Well-Known Member
Good luck man...
Hey Kor, no new updates? its been like 3 weeks, whats going on with your grow?
Hey Kor, no new updates? its been like 3 weeks, whats going on with your grow?
Good luck man...
Hey Kor, no new updates? its been like 3 weeks, whats going on with your grow?
Cool Man Glad to hear Good Luck!Hey tek. Much thanks for the ongoing upkeep. I had been on here under a different name before when you first had your first aero journal. But, I forgot that password and shit so I had to make a new one. So now I've revamped my situation and I'm attempting somewhere around my third or fourth grow. My last two or so have been pretty successful between the hps and the foxfarm, but were cut short because of things other than my growing ability,so I'm pretty confident this time around. Just trying to work my way into the community and make sure I have something to fall back on when I need to.
Later on...
Hope this helps good luck and thx for the comps....hey tek, been following your threads since about january. see Back in decemeber my wife got an aero garden for christmas and we were joking around about how good it would be to grow the "good" green in and she pretty much dared me to do it. so i googled aerogarden marijuana and low and behold what was the number 1 hit? Your rollitup thread on aerogarden growing (makes you a semi celibrity it seems) i read through all 71 pages of your thread (and i just checked right now it is up to 175,625 views gotta be some kinda rollitup record dynamite) and read through many many other threads on these boards on the subject of aeroponics. I have lately been follow this thread and decided (with the blessing form the lil lady, since it is her garden) to make an aerogarden attempt with the lowrider 2 strain.
Damn can't believe you read all those pages! haha awesome! I think It may be there in the record books too... LR2 is a good choice...
So I contacted the good doctor (thanxs for pointing him out got my beans with no hitch popped them into the garden, unplugged the light from the figure 8 socket, set the garden to salad greens (which seems to be the general consensus for germination), and covered the lil aero seed baskets with a towel (to keep the light out just till i see some sproutage). they seem to be sprouting nicely ( i did have to turn over the seeds in te sponge thingy no big deal though) i have a few questions for you or any other aerogardners out there
Seems like you got the right idea....which aerogarden do you have? the old classic or new pro 100 or pro 200?
1. After i see some green what garden setting should i set my pumps to? i know there is answers out there but everyone seems to have there own opinion to the answer of this question and i would really like to here teks answer.
You can set it to pretty much any setting...it really doesnt matter...but if you have one of the newer aerogarden you should set to the 24 hour light/pump cycle and simply buy a light timer and plug it into your socket, then plug an extension multi outlet to it and then plug the aerogarden and any extra lights into the multi outlet and set it for like 16/8 or 18/6....
2.What kind of light cycle to veg do you use? Once again i know this has been answered many times but there is so many different answers to this question i think my mind is gonna melt.
See above answer...I use 16/8 works out better for my situation and convienence...
3. How long after i start to see some green should i add the nuts.
I use the fox farm nutes right away and I follow their schedule but half the dosage for the first week or two...But you could start to use nutes pretty late into the grow if you wanted but I don't see why...A man by the name of Zoidberg has got an awesome grow going of LR2 using no nutes just tap water and it's going great....As long as you keep the PH steady 5.5-6.5 you'll be fine....Its a lot easier than you think...
4. On the subject of additional CFL do you buy full spectrum bulbs or just the generel run of the mill hardware store bulbs? The full spectrum bulbs they sell at the local pet store are very expensive (about 47 dollars for one bulb) so i was wondering if it really matters. But they have some really crazy ones that are like 18" long CFL and i was thinking those may really provide some nice additional light coverage if placed vertically along the sides but i havent purchased them yet. was curious what everyone thought about them.
I bought regualr cfl's I guess...you want to use cool white/day light for veg and warm/soft light for veg...Only use cfls not incandescents....the more cfls the better....
I know alot of these questions have been answered but there are so many different opinions out there i would like to see teks response (especially since now i am done with the research and ready for the hands on)
Your Welcome!tek..you dont kno me obvsly..but i gotta thankyou.
Your Welcome...
i popped 3 seeds in the garden last sunday and there all about 2" and even though there just babies ive never been so excited for a grow.
i just wanna give you your props because you deserve it.
if it wasnt for you and all your work with the garden i wouldve never gotten into it in the first place and i would be loaftin around waiting to start outdoor.
im just one of your many thankful students
Thank You!
thanks for sharen the love
Think it said classic on it so it dont have the extended reach lamp neck. I am hoping with the low rider seeds i will have lots of room even with my 14" neck.Teknique70 said:Seems like you got the right idea....which aerogarden do you have? the old classic or new pro 100 or pro 200?