Could i just say could people just ignore Cat and stop giving him the time of day and he will just leave.
evening gentlemen..... har when i said 6 seasons it was a thing i watched they have 6 written so far......... was rageing when they cancelled it first time round on fx.

kang i watch it on tv as its a 60 inch and the lappy screen is only 12 inch, nets really slow too so would take an eternity to download..

BIG BIG thank you to rory, got that package this morning and they`ll be in soil by weekend, thanks mate... defo a +rep for you...

CAT, why are you still here provokeing lads for an argument, its clear that there not impressed with you... and when you say irish retard that gets all our backs up, were clanish like that, it will only mean more abuse for you...

i had to take it from sambo as i asked for proof, not knowing him as long as others i can see how he was offonded, but now your just being an ass and makeing trouble....

were like the uk thread here, they leave us alone to do our own thing and thats how we like it...
jesus jingle you crack fiend! lol anyone here ever try dmt? its prity cheap was thinking of trying it after watching the joe rogan show about it
Your Irish mates told me you have given them my phone number. Thats a really bad move as i know your address and i will make sure you have a visit from the police.

Very bad mistake buddy.


from the cat.. so should my door be kicked in, and it won`t matter the grow is in a house close by they won`t find anything, but hahahahahaha what a chump...