Iso Extractions by _oakley_

Thanks for the guide, very easy to understand. My only question, how do I smoke this oil? Can I put some of it on a screen and torch it? Thanks :leaf:
Thanks for the guide, very easy to understand. My only question, how do I smoke this oil? Can I put some of it on a screen and torch it? Thanks :leaf:

good question..

you can put it on a paper and roll it into a joint, can put it in a pipe on bed full of bud or ash, can hotknife it, can stick it in gelcaps n swallow it, can emulsify it into cooking oil and cook with it, can smoke it through a bong, or a hooka, or a vaporizer... its pretty versatile... once you apply heat it will just boil into whatever its on top of and then smoke as any other pot related thing :)

hotknifing is by far my fav!
mine too! after one or two hits and im ripped:eyesmoke:...

fuck yah!

after a couple .1 -.3g hotknifes im usually good

i accidently gave my brother in law one of my .3g hotknifes the other night... i think the guy was the most baked hes ever been in his life, sat on my couch for 5hrs n just kept goin on about
thats uh... thats a... thats a big high...
im really high

said he was gonna swear off smoking pot all together... got him so high he started having epiphanys
(he was back hotknifing with me the next day)

but yah
shit'll take you to outer space
hot knifing hash is no joke so i can only imagine thc concentrate oil

hash is a FAR cry from the potency of well made oil.

the best potency your going to find in hash is MAYBE and i mean MAYBE 65-68% active cannabinoids and thats talking seriously out there unworldly hash, most very HIGH quality hash, comes in around 55%!
where as a chemical extraction (butane/iso) your looking at 90%+ active cannabinoids
hash is a FAR cry from the potency of well made oil.

the best potency your going to find in hash is MAYBE and i mean MAYBE 65-68% active cannabinoids and thats talking seriously out there unworldly hash, most very HIGH quality hash, comes in around 55%!
where as a chemical extraction (butane/iso) your looking at 90%+ active cannabinoids

yea i would imagine
oakley1984, your oil is tight
have you ever tried this with vaped 'erb?
do you think there'd by enough leftover to make it worth extracting?
usually vape at mid temps, not high

EDIT: oh and also will this work?

hawt dang >>
yer oyelz ;)


I just did a huge batch of iso, and followed your method to the letter. Modified collection a little to handle the quantity, but my method was the same.

Holy shit, best oil I've ever had, never mind made! I got that deep red color, it smokes incredibly clean, and it's just the tastiest shit ever. Plus, I now have over three ounces of the stuff! Can't thank you enough man. Now I have to ask, (since there's no way in hell I'm sharing), what's the best storage for oil. It never lasts around here, so I've never had to keep it for long. It's in gglass containers, cool, dark place. Will it be as good in a month as it is now, or will it degrade over time?

Thanks. You are the new iso guru in my books.
Interesting technique bud but unfortunately it takes somewhat longer to extract ALL THC with ISO, a simple pour through just wont do it, its a BIG waste, your extraction rates would be interesting to see:) Even chlroform needs 10 minutes for a good extraction!! Their are more complex ways to get the crap out of ISO completely, with a GREAT extraction rate:) Once the ISO actually boils, it cant get any hotter, evap by boiling keeps it at its boiling point, no higher, careful when its gone though!! I rarely need to heat it that much to evap it fast. Its an interesting method i might adapt for better yields, loos like a great product compared to what most manage with ISO, i prefer hexane with an ISO and water wash myself!! Golden honey, not lungbusting BHO crap!! I am freezing the waxes out of a large ISO extract at the moment:)[different extract entirely]
Interesting technique bud but unfortunately it takes somewhat longer to extract ALL THC with ISO, a simple pour through just wont do it, its a BIG waste, your extraction rates would be interesting to see:) Even chlroform needs 10 minutes for a good extraction!! Their are more complex ways to get the crap out of ISO completely, with a GREAT extraction rate:) Once the ISO actually boils, it cant get any hotter, evap by boiling keeps it at its boiling point, no higher, careful when its gone though!! I rarely need to heat it that much to evap it fast. Its an interesting method i might adapt for better yields, loos like a great product compared to what most manage with ISO, i prefer hexane with an ISO and water wash myself!! Golden honey, not lungbusting BHO crap!! I am freezing the waxes out of a large ISO extract at the moment:)[different extract entirely]

seriously?? you're an idiot to begin with. 2ndly. Gtfo.
because he CLEARLY didnt read the guide and just came to troll.

the exposure time to trichomes nears the 1hour point. sometimes longer depending on final filtration.
I have some ISO oil/extract that I made before I read your guide and the consistency is taffy-like. Hard and sticky. Haven't had the chance to do another run yet, but should I be shooting for more of a liquid consistency? Thanks!
Yo, very interesting, How did you find that freezing the weed locks in chlorophyll?? It obviously works for long enough for a reasonable strip, no sign of the horrible green gunk at all!! Also, why do you think that a gold ISO and oil mix ends up that lovely red, its got me stuffed, unless you use your favorite food dye,lol. What sort of yield would you expect out of that ounce of bud?? Much less complex than what i go through to get good oil from ISO..groan:/ Ime using multiple solvents[polar and non], water washes, a real pain, but a good product, hexane is my real speciality but i like variety, like to give this method a go, any answers would be appreciated:)..Shane