desert dude
Well-Known Member
ok ya i didnt know that, but what about all the other stuff i said . . .. your not a sniper .. . . this isnt one strike and your out . .debate class . . . .so what about the stalking and harassing with a fire arm begin illegal(im not sure if it is but it is florida?) and martin being able to stand his ground .. . . . . . and i just dont think Mr Z was in mortal danger more like his fear and anger got the better and those are excuses they help give context to what happened but
ignorance is not a excuse when someone has died
and Harrekendoll your a better grower then yes man, tell us what you really think
Yes, someone died and that is a tragedy, particularly for Trayvon's parents.
There was no stalking. There was no harassment.
You don't think Z was in mortal danger and you speculate about his fear and anger. Others see it differently. I certainly see it differently.
If I were cold-cocked and then mounted by my adversary who then proceeded to slam my head into the ground I "would reasonably fear great bodily harm or death" and would use lethal force to protect myself if I was able. That is what Zimmer claims and what the eye witnesses and police report corroborate. That is why Zimmer was not charged.