What's For Dinner Tonight?

I've been to family parties and when the animal gets hoisted up on the a-frame by it's hind legs the old ladies grab a bucket to catch the blood after they slit it's throat. I've tried it in all kinds of different dishes and haven't tasted one yet that i would go back for seconds.
I've been to family parties and when the animal gets hoisted up on the a-frame by it's hind legs the old ladies grab a bucket to catch the blood after they slit it's throat. I've tried it in all kinds of different dishes and haven't tasted one yet that i would go back for seconds.

My indoctrination into the Cajun lifestyle began when my wife took me to one of her extended family's "Boucherie". At that event a couple of large hogs were killed & every damn part of the things were used for one dish or another. Traditional Boudin was made from the blood of the pigs, and when mixed with the other ingredients was very tasty.
The Hog head cheese was another matter though.

All in all, I drank an ass load of beer that weekend.