Need Something To Get Water Out Of Tray That Is On Floor


Well-Known Member
so i just got my 4x8 running efficiently, however i have to figure out how to get the water outta my tray. i have vegged my plants a tad bit too long. my tray has no holes in it due to its flat on the ground. i know this is not the best option, but i am in a tent. i have a clearance i need to compensate for the hoods. PLUS! i fucked up and vegged a tad bit too long. my plants were roughly 24" the day i put them into flower. i can not take the tray off the ground. i water them and water builds up in tray, obviously. i was hoping it would evaporate prior to the next feeding/watering, but i do not think that is happening. the peeps at the hydro shop said i do not need to water that much. but i was always under the impression that when you feed or water you need a 10% run off. what are my options? is there a way i can put a heat element into the water to evap it off? it needs to go away soon, or im affraid it will keep building up and then my plants will be swimming in the tray. is it possible to siphon it out someway or how??
To siphon it, You've gotta get the drain hose lower than the tray. That would involve elevating the tray or dropping the hose through the floor. You could pump it out, but it would still leave an inch or so. Growing in soil I assume?
just wait till the water is all gone before watering again, the plants will wick it up as they need it and it will evaporate over time. i always water in my tent untill runoff and just let the water sit on the floor till it evaporates..../shrug
Wet/Dry vac...? Is that a viable solution? You can buy one that fits a 5gal bucket for about $20 at Home Depot . ATB!
yeah!!!! a wet/dry vac would work. honestly i was going to get a syringe and suck it out 60ml at a time, lol!!! i would be there for about an hour.

and to RETIRED... you do know that trays are not designed to do that, right? there are channels in which the water sits in. the channels are about 1/2 inch deep. trust me. that is what i was hoping for. and if that was the way it woudl work, it would have sucked up all the excess in about 2-3 days tops!
just wait till the water is all gone before watering again, the plants will wick it up as they need it and it will evaporate over time. i always water in my tent untill runoff and just let the water sit on the floor till it evaporates..../shrug
never let your plants wick-up water like this, it GARENTEES ph problems/salt problems and also will give far less yield...(due to said problems.)...but watev floats yer boat...
i agree. i never let my plants sit in water. this is not them in water. they tray is designed so the water sits below the bottoms of the containers. im in soil, not hydro, lol!!
I used to use a wet dry vac it worked great. You've gotta empty it every time if you're nutrients are organic-based though, it's nasty. Have you ever used fabric pots? I started using them a year ago because the roots are supposed to grow into the pot and yada yada whatever...but the cool thing about them is I can water half way on all the plants and then actually feel where the water is at in the pot from the outside of the bad, so I know how much more water to use. I haven't over watered in flower in over 6 months now, not once. Just an idea maybe for the next grow to make shit easier.
I used to use a wet dry vac it worked great. You've gotta empty it every time if you're nutrients are organic-based though, it's nasty. Have you ever used fabric pots? I started using them a year ago because the roots are supposed to grow into the pot and yada yada whatever...but the cool thing about them is I can water half way on all the plants and then actually feel where the water is at in the pot from the outside of the bad, so I know how much more water to use. I haven't over watered in flower in over 6 months now, not once. Just an idea maybe for the next grow to make shit easier.

Witch Doctor is spot on about the "fabric" pots, that's thinking ahead! My ganga brothers and sisters are the absolute best minds on the planet, ATB!
i use the tray to monitor run off. was sick of using drain trays. i would be up for hours and hours on end. so many sleepless nights. i now bust out my 32gal Rubbermaid trash bin. i have it marked with duct tape for every 5gal. i then fill, drop air stone in, mix nutes and feed. or don't put any nutes in and just water. i can then monitor run off. i know as soon as i see a little started dripping out, i move on to the next. wait til a little drips out, then go back to the one before and spray a little bit more. i use a submersible water pump and a water wand. i now can reach all my plants in 1 place! it has taken hours off from hand watering. i highly suggest it. and just got back from Home Depot!! picked up a 5gal bucket and a bucket style wet/dry vac. i will be hitting the tent here in a few. now on to my next delema, fucking gnats, lol!! damn girlfriend decided house plants were cool. well i asked her kindly to get some nice soil and re-pot them. well she did, but over watered like a mofo! i know have gnats like i have never seen! and i can not say its my fault! and i can not say that my methods for extraction is working this time. my nutes are not fully organic, however i try to keep it as natural as possible. any suggestions on ridding these fuckers??!!
fly paper will work for gnats if you can hang it near the plants or where they are around, or sticky traps from the nursery for flying insects
If you get a shop vac, get a bigger one as they can only suck up a modest amount of water before the water prevents them from working.
im sorry, its too late. i took the first 2 posters responses and left to go get one!! i already opened it. i really do not need that much... just enough to get out of the grooves in my t4x8 tray.
Azomax for the fungus gnats. A good soil drench, but just know they habitate in moisture. ATB!
oh i know where they dwell and procreate. and i haven't had a problem ridding them of my garden in the past. i just think it will take a bit more uhmff this time since i have about 3 times the amount of plants. i have Azamax, is that what you mean? a soil drench is a light mix, then just a little bit on the top? i have a sprayer. i could just moisten up the top layer of soil with the mixture? i will read the directions for it and see what i can come up with for answers. much appreciated in advance.
I do both for total wipe out. Mix it with your water and also foliar feed once if you're not flowering atm. That way you get the adults and eggs.