Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
Well it's going in the flower cab so I wont know about vegging with it.

That explains why I couldn't find info on it. Hope my rant made sense.


Well-Known Member
It came with nice hangers but sadly they hang too low for my cab. Going to have to mock something up quick as I've already removed the hps.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the tall one might touch the lenses a little. I've got to keep them a little shorter. Had the same problem with the hps to keep it from burning worse.


Well-Known Member
Well its doing at least half of what I need. Temps are same as room temp rather than 6 degrees more and driving my room temps higher and higher


Well-Known Member
The c99 x haze have taken off since giving them a fert with more nitrogen. Think I'll pick up maxigrow for veg rather than maxibloom, might do half dose of each to increase n just a little. The cross is not under the led, same pl-l lights they've been under for a while now.

Did half dose nutes yesterday to the oldest 3 roms, think I'm going to just flush with water from here on 9ut


Well-Known Member
You don't need anything 'bloom' in veg. These people who supplement P in veg I have no idea why. You want big roots use superthrive they'll be huge :)

Watering time for Rommie tonight.


Well-Known Member
Check out the info here http://lucasformula.com/

Straight maxibloom with magical works real well with the roms.

I think the c99 x haze might be getting over green at this point. May cut back. Probably post pics for opinion s first


Well-Known Member
Yo man! Grats on the new gear! Mighty bright box you have now.

I would like to see the haze99....The haze does get really dark green leafs. So it might be a trait that carried over.
Also that might mean we will see some purple in these buds. and after smoking some of this g13 haze (mother of the cross) it has a euphoric type of high...So I really am anxious to see what the high will be like...If it will be a racey , zippity and euphoric That might be a fun high

Cant wait to see how you do with these.


Well-Known Member
Good to know. I'll try taking pics this afternoon. They may be ready to clone by the time these roms root.then I'll have to figure out how to add more light to my cfl side to flower there too.